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A member registered Mar 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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The music is nice, but the game feels a bit buggy. There were several times when I got stuck and couldn't continue playing. It's quite an innovative game, though!

Good Game

The game is really fun, but it's missing some sound effects. The graphics are great, and a tutorial would be a nice addition.

Help Screenshots

shows a overview of the game in a Trainstation
Guide (Thanks to ClassyKraken):

The main goal of the game is to never run out of resources and survive 5 rounds. Each day, a train station can lose some resources: Tools, Food, and People/Workers. If there are no resources left, you lose a life.

How do you fill up the resources? Every day, a train station produces resources, but not every type. The village produces only food, while the cities produce tools and workers. Each round, you can fill up a train and send it to the next train station, but the train stations need to be connected. Additionally, if there is already a train on the track, another one cannot be placed there.

Good luck!

Hey ClassyKraken,

Thanks for the feedback! It really helps because I would have prioritized other tasks before addressing this important matter. It's really easy to forget that players don't know everything about the game, like I do.

Thanks again!

It's straightforward . Adding some music and adding some variety to the game loop could enhance the experience.

It will be reflection. Trust me bro

we just make Reflection. Because we don't have time to wait.

I don't have to much time but i would really like helping someone out. I specially in programming in Godot


The game is stuck at the start up (see picture)

My specs are:

OS: Arch Linux x86_64

Kernel: 5.18.1-arch1-1

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (12) @ 3.200GHz

GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 5600 OEM/5600 X

The Linux Version of the Game is stuck at the Loading screen. In the Debug Menu this is what is written

/home/user/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamVR/bin/linux64/vrmonitor: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

I hope that helps

(1 edit)

the Linux version doesn't seem to function.

(1 edit)

Nice promise just my "dead" Characters doesn't do exactly what I was doing and the controls don't feel responsive.

Nice sounds and good animation. But the controls are a little bit clunky and right now you can win flawlessly by just spawning the left mouse button(without moving it around ) .

Thanks for the detailed Feedback it really helps a lot. I really thought that the second Level fights was better than the first looks like I need to rework that to a little bit. ... and the spelling mistakes... ähm ... lets just say they shouldn't be there. 

A fun short game with nice controls.  I just didn't like how the end boss was just a normal enemy with more healt. 

Nice little game. I just didn't understand that you needed to click the text to advance, I opened and closed the game like three times before i realized it :D

The Games music is nice but not for to long(maybe a mute button would be nice). The controls are very nice everything fells responsive and really good to play.  Its nice that there are multiple endings . Some Levels lag a little bit. 

I just meant more at a time.

thanks for the feedback

Nice game.  with great visuals

My problems with the game are: 

- you should be able to craft more than one thing 

-faster picking things up

- i would personally like a different difficulty were you don't restart the game when you die

- i get lost easy (some kind of map would be helpful)