Oh cool! I uhh wasnt paying attention I guess
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I'm not at all "yelling", or upset in the slightest. Just pointing out that the game is broken and has been broken for years, and that the page should be set to private or taken down. I felt like I upset you and didn't mean to come off as an asshole, so I DID go ahead and download the .pref file and put it into my directory and the game DID work afterwards.
So I hope you update the file here on itch with that .pref file included soon.
Really an amazing shmup that finds a unique balance between being easy to play but difficult to master. The score multipliers you accumulate make combos all the more intense to maintain and death all the more painful, as you lose your multiplier bonus upon death.
An especially fun, approachable and challenging game when it comes to the scoring, And there's so much room for gradual advancement in high score that you wont feel like you've hit a massive wall like in many other shmups. I get a little better with each run, they feel meaningful and its very satisfying to finally spawn in that certain golden enemy thats been eluding you.
Massive, powerful and varied weapon choices, enemy variety, beautiful art, unique mechanics, crazy score potential, low barrier to entry, and a very receptive and passionate dev make this game truly one of a kind.
I like the update, but it still doesnt save my setting for the length of the score screen at end of stage. It seems like everything else saves correctly now, the keybinds and ship speed settings, so if you could fix that last bit I can stop having to navigate to the options every time I boot the game.
This game is badass, but a HUGE problem Im having is that I cannot get the settings to save, or the highscores. Theres multiple types of saving and I do them all, and the game will hold my settings a few times, but then at random seemingly I open the game and the controls are changed, not even their defaults! Just different! And the highscores wiped, AND my unlocked ships RE locked! Like wtf! Its annoying as fuck to have to remap the controls every other time I boot up the game.
I rambled this planet as hard as I could, but was still shy 9 or so parts. Still, used my nukes to become a warlord and things turned out pretty nice. This a game for serious ramblers, bumping into things fifteen times sometimes to yield a part lol. In other games I'd be frustrated, but the world is so colorful, interesting and compelling it's all good.
I cannot BELIEVE the effort put into this! It's right up there with Humongous Entertainment titles in terms of animation quality... And DOZENS of people worked on those games, not even counting the voice actors. Dang, as someone who is also making a horror game in ags with prerendered 3d graphics I'm... Super jealous but also super inspired to work harder on my project. I'd love to chat with you sometime, pick your brain about some of the techniques you use here, are you on discord?
I LOVE this! Cant wait for the ability to save to be in the game. Still havent made it past the first level of the forbidden dungeon though...
Edit: FOund a bug that seriously wounded my spirit with this game. I had some badass armor, a two handed axe that did 63 damage, was killing corpse spiders and undead in two swings. Had the bronze key and went through the relevant door. An undead came out with a two handed hammer and we swung at each other at the EXACT same time. My weapon flew from my hand, fine but THEN I WAS STUCK STANDING straight up! Couldnt move, attack, or do anything at all except watch the undead kill me... It made me so sad I dont think Ill be able to give this another go for a good while.
Hello Mike, just wanna say that I grew up with this game and Spooky Castle and Eddie Galaxy and they were my favorite video games for a long time! Super dooper glad to see these on itch, but Im having a massive issue I hope you or someone can help with; Im getting an error that says "MGL Fatal Error, Cannot find graphics mode"
Ive tried running from cmd prompt with window, tried compat settings galore, even googling the error gives me no exact duplicates of the error at all. Im on windows 10, do you know anything about fixing this?
Holy crap this game looks good. There's literally nothing like this on itch, I play this demo 5 times now just to scrutinize the environmental design, textures, and that scrolling grid effect that gives a semblance of squirming movement to the filth. Would it be possible for you to outline your process? Or at least what sort of software you are using for these environments?