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A member registered Aug 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Hello I'm gonna make this a bit too long so feel free to skim through or read in depth if you're serious.  I ramble a bit but I do want to show that I'm serious about this even if it doesn't look conventionally professional. 

My main example projects can be found below... - A NES style JRPG where you roam the map get in random battles get exp and skills. Done in unity and has not been worked on in a while. All art done by me and the game is very functional up to and a little past the first dungeon. - My current project which is more in line with my passions. A tactical RPG which doesn't quite have a demo version yet because I need to put some levels together. The base engine is done and I can show off the project in action from my screen but it's not quite ready to put into other peoples hands yet. The (currently visible) art was all done by me. The game mostly functions with player turns, enemy turns, actions, levels, growths, a few passives, healing, trading items, etc. It just needs a bit more time to cook before I have something people can actually play. 

- I have a collection of other projects most of which are like the above but less well put together. Consider the two above my portfolio for the purposes of this. I have two other projects that would be worth showing off but they have some unique ideas that I want to preserve for myself for now. What I'll say is I have some experience with making a vampire survivors style game [Unity] and a long time ago a physics based puzzle game [Game Maker Studio]. 

- I've also started working on learning mobile game development through Godot so that's an option though one that I'm not proficient in quite yet.

So I don't have any completed projects, why should you hire me? If you're really interested you should hire me to build a game engine. The flaws in my games and where they start to "Fall apart" or "Slow down" is I'm not exceptional at actually making a game with the engines I build. Level design, plot, game balance, art... a lot of those things slow down my projects or are kind of an issue for me. I'd say the NES Inspired RPG above was a fully functional engine, I just didn't know how to build a game well with it. If you're looking for a hiring phase, "What's your greatest weakness", that's it. 

That said, I'm willing to work on any elements you need to make a game. I'm just not promising to be amazing at the balance, art, or sound effect phase. That said, please don't make me do sound effects or music. You'll regret it. 

So enough stressing what I'm bad at. Lets stress what I'm good at, I have the skills to put your game together and I'm going to be cheaper than most alternatives. I'm not going to be the best at building an entire game -for- you but if you work -with- me, I'll be amazing. I'm also serious about this, game development is what I do and what I want to do. I'm a reasonable human being who wont start drama and will be willing to work with you to make a game. I have a lot of ideas when working on stuff and am more than happy to share my brilliant ones to make your game better.  I think the tag word here is I'm "Passionate" about game design.

For what project I'd be good on... I've pretty much only done 2D game development but if needed I could dive into 3D, it'd be a slow learning process though so keep that in mind. I've worked with a lot of programming languages over the years and can honestly get a feel for most in a very short span of time. So I'm not strictly locked to Unity/Godot but using anything else is going to be a learning process. That said a Unity project will be slower than a Godot project.

I can also do art which... is slow and honestly it'd be better to hire an actual artist. But if you like my style I do think I'm actually getting better. Just know you could commision a better artist most likely for cheaper because I'm gonna stare at pixels for far too long. 

I do want to stress here that I am looking for a -paid- project. Not a revshare and not something I'll be paid for 6 months in the future. There are a million brilliant ideas out there, I know because I'm working on my own passion projects. I unfortunately have bills to pay and my incomplete passion projects don't pay that well. 

I think I've gone on long enough about me, if you're serious about this and still reading then congrats! You can now contact me in person with any questions you might have. I'm on discord as "scrapmettle".

Hello, I'm a programmer myself with many years of half finished projects in a lot of various languages. I'm most proficient at using Unity for now though. I've mostly dealt with making RPG style games and systems. Link to my main project below (Everything there is made by me, I'm no artist but I'm proud of what I've put together)

The game above is pretty fully functional (from a gameplay loop perspective). Random battles, saving, classes, skills, items, equipment, towns, shops. So I know how to at least put a working game together.

I've not really done any 3D game development, so I'd have rough patches in those areas as I got accustomed to models and whatnot. Inventory systems, functional RPG mechanics and such are stuff I'm at least decent at. I've also done some tactical RPG stuff but those examples are old as sin and were done in just pure languages like C++ when I was absolutely crazy; I do know how to make them though. More recently I made a little vampire survivors clone that has a lot of the functional elements. I've worked a bit on platformer style games in the past too and once made a pretty good little control script with wall-jump capabilities I was happy with... but they're not really my forte. Happy to broaden horizons though.

I have an interest in finding people to work with on projects because I finally think I'm getting to the point where I'm confident in my own skill. I'd like to sit down and see what you guys are working on and talk a bit to see if there's a shared interest in working together. 

I'm fine with Revenueshare but I will want to see a realistic plan for the project being released ever before I'd sign onto anything. Not specifically targeted at you guys, just something I would mention for any project of the type I signed on for. 

You can contact me on Discord at ScrapMettle#9749 or you can just respond to me here. 

I'd be interested in helping out. I'm a programmer and know how to break things, I'm also usually pretty good at figuring out why things are breaking the way they are. 

I've gone through the process of testing a few other games before and usually I provide some decent documentation. I don't really have a portfolio besides my own game I'm making on which has a page on itch 

SrapMettle#9749 is my discord.

Music isn't my forte so I can't give a lot of advice. I'll just say it sounds nice and I can get a feel for the type of game you're going for. 

Alright some feedback time. The game seems pretty decent, I like the feel overall. 

The biggest thing from my brief play session was that I'd like to be able to just apply dice to whatever grid I'm hovering over by pressing a relevant number key. So hitting 1 on the keyboard should just drag and drop the die that's in the first slot onto the grid. Slay the spire does a similar thing and it definitely speeds up the gameplay there.

Second I'm not a huge fan of checking a hidden attack/defense value then doing some mental math. I think you can keep everything the same where you have the enemies stats and die rolls show up when you hover over them... But perhaps show outcoming damage for the turn somewhere directly. So if a lizard guardman or whatever is attacking me twice just show a "4" somewhere. 

A minor gripe at the start it's hard to tell what you can actually interact with from the main menu until you hover over it. I didn't know I could select what dice bag I wanted to use until... well until I started writing this and double checked it. I like the asthetics though. Just somehow find a way to make it more clear you can select the hero character down there. 

Also for the test version maybe write for the other dungeons "Not avalible yet" and have a very handy, "Click me" button or something over it. Cause for someone jumping in here it's a little confusing trying to enter multiple dungeons and it just not working for 2/3. For me the crypt is the one I clicked last. 

Being able to preview the dice in the dice bag select from the main menu would be nice. 

I didn't like the way energy was shown. This one is definitely preference though, not sure how I'd change it. It's functional and does look nice though. Maybe make the used energy even darker? Not sure I just stumbled a few times, especially when it came to higher cost energy dice that I wasn't expecting to cost 2. 

It was a little unclear at first that you're supposed to click "Fin" to activate the board and the reroll button is something I forgot about that I really shouldn't have. I'm a little dumb though so that might be okay. Maybe brighten the letters, outlines on both of them? Like make the hover effect the standard so they're more lit up and have them turn gold or something when you hover over them? 

Speaking of the "Fin" button having a check for if you try to activate the board when you have no dice slotted like an, "Are you sure?" might not be amiss. 

I can't speak for a lot of balance for the game because I only played some runs for the first few floors. I was a little confused when I upgraded dice at the end of combat and then got a random die afterwards. I thought I was upgrading the dice I chose into a new random die. Probably want to make it a little more clear with a small animation or something that your die of choice is being upgraded AND THEN you're getting a new die afterwards. 

A lot of this is small polish stuff. Your game definitely has a good asthetic and solid core gameplay loop. 

I'm not really interested in taking up the project but I can give you some basic tips to at least solve your current issue. 

Hit me up on discord at ScrapMettle#9749 and I'll point you in the right direction.