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A member registered Aug 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Doesn't say anything about it,  so if it's not against the rules I'd suggest a disclaimer of some sort. Not everyone wants to see that kind of stuff and you'd be limiting your audience in those cases. maybe have a toggle for it in the options menu?

It doesn't state a specific method that will result in killing, but "achieve goals without killing", so this can mean player or environmental. A fun interpretation could be that if you don't kill anything you accomplish a "hidden" goal, making it an optional gameplay mechanic. An example I can think of would be something like, if you don't kill any enemies in a level/room you gain some health.  

lol, yeah I know, just had to comment before I did, actually went ahead and got the rest of this series, inspired me to make a prototype. I'll share soon 👌🏽

Haven't even downloaded it yet but I already love it, great work!

I was thinking the same

you are a legend buddy

Rafa Fiedo Channel

Eli Cuaycong - Godot in 10 minutes playlist

if i can suggest 2 tutorial creators, Rafa Fiedio does good quick and easy to digest stuff... also Eli Cuaycong, he only has like 3 but they're also short and insightful... they both keep it basic, which was nice when i just started out

your lighting tutorial and day night cycle was great! can't wait to see more of your game btw

unintended bug, forgot to add a cooldown timer... thanks, the jumps were intended for later levels and bigger bosses, hopefully after the jam i dont forgot to upload all the changes 

thanks, you too, post the link here when you're done so i can try it 

same... gonna finish anyway and publish even if it's not for the jam 

a bullet storm game initially came to mind when i saw the theme... those are pretty chaotic 

thanks, the transition is bad yes, i lost alot of time... because life... i didnt like it either but didn't want to miss out on submitting something... i guess my explanation on the submission page is proof to that (typos) anyway... the light clears the room, which is not meant to imply the baddies die, they just vanish... thanks for playing my game :)

Why is this game so addictive?! XD great work!!!

thanks, the enemy behaviour is intentional yes, it promotes caution, there will be more levels, promised myself if i get even 1 comment asking for it i would add them and "finish" the game

After loads of setbacks i managed to submit something... and yeah... it's something

Good luck everyone!!!

Rarely are any of us great at something during our first attempt... like walking, you gotta start somewhere

Cant wait to see what you come up, will be nice to have something to measure my newb skills against

Good luck! 

great advice, I didnt actually think of #1 so thanks

the one you have the most fun  using