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A member registered 52 days ago · View creator page →

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That cat rekt me hahaha, cool game :)

Nice stuff, would be good if you could skip the intro if you fail

Cool!  Reminds me of Yume Nikki

Darn, this looked like it would have been good!

I liked it!  It was slightly confusing what I was supposed to do once I got the key, I couldn't find the correct door.  Maybe it's a bug with my browser, but it was running at a very low framerate.
In any case great work :)

Cool game, has a lot of potential.  Only criticisms are the text boxes and collision.  The text as it stands right now is very big in such a small box, you could try making it less wordy.  I ended up skipping the second half of the conversation at the start as it drug on a bit.

Nice game!   Really nice gameplay.  Maybe the SFX were a bit too loud though

I feel I would have really enjoyed this one, but I wasn't able to get them to come to me.  As a fan of the FNAF franchise myself I must say the concept is unique.  Nice touch letting you boop the poster nose : )

Thanks for playing :)
Internally we found it quite challenging too ahah, don't worry about it

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where do you stand on the JFK still alive conspiracy?  I personally stand on the side everyone's too afraid to talk about

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you're a turnip, and a fake hedgehog

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Nice game, I might just be a noob but I wasn't able to finish it.  I forget what the level number was, but there wasn't a clear path forward after a certain point, just a platform I couldn't reach.
Other than that, I really enjoyed it, some great concepts!  I particularly enjoyed jumping at bats with the knife in hand.
Soundtrack was fitting, maybe there were more tracks later that I couldn't get to, but the only track I heard was spooky!  The harmony shifted frequently, something which helped it suit the subject matter in my opinion.

Overall, great stuff!