I get you. Might try to get my group to play a short three arc story with this but have to see. They are a tough sell on anything other the 5th ed dnd.. sigh
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The setting in interesting and very unusual. What did you envision a typical adventure to be? Is it more of an endless travelogue or a journey of correcting or repair 'flaws' of the locations journeyed to? Also would to PCs be very powerful compared to the average persons they meet or is this the common level of power in general?
I would suggest expanding the results table by a few points (probably in the center numbers) else a stir fried monster has a pretty good chance of giving the party exp every time. Oh and for ingredient mods, -1 for none, +0 for basics (salt or other common spice, or gathered greens), +1 for good spices or real vegies and greens, and +2 (or higher.. but I doubt it) for rare and precious spices or prepared ingredients (picked devil radish and the like, things that could be sold for chunks of coin).
Ah I see. I Missed that section in the Resting rules. And I thought it would count the next scar as well vs the 2d6 (even though it is written as you said in the current rules). Ok Cool. Going to see if I can get some of friends to try this but they super entrenched in 5e.
Oh! under Light, am I checking each die seperately for a 4+ or I am totaling the dice? Can't find it in the light section or example.
ok, I more curious what you envisioned when designing the game. Feeling it would play like a lvl 0 funnel or grim dark kind of thing with the character's being ground down by the world. In the game you are running can the character raise their abilities by training or are there treasures, altars, quests that would give them the equivent of an extra?
Does the character have to use the whole modifier, e.g. if I have 3 scars I have a +/- 3 can I use that as a +2 or +1? From the combat in the last adventure recap it looked like they decide after the die is rolled? Also in the rules it says every roll in combat does that apply to defense and damage?
I am having trouble following how combat between players and monsters work. "For instance, if an enemy has an injury stat of 3(2) then they must suffer six points of damage total to receive three injuries. " So the number outside the () is armor? But there is also a DR stat for monsters.. so I confused.
Probably at least 100 exp, maybe as much as 200. Are spells something that can passed to another or are they learnable? I guess that would depend on the game you are playing in. I find it more interesting that everything is based on exp, you buy equipment and increase in power and skill using it. And exp is gained by defeating foes and completing adventures.. says a lot of things about that setting.
I like the idea in this but it seems to easy to destroy or wreck the world, which would be a problem for the PCs (hopefully) but any cultist could just keep casting till the risk happens. If it was that easy to do it, would be happening everywhere. It's still a great idea though. Maybe the Risks are very small areas and fade it time? Or are pretty easy to repair.
Here are some of the changes I've made for the multiplayer version I'm running/ working on:
Some special creatures will have Danger and Defense.
Danger Factor (DF) is the chance of something happening to the character that is currently acting, they range from 0 to 3. Danger is rolled by the player making the attempt they are doing. Dice count for both player and creature. If playing face to face, use different colored dice to represent Danger level. If in roll20, the use the dice to the far left and count to the right. Example; Remy is attacking a Royal Elite with a die pool of 4d. This Elite has 2 Danger Levels. In roll20, Remy rolls 4+2+1+5, the highest is 5, so mixed success. The 4 and 2 are danger dice, so add the 4+2=6 scratches. So 1 condition and a scratch left over. See Scratches for more.
Defense Factor (Def) is easy, subtract any Defense from the total dice of the players attempt before they roll. Example: Marcel attacks an Armored Knight with a Defense of 1. He puts together a pool of 4d, but only gets to roll 3d because of the Armored Knight's Defense.
Scratches five (5) scratches equal a "consequence" on a character or friendly NPC, with less than 5 not being important till more are added to the total to make 5 or more. At the end of an adventure any scratches left over will vanish upon downtime. If the final scratch to total 5 was gained via failure, treat as Fail.
Wounds are the number of Succeed results needed to defeat the creature, obstacle or situation. Most creatures only need 1 success to down. If a creature or obstacle does not have a Wounds listed, it is a 1 Wounds thing. Characters can get more than once Succeed per turn, each 6 counts as a success, so 6x2 is 2 successes, etc. A player can spread around it's successes but have to start with the creature or situation it is fighting. Also not every encounter needs to be solved by violence.
Treasure, most creatures (and areas) will have some kind of loot to them. If the situation is cleared successfully, in addition to whatever the dungeon guide says, the players may search the room/enemies unless they are under some kind of time pressure (once per player using whatever skills and items they can bring to bear) and compair the highest roll to the following; 1-3 Nothing, 4-5 1 Loot, 6 1d3 Loot. Remember a Delver can carry 4 Loot without it taking an inventory slot (5 Loot is a Treasure).
Yeah when I played with the 50% breakage it got darker then it needed..lol.
These are the current mod notes I'm working with.. I'll be playing with a group of 4 players on wedesday so hopefully it holds together.
Using a torch in the dark with groups as the basis of a procedurally base campaign, use character generation,the downtime and Equipment purchasing rules as per the rules with the following modifications.
The main changes during Delves will be:
Characters will start with 3 Stress and 3 Corruption slots (+1 slot (choose) when new skill gained, up to maximum of 6 stress/ 5 Corruption), 2 Skills and 3 items of Equipment.
Marching order, it is important (for traps and such) to know who is going to be affected, so when entering a room who is first second etc. The first person in the room will usually be going first for actions. If some kind of trap is sprung roll a d6 and up to that number person in the marching order is affected, for example if you roll a 3 the first, second and third persons are affected. Some traps require more than one success, but most don't.
During a scene, the story determines who goes first, and the active player chooses who goes next but the turn doesn't end until at least every player has gone once. Hirelings and followers may only help one character per turn. Each person in the group we'll have to individually make a risk control (possibly solving the scene) but they will have the option of passing one of their d6 on to a party member instead of using it themselves.
During an encounter there will be at least enemies equal in number to the group or if a single enemy he'll be strong enough to be a threat to the group. For example if the group enters a room and they encounter a group of undead to defeat them will require enough success' equal to the size of the group to win the encounter. A demon encounters will require success' equal to group size plus 2 to end it. (NOTE: Another option is using a 1d6; 1-3 normal encounter, 4-5 double the encounter, 6 triple the encounter). Since this is going to be tougher then a normal Delve, if the room is cleared successfully, in addition to whatever the dungeon guide says roll 1d and on 1-3 nothing, 4-5 1 Treasure found and 6 2 Treasure found.
Adventures beyond the Delves.
Due to the need for some granularity, enemies will have a damage rating and a wounds value. Damage rating (DR) is how much they do if they hit a target, and Wounds (W) is how many successes are needed to down them. Refer to the table below for approximate values. If the roll is zero or less no damage is done that creature. 5 scratches equal a "consequence" on a character or friendly NPC, with less than 5 not being important (will vanish upon downtime). Wound is number of Succeed results needed, players can get more than once Succeed per turn, each 6 counts as a success, so 2 6s is 2 successes, etc. Most creatures only need 1 success to down. A player can spread around it's successes but have to start with the creature or situation it is fighting. Also not every encounter needs to be solved by violence. (NOTE: After looking at the table of creatures maybe something like "Name (DR-3/T-4) Notes" makes more sense.)
Treasure, most creatures (and areas) will have a Loot value. Usually this will be in the formula of "Loot 1d6-3" or some such. If the roll is zero or less no loot on that creature. 5 Loot equal a Treasure. Treasure and Loot is always looked for after the encounter has been solved. Players may use Loot in Downtime by spending 2 Loot to do a roll two die and take lowest. (NOTE: Make random table of what the Loot looks like, players love chrome.)
Creature Damage Rating/Wounds Treasure Notes
Giant Rat 1d-4/ 1 1d-5 Corrupted rats, engorged on magiks. Sometimes they swallow something valuable.
Swarm of Hungry Rats 1d-3/ 1 Becoming increasingly common, being driven to the surface by undead below and the scarcity of food.
Peasant 1d-3/ 1 1d-4 They supported the revolution and now they are starving.. this is unfair! Maybe they can be talked to?
Group of Angry Peasants 1d-2/ 1 1d-3 Now there is a group of them. They demand answers! and food.. mostly food it seems...
Angry Loyalist 1d-2/ 1 1d-2 Banishing a weapon, they are the ones that will keep the new regime in power. They will test everyone's loyalty.
Group of Angry Loyalists 1d / 2 1d Standing or marching, they have weapons and are kind of fed so they are loyal to the cause.
Skeleton (or Zombie) 1d-1/ 1 A weak form of undead, clawed their way up from the underground crypts, only knows it hates the living.
Group of Skeletons 1d / 2 1d-2 Remembering little of their past life, they know they are stronger as a group and they share a hatred of living creatures.
Horde of Skeletons 1d+1/ 2 1d One of them knows how to lead and it will use this horde to get revenge on the living.
Ghoul 1d / 1 1d-2 A more intelligent form of undead, looking for victims, likes shinies, eats though it gains no nourishment.
Group of Ghouls 1d+1/ 2 1d+1 Several together become more dangerous and harder to stop.
Horde of Ghouls 1d+2/ 3 2d In life they hunted and feasted together, they want to keep doing this after death.
Undead Knight 1d+1/ 2 1d+2 Once a might warrior with the best equipment, now a rotting armored corpse that only seeks to kill the living.
I have a question. When an multi load item (lets say Wrecking Tools) is take as a Fail and reduced to 1 space, does it still work? Can it still be used during challenges? at the moment I go with it can be used but 50% chance of breakage/failure (is that too harsh?)
Also I'm currently putting together a multiplayer version of this (working title is Group of Torches). If you like I can post the modifications I've made so far. I want to keep it semi-randomly generated so there is some card drawing etc.
I really like this but I was thinking my players would hate it (they are mostly only familiar with DnD 5e). The d4s would be a big sticking point... then I realized I was an idiot... just use d20s and take the highest. Same tables but times 5: 1-5 Absolute Failure, 6-10 Partial Failure, 11-15 Partial Success, 16-20 Absolute Success.
I know this kind of defeats the "Love for the unloved d4s" but I think I would have an easier time selling it...