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Spike Spiegel

A member registered Jun 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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Я пробывал накрутить деньги в игре... Ну у меня ничего не получилось... Не очень хочется тратить кучу времяни на фарм волюты, мде...

I have a question. Is it possible to make money in the game? Or where is the save file? I'm not eager to farm money for several hours in a row to unlock new clothes and new scenes...

This is not the problem, the vast majority of users of such sites just download the game and are not interested in the developer and help in development. And not only that, just posting your project on a pirate forum is not a good idea, I don’t want to offend you, this is my personal opinion

I don't think putting the game on F95 is the best idea...

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Mofu, вы не будите против, если я вам напишу? 

Я как фанат этой игры, который следит за ней уже долгое время, хотел бы поговорить о последних событиях...

Если вы не против, я могу вам написать, надеюсь я не утруждаю вас своими просьбами...

Надеюсь на ваше понимание.

Куда делся Lipstor? Он был лицом этой игры как и Mofu. 

Летом прошлого года, люди предлагали добавить Lipstor в игру, Mofu согласился тогда. 

Mofu, можешь сказать, когда примерно ты добавишь Lipstor в игру? :)

yes, I completely forgot about this section)

Strange, I don't see the letter...

Да он просто просто выпендриваться... Я уверен, что он ничего не сделает.

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Lipstore, I emailed you. In general, I'm waiting)


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Как раз сегодня смогу обсудить это с Липстор

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Привет, я тоже фанат этой игры:)

В принципе можно организовать дискорд сервер для этой игры. Куда можно добавить фанатов и разработчиков этой игры. Думаю идея хорошая.)

Извини, что не на твоём языке отвечаю, пока нет возможности ответить на английском)

Mofu and Lipstor, I'm finally back from my business trip :)

Already downloading the new version. I hope you are doing well with the progress of the game. Sorry I haven't been here for so long. Good luck guys, and went to study innovations :)

Thanks for support. I'm honestly glad to hear that not everyone treats us badly.

 But I want to note that the war is now going on between Russia and Ukraine. Military actions are taking place on the territory of Ukraine due to the initiative of one person ... If you are interested, I can tell you in more detail how a person who is somehow involved in this conflict ... in Russia there are conscripts and, in theory, a person who has reached the age of 18 can be called to the front without his consent...


I'm in stupor...

Please don't beat yourself up

Oh, I have a similar problem, my gamepad broke for 16,000 rubles. No money for a new...

But you can’t lose heart, life is not limited to these things, in any case, you need to do something. I don't think it will take long to find a job. You have to endure different things in life. Let's not be sad there. Everything will work out for you.

Now we have a problem with Russians that we cannot influence, I'm talking about the war (I think you know), in connection with this war, Russians in most countries are disliked to put it mildly and we are unable to change anything. And something can be done about your problem, so don't be discouraged, be more optimistic :)

How is character creation going? :)

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Не думаю, что персонажей надо переделывать, в каждого персонажа вливается много сил и времени. Каждый герой игры прорабатывается и в следствии создаются его уникальные особенности. Ну для примера, это как если бы тебе сказали, что-то менять в себе, потому что кому-то это не нравится)

Unfortunately you can't. The developer said that he will add this feature in future updates)

Updates come out frequently

Давай мужик, я верю, что у тебя получится. Я тоже пытался так игру пройти, но мне кошка заруинила всё прохождение. Берегись кошки и её снарядов

Man, this game only has one developer. I think this game is very good and it will only get better with time. It is currently under development and will most likely be fixed in the future.

Хорошо, я понял)

Right now, you can only get pregnant from Rabbit in the game, but in the future this feature will be available with all characters. While minions cannot be improved (as far as I know), they can only be changed. I agree, the game is very good))

Хе-хе-хе, я тоже фанат этой игры))

Кстати, где ты заметил косяки в русской локализации?

I'll try, but I agree with the last one. In my opinion, in English, I often talk nonsense))

I use Google Translate

Wow, this is cool, good luck to you, I want to see your character as soon as possible)

Just take your time, it's better to do everything carefully, but slowly

О-о-о-о привет земляк)))

There will be a bug fix soon

Oh, I understand you)

thanks for the answer :)

How is character creation going? :)

hahaha, that's reassuring)

Of course, if Mofu believes that the game should become easier, then I have nothing against it, I'm not creating this game, after all)

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I see this game as a good platform game, not just a simple hentai game. Therefore, I think the complexity of the bosses and the plot is also important here. I love platform games, especially complex ones. So I don't think bosses should be easy.

That feeling of a long-awaited victory is lost if the boss is too easy. As they say in Russia "Без труда не выловишь и рыбку из пруда")) (Nothing can be achieved without effort).
