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This one is really confusing me... Thank you for making my day!

Love the art and audio so much!! Gameplay is a bit awkward sometimes though, and a pretty straight forward platformer. I also didn't hear the SFX on the Soundcloud upload ingame, I guess they couldn't get implemented in time? (we ran into a similar problem haha)
I think this game could've been rated a lot more if you had a web version working, because aesthetically it's great!

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This one is underrated! Nice learning curve on the movement, theme incorporated, pretty aesthetics, and nice original music & SFX to boot! I agree with the comment on offering some more 'speedrunner tech' to allow for more mastering of the game. Other than that, well done!

Very fun to play!! Really good idea to include those little areas where you can skip stuff if you do it right. I appreciate that the checkpoint trigger is larger than the actual object haha

Oooh, very fun mechanic! Nicely done with the scaling up in difficulty as you progress. I also appreciate that overheating doesn't mean instant death but still incurs some penalty. Game looks cute as well :) Well done!!

When I saw Wampy requesting someone to do music/sound for the game and I saw his art, I was blown away!! It inspired me immediately, he's very skilled! He deserves all the praise :)

Clever little puzzle game, interesting tie-in to the theme to create a sense of urgency! Nice creative thinking :)
Aesthetically it's a bit jumbled in styles, but I don't really mind. Did you make the Gas, Gas, Gas 8-bit remix?? If so, damn, impressive! If not, good fitting choice! But I don't see any credits for the creator if that's the case.

I think this is one of the more unique submissions, well done!

This game is fun to play!! Nice challenge, I can definitely imagine it would be fun for speedrunners, nicely done on the movement and gravity aspects!

Great! Fun to play, pleasing to the eyes :) Fits well with the theme!

Pretty visuals!! Neat story/setting idea and objective, this has some real potential! Well done mate :)

Gorgeous visuals!!! The gameplay definitely works for the speedrunning skill ceiling, I wasn't very good at it haha but it was quite satisfying to chain all those grapple hooks in overheat mode, nice! Non-overheat and overheat music could be balanced a little better volume wise but they both sound good! Well done guys!!

Nice game! Fun to play, realizing you can click to another tile mid-transit was a fun little a-ha moment, and the setting ablaze mechanic being multi-faceted (speed, more vision so you can click further away tiles, burning through obstacles) is a good touch! I think the music gets a little rough with the constant kick blasting through, but definitely bonus points for doing that AND the whole game yourself!!

(2 edits)

This is really good! Very simplistic, pleasing aesthetic/artstyle, it works very well! I like the movement, and the dash feels nice with the invulnerability, after-image, and screenshake! I think this game has a great learning curve for the speedrunning side of things :) It was really hard to aim in the boss fight due to the gliding movement, but I suppose that too is part of the learning curve haha
Good work on the SFX as well, though I'd say there could've been a few more like dashing and shooting, but really nicely done for this short timeframe!
Well done!!

Game looks very pretty, and I think you've made the click jumping very satisfying! It definitely took some getting used to having to move the mouse in opposite directions whether you wanted to walk or do a jump, but I suppose that's part of the learning curve? Looks really good and quite challenging fun for something made in such a short span of time!!

INCREDIBLE visual style!! Very nice aesthetic :)) Nice and pumping soundtrack to go along with it!

This is awesome!! Great cohesion on artstyle and sound, cutesy 8-bit sounds! And nice gameplay mechanics to work with :)

Cute game!! Lovely artstyle, nice little song with sound designs to go along with it, good mechanics for this kind of game!

Oh I just played that one myself too haha

That game was a bit on the louder side, but not *that* loud for me. I don't have to turn down the volume of my browser to play it, and YouTube videos or such aren't drowned out by it either, so I'm not sure. Different settings for different hardware/software for different people I guess, could be a lot of things. That's probably why we didn't catch the loudness ourselves until it was too late, I suppose.

I think the general thing to have learned here is that volume sliders are a must!

(1 edit)

Good point you raised about the copyrights haha, I only did the sound so I hadn't really looked into that

The red guy is Elmo, from Sesame Street! I am kind of surprised you don't know him hahaha

Yeah, a friend of mine said the same thing about the music but it was unfortunately too late to implement volume sliders :\ Sorry about that!

Okay yep understood now! Haha

Woww, I love the aesthetic on this! Especially the way the ball looks. I like the learning curve, might be fun to work more with left and right, or bending tracks or such as most levels are a pretty straight run, but other than that I'm very much into it! Did you do all the visuals, code, and sound by yourself? That's really impressive!

Really nice visuals, super fun and fluid movement controls!! Unfortunately the road you're lead on doesn't give you the cool ramps and jumps (but I suppose you should ignore them to get a faster time haha, maybe that's the point) but I think if there was more for the nice movement to react to the game would skyrocket in fun!

The music is really well composed and played! I think it could use some better mixing/mastering tho, it's a shame that the blazing guitars sound so muffled and the drums are not very present; but again, awesome composition and playing!

Nice reactive car engine sound!

Very nice aesthetic!! You made all the visuals, code, and sound yourself?? That's really impressive!! I think the screen-shake could be toned down a little, but overall quite enjoyable! :)

(1 edit)

This is awesome!! WarioWare vibes, aesthetically it looks so good!! All on your own in just three days?!?!? Love the randomization aspect, even of non-gameplay elements like the laptop background! Might be a bit too much randomization on the gameplay for the speedrunning, but gamejam rules aside this is GREAT!

NICE. The aesthetic really hits well, the gameplay took some learning but that's exactly the kind of skill development that helps with feeling achievement from finally doing things right! The music and sound also really nail the vibes this one is going for, love the production you've done there! Well done!!

This game had me going "Huh? How do I do this? OOOOHH!!" And those kind of a-ha moments are really great to experience in games. Love the gameplay, well done!!!