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A member registered Dec 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Is this another game focused on trauma? I'd just like to know due to previous bad experiences with Echo.

Omw. Just finished my first playthrough and I've got two things to say. 1) My brain almost broke reading this. 2) That was one of my top 5 reads so far, trumping even established publishers I've read from. Like seriously, even though my brain almost exploded from trying to keep up I couldn't stop reading until I finished the whole this, which only a rare few things can do mind you, so cudos to you for making a new fan of me in ONE sitting. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading through what you've presented, and the art, designs, music and writing melds together so well to create such a defined yet mysterious picture that I'm now about almost obsessed with. Please, keep doing what you've been doing for my sake, cuz I might have withdrawals waiting too long. Also, please take good care of yourself and happy belated birthday. I know I'm late to congratulate you but I will regardless. 

Also, just btw. To come to a point, thank you for publishing this gem in the rough. I can't wait to see what you'll present to us in the future, and thank you for your efforts. I'd donate cash If I could but my funds are tied up. 

Why bring up the vag specifically? being married to a woman is enough proof already.

You Okay man? 

no sorry, I figured it out after some frantic clicking. 

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Hey I'm a bit stuck. where do I find hardened slug secretion??? And how do I get it???

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How do I start my adventure, nothing i try works

Hey, regarding your issues with playtesting the android version. Have you tried finding a Emulator? I am studying to do web programming so I've done some research myself and found out that emulators are regularly used by non-browser programmers. 

tnx man!

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Hey guys, i missed the computer password in the beginning. Any hints on what it is? Also I need help with the rat den... i can't get to the shop to get more clues for the keypad by the rat den cuz I can't sleep till morning and i pass out before i can get to the shop.... 

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Hey I've been wondering, does only Richard have bonus scenes or will the other guys too? I've only been able to read Richard's bonus scene. If it helps I'm on Android, I dunno if the other routes are implemented since I've lost track of the updates and I'm unsure if it's a bug.

well considering that it makes sense. Generally though I'm just concerned for your health dude. I sincerely love this game, it's carried me through a lot of dips when my boyfriend can't so honestly over the one or two years I've been playing the game it's kinda become something special to me. Though even so, I'm very much aware that you are just human and that you also have a mental health. And despite my love for your game I just genuinely also want you to be okay, even though it's to be sure that you'll keep making quality content for the game. Excuse my selfishness. 

Are you alright? You've been adding less content over time, I'm concerned if you are feeling well Dyne. You don't feel burnt out?

find the four pages in the maze, it'll give you the code you'll need. Just follow the numerical order the code gives you.

thanks man! This'll do me wonders!

I hope everything is going well Rook! I can't wait to see what updates you've got planned.

How do you find the other dildos??

Do you perhaps have any plans to add an android version? I personally think this game would be amazing on android.

How do you get Anthony to be ape person???

Dude some patience? I suspect he's either busy or doing some things to make the game better. He did update this month so it's fair to say he's most likely not forgotten.

Is this game gonna potentially truamatise you with wierd psychological themes and break off control abruptly from the player? The game seems good, just not a big fan of losing control of my choices or being permanently scarred. Tho i do deal with suicide nearly daily so i dunno where i stand in the "toughness" range tbh.

up to where has the game been translated??? *Secretly dreads using translators again...*

Got a feeling this game is going to be cancelled next year. 

Hey not to be ungrateful, but I'd like to know if we could build relationships with the other characters in the game eventually? Also, on a unrelated note, when will we be able to have more saucy scenes in the novel???

I concur to this, it would definitely be fun. 

thank you! 

Where do I get tangled fiber?

Happly bday.

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InWONDERFUL! Though depending on which region you speak of and what of our 8 cultures you're talking about there may be diffences, I'm part of the Boer culture which means I'm a descendant of the German settlers of South Africa. To me, a good and classic dish is Pap met sous end wors. Which is essentially a corn crumble porridge with a tomato and onion sauce, the Pap is then accompanied with a sausage. 

Though if you want to reliably contact me then you'll need to use WhatsApp, and I think it's sorta obvious why since South Africa's current dilemma must've come up in your research. I can perhaps direct you to my discord or telegram tho but I'll be much less available on there. 

well I do speak Afrikaans quite fluently and I can help with Afrikaans phrases and habits if you'd like stuff like that. I mean for example a very loved quisine among Afrikaans south Africans is Biltong which is a dried and spiced meat. Though it might be similar to jerky biltong is varying meats and such. 

Wait is Themba Zulu? Or has some kind of connection to African mythology? His name strikes very familiar to names that are common in South Africa.

I don't know about anyone else but dozer always will be my favourite, I mean he's just such a huge softie and it melts my heart. Yes he's into some risky stuff but damn he's just such a great guy, makes me wish dozer was a real person I knew.

well I'm using android and I updated last month.

With the coach grifter route I noticed that the CG for his sex scene doesn't work properly, the mc's shading would move but his arm would stay in its initial position. 

I'm curious, are there any plans to add NSFW content to the game or will the game be revolving around connecting with a chosen character? I don't mind either way, I'm just curious to know.

I beat Mike first time due to immense luck. I guess the best way to beat him is by using one turn to heal up if needed and the second turn to attack, obviously keeping your friend's health high is a high priority. 

Tnx for letting me know! I'll wait for the next update then. (Btw saying you'll do it by fall means now for me since I live in South Africa, it's currently fall now. But I understand what you mean, just thought to add a bit of light humour would be nice.)

I already have the currently posted ppublic build and I'd like to know when the next one comes out?

Yup! Took me five tries and a hell of a lot of gathering for health and restrain potions to actually beat him the first time. Now I've got a habit of keeping at least 10 health potions in my inventory.

I've got a LG K40 running on one of the newer Android os. My first assumption is that it's a screwup that happened at the download, but it persists after I updated it and also reinstalled the game. I'd give you a proper bug report from my device but I honestly don't know how I'd go about accessing the game's core files neither how to read JavaScript or any other digital language.