Hey not to be ungrateful, but I'd like to know if we could build relationships with the other characters in the game eventually? Also, on a unrelated note, when will we be able to have more saucy scenes in the novel???
Yes, it's as Trinexx said. The MC can only romance Asterion, but while playing the role of matchmaker you'll be able to see their stories evolving. It'll be a little bit like Storm and P's story (assuming they got close to each other in your playthrough) but less spread out, more focused. If you liked these two characters having their little story you'll probably enjoy what we have in store.
It's hard saying for sure when we'll have the next spicy scene, but... Well, for the main story we've been through the 18 chapters of setup, now the MC and Asterion are getting together, we aren't too far from getting there.
As for the other characters' stories, we're looking into giving Luke another sex scene but it'll be much more about building his character than it'll be about porn. We'll see how that goes.