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A member registered Jun 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Awsome art! cool game loved it

Loved the game !

Very fun game with immersive visuals sfx and vfx 

At first i didnt see the scanner on the top and just eyeball where the best place to plant.visuals and music feet the game so good I loved it !

Thank you very much !

Thank you for playing and the rating ! 

Thank you for the feedback, its my first game jam and i didnt have enough time to playtest and tweak the settings , hope to do better in next game jam!

At first didnt understand what should i burn, had a long time figuring this out.  but the visuals and the music is so cool

Thank you very!

Tower defense similar to Plant vs Zombies  like it !

The music fit so wall , at the beginning had hard time understanding how to throw to the fire but overall had fun

Fun game , liked the way to used the limitation , graphics and visuals look cool!