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A member registered Sep 05, 2021

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i meant the horizontal momentum seems to change while rotating which seemed weird

shutup bitch i liked it

very nice TD, but it can be hard to predict how the enemy path would change so I think it should have a preview of what will happen to the path if you place what/where you are currently holding

it seems difficult to make use of the trees / blockades because of how the pathing works, i ended up just making a maze of basic towers with a road in it, i don't really have any suggestions here but it would be cool to be able to make better use of them. maybe if enemies couldn't path through one of towers or blockades so you could force them to go through it? but I guess that could just make the game too easy

pretty cool, flying around with the shuriken is fun

i'd like it if there was more variety in the attacks, maybe on some number of consecutive hits it could do a bigger attack

great stuff, the only minor complaint i have is that the environments / slimes look a bit bland

gameplay is good

the art looks nice but theres not much going on

Ah yes you are right about fullscreen sorry, I must have missed it. Font size options would be nice I think

would be nice if resolution setting affected the main menu too, I thought it wasn't working at first. Also would be nice to allow fullscreen, it was a bit hard to read sometimes

didn't expect case sensitivity in the terminal.

delete key repeat is quite slow (but its nice you have ctrl delete there)

cool concept and interesting gameplay

cute art, definitely think it needs some visual feedback when taking damage though

it didnt seem like picking up hearts did anything also

(1 edit)

i liked it, good gameplay and music, thought its a bit hard to get to the right position to hit some things because of how fast you move but maybe thats just me being a shitter

The stars dropping from enemies could do with a bit bigger pickup range i think.

At one point the sound bugged out and it was playing the shooting noise on repeat - I think it happened when i got hit at the same time as holding down the attack button (video is from after it happened though)

very nice style, think some atmospheric bgm could be nice too

Where you can or can't place towers didn't really make sense to me, is it based off the range of the tower overlapping with unplaceable terrain?

The tower placement is also a bit weird I think as it just shows the full range of the tower but the tower is only 1 square in the middle of that range, i think it would make more sense if you showed the tower square and then the range as a different colour around it (and transparent)

The physics felt a bit weird when rotating in the air, its like it slows down / speeds up randomly, I would have expected to keep the same momentum