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A member registered Sep 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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Okay so this game I believe was only built out for 64bit, I don't have access to the files either considering how long ago this was. Feel free to check out my more recent stuff though, Ink & Yuki is WebGL so I think it should work on your system. Most of my listed stuff is very short though, theyre primarily just GameJam related.

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mind if I ask how you stumbled upon this? Your comment is relatively new, and this would have been made like around 2017

Hey I'm the original developer of this, I've since lost access to that account. I can say this was my first game made with the Unity game engine, so I really didn't know what I was doing back then. For the game to work make sure you download both tetrick the game.exe and tetrick the After that extract the zip file, place the exe inside of the folder created from the extracted zip, and double click the exe to launch.

Thanks for playing, and your excellent feedback! 

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! 

Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! 😄

Thanks for playing! We're planning an update for after the rating period so feedback like this really helps! :)

Thank you for playing and your excellent feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

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Thank you for playing and your kind words! <3

The music is so good!

Very polished and cute!

Very fun and well made! The tutorial does an excellent job of teaching players what to do in a way that feels very natural.

Really neat idea!

Hello! Artist & Unity Developer here, looking for a team.

I totally see what you're saying, but I think color would ruin the aesthetic. With that said I may have to look into doing some grayscale to help reduce eyestrain. Thanks for the feedback! :)

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Its all 2 animation (Idle & Walking), the snappy turning is because i didn't lerp the rotation since I ran out of time lol.

Thank you, and good luck!

Honestly ya that's a good idea.

Thank you, I love this style. :)

AddForce uses the Rigidbody2D so that method I think is fine lol

To fix your collision issues you'll want to set their Rigidbody2D component's 'Collision Detection', to Continuous. Even after this you might want to slow them down slightly, and perhaps even change your method for moving them. If you're using something such as transform.Translate or transform.position to move them this can cause physics issues, and you'll generally get better results when accessing movement through the Rigidbody.

Really like the art style and the you win screen is actually fantastic!


Thank you very much! :D

Ya sucks, but may continue it, I absolutely love this art style. :D

Super cute, and impressive!

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Hello, we're looking for a talented pixel artist for my team's retro-esque MMO Everham Online. Our game is based in a fantasy world with a heavy emphasis on magic, with a simplistic yet caretoony art style(See Below). By the end of production players will go on quests, fight bosses, and will PVP for control over forts.

Note: We are seeking to commission artwork, not hire employees or a rev-split agreement.

If you're interested feel free to reach-out over Discord: [Fish]#4407

Awesome, I'll be sure to reach out if we need any additional work. :) always good to have contacts!

Currently no, but if anything comes up where we could use another actress I'll be sure to reach out.


Hello, we're looking for a female VA for our retro-style mmo, we're not dead-set on any particular accent so if you have a strong one please feel free to reach out. Below you'll find a video of the game's current state, its still early in development so much is subject to change however it is a good view of what we're going for.

If you're interested add me on Discord: [Fish]#4407

Awesome work as always!