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A member registered Mar 30, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey all, Have done a couple gamejams, and am interested in joining a team as an artist for this one. My style is predominantly prerendered 3D graphics, which can be seen in some of the games i’ve worked on (my latest being super tsunami surfer. i’ve attached some pictures below:

I do have a bit of godot experience but as I’m much more of an artist than a developer I’m down with working with any engine.

visuals are neat! curious to see how this develops

Fun! I like the spin on the traditional vampire-survivors-like gameplay. it was fun enough for me to want to retry a few times after dying. My main point of feedback would probably be the music- I found it a little frustrating with the loop being so short.

Fun, though fighting the player’s physics felt fustrating, like the hitbox made me feel clumsy. the water idea feels super unique, and I had fun with the puzzles, though I got stuck on the level in which you cannot spawn water, as every time i attempted it, i got a box stuck in the corner and couldnt get it out.

neat little metroidvania! had a fun time trying to explore this undersea environment. fish/cephalopod sprites are great and I love the harpoon guns “hold space to shoot farther” mechanic, made playing a little more complex than just press space to shoot. got stuck on the first clam, and there were times where i went through a door and felt unfairly hurt by enemies immediately.

I keep getting in trouble even though im just playing games!

Hey all, I’m part of a team comprised of 2 artists, 2 developers, and 1 musician. Since most of our team is not able to work consistently throughout the period of the jam, we’re looking for a third developer who’s interested in joining!

what do you need help with specifically?

hey, I sent you a friend request, maybe you could join up with me and a few others if you havent already found a team !

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Thank you! Graphics were made in blender :) hard to see ui is an issue with the web build, if you are able to fullscreen (bottom right) it should work better

Interesting, though the AI seems to appear inconsistently and is only used for a few very short puzzles. the doors also seem to have a very awkward animation and I found myself dying on each one at least once. Regardless, I think this could be fun with a little more work if you intend to work on it after the jam!

Really fun, couldn’t get past level 9 though… maybe if I spent more time. Really liked the visuals and that there was no deafening sound effects :’). Awesome work!

very loud, but very fun, was sort of confused at first what the victory condition was

awesome game, very fun, unfortunately had to mute the sound or else I may have had an aneurysm.

I’m sorry, I was unable to play the game as it seems you forgot to upload a file. I’ll definitely check it out if you end up remedying this!

I’m sorry, I was unable to play the game as it seems you forgot to upload a file. I’ll definitely check it out if you end up remedying this!

just a tip, next time you should put all the files into a folder, zip the folder, and then upload that :)

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very fun and interesting concept. I really enjoyed the varied levels, though I experienced an issue with the web version on level 5 where I was unable to move.

Pretty cool game, still kind of confused on what any of the buttons do or if my input meant anything, but enjoyed the silly dialogue and art style

My favorite game so far! I really loved the gameplay, though i feel the game was a little too long for me to give it enough time to finish it. after level 10, I was checked out by how much I struggled with it, but it made me feel like a jenius when I did. I love billybob, please give him some more love if you intend to do any updates after release, and maybe a level selector as well. Gameplay is super fun and really creative, though its sometimes tricky to know when the rules for something change, like a block having more than 2 positions. WOWIE!

for a jam about collaborating with AI, this AI is extremely Uncollaborative! regardless, super interesting game with great visuals, with the only fault being the barrier to entry… as someone who knows barely any HTML or JS, I couldnt figure out how to enable the AI on level 2. This obviously isnt a game for someone like me, but I feel as if this game could become more accessible by slowly guiding the character through concepts, maybe making it educational in HTML/JS?

Pretty fun, sounds are a bit loud and repetitive, played the whole way through and enjoyed :)

Love this game! it’s really hectic and a pretty simple concept with an interesting AI to have to work with. the controls are a bit confusing, as I’m not sure what the purpose of the up and down arrow controls are, and I don’t know if I’m just blind, but I think it was a little confusing to tell which apples were poisonous. The only other critiques I can give are the text being inconsistent with the pixel art on the tutorial (which could be argued was done for clarity purposes) as well as the text on the title screen shaking a little too much. The music is also a little loud, but That can easily be remedied by turning down the volume. Awesome work you two! I wish I was doing jams when I was that young lol

Love this game! it’s really hectic and a pretty simple concept with an interesting AI to have to work with. the controls are a bit confusing, as I’m not sure what the purpose of the up and down arrow controls are, and I don’t know if I’m just blind, but I think it was a little confusing to tell which apples were poisonous. The only other critiques I can give are the text being inconsistent with the pixel art on the tutorial (which could be argued was done for clarity purposes) as well as the text on the title screen shaking a little too much. The music is also a little loud, but That can easily be remedied by turning down the volume. Awesome work you two! I wish I was doing jams when I was that young lol

I think the concept is very interesting, but the sword may be pushing it when it comes to the theme. the voice acting was very silly though hard to hear as it’s quite quiet, but I really like the visual style of the game. I was unable to progress past the shopkeep as I came to a grey screen. I think this could have been great if you had more time.

Really pretty and interesting concept, though I did glitch into the floor a few times in level 4 which made completing a little more tricky.

Really beautiful game, levels are fun, narrator is silly, great game!

Awesome game!

got a score of 208 seconds :)