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A member registered Apr 23, 2018

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I'm also really late since I haven't checked Itchi in ages XD It's been a bit since I played the game but I believe it would still work since it's just requirement triggers. Although, you've probably already discovered this yourself since it has been a year since you posted this according to the time stamp, lol.

No worries! Glad to help ^-^

Hi! And the CG's on the first page (I didn't show the first page in my original post since I have the first page filled) on the left for the 1st row is a scene that should trigger just by spending time with Shuu at the mansion, though it might have been specifically attending the job times he give you. I have noticed that those are considered two different places to meet him, that is meeting him at the mansion for the job and meeting him at the mansion on non-job days. That scene is when Shuu catches a cold. The one in the second row is Haato and Shuu's first kiss and I believe it is triggered by using the mouth icon on his mouth three times in a row, though this particular scene may only be triggered when you do this on their first time having sex. I don't think so though, I believe it can be triggered at any foreplay time. All of the guys seem to have a similar scene to this. 

Hope this helps!

That's the one where you get both Haato and Hikaru to wear the cat costume. I believe the requirements is to buy the cat costume at the love hotel, have sex with hikaru 7 or more time, and have him wear the cat costume a few times. It should trigger then. I should say that my Hikaru is a dominant top, but I don't think dom/sub or top/bottom matter to get this scene.

Ah, that helps a lot actually, thanks! :) That clears up a lot of the confusion I've had actually ^-^

@shironecro - How did you get the purple dildo/vibrator scene?? Did you just use it on Tocchan or does it trigger automatically once you buy it?? I'm always afraid to use the toys since I play Haato as a completely submissive bottom and all of the toys seem geared to making the other guys the bottom.

No worries, glad to help! ^-^

I believe it's December 10th, but you have to have a relatively high fame during November to trigger it I believe. Tocchan will mention it if it triggers.

Alright, soooo, you have to wait till after Tocchan shows you the photo of him in highschool (The one in his year book of him giving his school council president speech). After you get that scene and CG, buy the black looking school outfit from the bear in the love hotel (I don't remember the name of the costume, I think it started with a G? Either way, it looks exactly like Tocchan old school uniform in the first CG I mentioned). Just get him to ear it during foreplay after you've done all that and it should trigger. I should say that I triggered this one while Tocchan was a dominant top, so this scene is a different version of one of the scenes I haven't gotten yet (As the scene I haven't gotten yet needs him to be a submissive bottom when the costume scene is triggered).

Hope that helps!

Ah, that makes sense. I'll try to trigger that when the fanmeet comes up. Thanks!

Ah, I'll keep visiting him at the restaurant then, thanks! And hmm, welp, now I'm not sure. I think I did the fanmeet in December but it may have been mentioned late November?? And no, the demo doesn't go that far into the year. I'll just try to pay special attention to getting my fame up quickly when I reply his route.

Ah, thanks! That helps a lot :) Though, I'm not quite sure how to get the one where Hikaru is blindfolded though.

And ah, I believe the 10th one is where Hikaru fingers Haato. I got it randomly during a foreplay scene, sometime before the seventh time we've had sex. It might have to do with me making Haato bottom for Hikaru at the fireworks festival and staying a submissive bottom up till that point entirely. My Hikaru is a dominant top. As for what I was doing in foreplay mode to trigger it, I was literally just randomly clicking around, I think I was switching back and forth between kissing his mouth and his neck and it just randomly triggered. 

Hope that helps! Sorry I can't be anymore specific!

Oh, that would make sense. I usually try to play Haato as a completely submissive bottom, so unless I'm at a scene that lets me pick either option immediately, I usually miss the ones where the guys have to be the bottom, haha. Thanks! I'll have to redo his route with him as a bottom for that scene.

Hikaru CG page 1

Hikaru CG page 1

Hikaru CG page 2

Hikaru CG page2

Hi! I'm currently on Hikaru's route and it's still kinda early in the year, sometime before the aquarium date, and it seems like I've exhausted all of the weekday scenes(I'm already lovers with him). That being said, I'm still missing 6 CGs and I can't image they are all from upcoming calendar events, so I may be missing something. Any help or advice would be much appreciated!

P.S. What with this post and the other two I've done just below, I'm hoping that others will find some useful information to help them find CGs they are missing. Also, if your missing one of the ones I already have, ask me about it and I'll try my best to describe how I think I got it!

Oh, I did get the scene where Haato and Shuu find the kitten and Shuu adopts it, but I didn't get any CG for it. Is there another scene later where it shows after Shuu adopted it?? And ah, I  might not have called him the night Tocchan mentioned the meet. I romanced Shuu pretty early in the year and I'm pretty sure I had the fanmeet by November.

Ah! That helps a lot actually, thanks! Tocchan was my first route I did so I hadn't fully grasped how to play the game yet, which is probably why I missed something as simple as the kissing scene, haha. As for the shibari, I hadn't realized that the toys could trigger scenes. I'd have to use the rope on him, right?? And hmm, I'm hoping the legendary apron scene exists, it'd be sooo adorable ^-^

(1 edit)

Shuu CG page 2

Shuu CG page 2

Hi! I'm re-going over some routes to fill in some of the things I missed and I'm not sure how to get these 2 CGs for Shuu's route. Any help or advice would be much appreciated!

P.S. What with this post and the other two I've done just below and above this one, I'm hoping that others will find some useful information to help them find CGs they are missing. Also, if your missing one of the ones I already have, ask me about it and I'll try my best to describe how I think I got it!

(1 edit)

Tocchan CG page 1

Tocchan CG page 1

Tocchan CG page 2

Tocchan CG page 2

Hi! I'm re-going over some routes to fill in some of the things I missed and I'm not sure how to get these 3 CGs for Tocchan's route. Any help or advice would be much appreciated!

P.S. What with this post and the other two I've done just above, I'm hoping that others will find some useful information to help them find CGs they are missing. Also, if your missing one of the ones I already have, ask me about it and I'll try my best to describe how I think I got it!

Oh! Also, they seem to kinda stick to the same thing each time you have sex, like your guy might be a little hung up on groping Haato but a bunch of time. Usually, that seems to change after a few more times having sex so you might just have to keep trying. I know in Shuu's route, I ended up doing it with him around 17 times before the year was up and I managed to get all his Chibi drawing's but two that I'm still clueless on.

You have to have Hikaru wear the cat costume at least once, through I think you actually have to have him wear it a few times before the scene triggers. I had him wear it every time we had sex after the firework festival, after the first time he made no comment on it, till the eighth time where it triggered a dialogue and the scene where they both wear cat costumes. As for the chibi scenes, a lot of it is either combinations or randomness. Like, if you want to get the blow job scene, use the mouth icon on his dick three times in a row (If he's a dominant top, getting the blowjob chibi will cause the 69 chibi drawing to happen). It's always rule of three though for the chibi drawings you can trigger. Some of the drawing you can't trigger though, and you just have to wait for your guy to do them when he interrupts to take control, but the best way to get those seems  to just be kinda random about where your clicking or try doing things that are slightly related to the scene you want( such as if you want him to finger or grope Haato but, lick his fingers a bunch by using the mouth icon on them).

I got it on my 8th time having sex with him (as in my counter currently read 7 in the 'love life' tab). 

@tjak1 - You have to have Hikaru wear the cat costume at least once, through I think you actually have to have him wear it a few times before the scene triggers. I had him wear it every time we had sex after the firework festival, after the first time he made no comment on it, till the eighth time where it triggered a dialogue and the scene where they both wear cat costumes. As for the chibi scenes, a lot of it is either combinations or randomness. Like, if you want to get the blow job scene, use the mouth icon on his dick three times in a row (If he's a dominant top, getting the blowjob chibi will cause the 69 chibi drawing to happen). It's always rule of three though for the chibi drawings you can trigger. Some of the drawing you can't trigger though, and you just have to wait for your guy to do them when he interrupts to take control, but the best way to get those seems  to just be kinda random about where your clicking or try doing things that are slightly related to the scene you want( such as if you want him to finger or grope Haato but, lick his fingers a bunch by using the mouth icon on them).

Ah! Ok, I think I'm at 6 now, I'll keep trying!

Hi! Quick question. Anyone know how to trigger the scene in Hikaru's route where Haato wears the cat costume?? I've made Hikaru wear it a few times but he just made some comments on it the first time and every time since it's not mentioned in the dialogue during foreplay mode. Also, my Hikaru is a dominant top, in case that effects getting the scene.

I appreciate any help I can get!

Quick question, is there any way to put the Ponpon plushie you get from the amusement park date in your room?? I know the game is supposed to have things that the guys give Haato that you can display in your room, though I haven't found anything yet, and the plushie was followed by text that said I had received a plushie but I can't find it anywhere. Thanks in advance for any help!

Welp, it might have glitched since I did buy the costume and I've visited him in all the spots since then too the point that I've not gotten any new scenes yet and I've had no further mention of using the costume. I'm in late November too.

Thanks! I actually just got to the part where I'm offered the dog costume and I just bought it. I haven't been able to trigger the scene for it just yet though, I might not have caught Shiba at the right place yet.

I totally saw Akihiko in Shuu too XD Which is adorable! I'm glad I'm not the only one getting that vibe, haha.

You have to tell him to do what he wants to do instead of what he thinks is right when you have the choice to comment on whether he should go back to his old job or not. I think you have to have max heart on him as well, but that choice is the main difference between good or bad end, I'm pretty sure each guy as a similar make it or break it choice in their routes as well. If your not sure which choice is better, it's always good to keep a save that puts you back at the choice screen, but you can usually tell by his response to your choice if it was the right option.

Ohhh, I must have gotten them mixed up then. Are there any costume scenes I need to look out for to trigger for Shiba??

Hi! Quick question! Does anyone know how to trigger the doctor scene with Shiba?? I have the costume in his size and I had him wear it in one of the foreplay scenes but he just made a comment on it without a new scene triggering. I've made him a dominant top too.

I don't think that it's supposed to switch, I think it's a glitch. I'm waiting for it to be fixed currently since I'm currently sticking with an only bottom Haato, haha. I really want the bottom CG too ^-^

Haha, I never clicked on it because I was afraid I'd accidentally make Haato top, and I didn't want that, lol.

Ah, I'll wait a bit then before I continue his route then, luckily I've been saving like a fiend so I have quite a few saves just before that date.

Ahh, that makes sense, lol. I've never actually clicked the heart so I didn't know it had options, haha. Thanks!

Haha, we literally have entirely opposite problems XD And it's possible that the scenes were mixed up by accident. Btw, how did you get Haato to top? I'm curious since I'm not really sure how to manage that with only one foreplay scene.

(1 edit)

Hi, I've got a question about Shiba's route. I'm at the first Sunday since Haato and Shiba became lovers, so it's their first time, and the shower scene I keep getting is with Shiba on the bottom. I can't figure out why he is though, since I play Haato as an entirely submissive bottom and I've let him take initiative during the only foreplay we've done so far, plus at the end of the foreplay mode, Haato was bottom. I'd appreciate any help anyone can give!

P.S. I'm trying to get Haato to bottom in both the end of the foreplay mode and the shower scene.

I think the version 3 fixed it. I reloaded a save before the date using the new version and I was able to get Tocchan's ending! Thanks for the help!!

Huh, that's weird then. I've never let my stress get above 30 though so I'm not sure why that triggered.

Alright, I'll try that soon ad report back! Thanks!

I did just notice that version 3 was uploaded, I'm playing the version that was first released when the full game was available, so I'm not sure if this was already fixed in the later versions. I have downloaded version 3 though, so I'll see if maybe it either corrects itself or if going to a previous save before the 30th will allow it to trigger?