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A member registered Apr 16, 2017

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yo rafi when the next update will come out?

(1 edit)

i found another bug.... when u place a gate beside one another the gate wil act stange like 2 gate lvl 1 beside one another will move or shaking and 2 gate lvl2 beside one another one the door that touchone another will open blablabla each lvl of gate will act diffrently when a same lvl gate place beside one another try it urself

(2 edits)

i mean not the herd yeah i know the herd can start even u are not in the camp but a single zombies just reck my base when the herd is still far he spawn out of nowhere

the drunk guy well if u hit a car multiple times the car is jumping, a car that u can get metal not ur own car

hold right click/normal attack button stand near the car,hit it the car go crazy jumping arround and dissaper (u dont have to stand near the car as long as the molotof hit the car direckly the car will dissapear)

is it happend to u when u try it i want to know

and the doubled loot from trash can/bin and the food box usualy u get 1-5 food, if u use drunk guy u get 1-15 food pn one food box and trashbin/can that is what happend to me

i cant spell my english is bad lol

(1 edit)

keep the work and btw zombies can still use gate to get inside and one more sometimes zombies spawn near camp when u are not in camp/far from camp like on city and there is underattack notif - danger - and destroyed well i was on the city that wasnt supposd to happend right?

and i update the post well i still searching for a bug what i found a bug from v.1.0.7 most of it

ok i will sorry for late reply

(1 edit)

question from: dmann2025

In the curch sometimes it will not let me go to the next level.

my answer: thats some thing i dont know maybe the barrier fog is appear too early or u walk to slow to go to next room. its better ask on the bug found blblabla im just a tester hope this help

im just a dedicated tester

thats some thing i dont know maybe the barrier fog is appear too early or u walk to slow to go to next room. its better ask on the bug found blblabla im just a tester hope this help

yeah i know thats why i put the a link to the bug thread this is just a bug that i found and the answear from the developer. peace

(5 edits)

this is all the bug that i can found by testing it myself, watch other youtuber gameplay and from other comments
If u found another bug comment down below what is the bug and what version it is, it will help the developer alot or comment it on the sticky post from the developer (i use mouse and keyboard)
sorry if my english is bad
if u found a bug better comment it on post from the deleloper and pls tell the version its making everyone confused
Any questing ask on post from the deleloper

i will update the post if i had the time

v.1.0.6 older version (u can skip this one if u want)

  • *when upgradeting building sometimes its doulbe the building like gate u can have 4-6 door in one gate and make u stuck or cant open the gate
  • *corpes fly across the map when hit by car
  • *cardbox fly across the map when hit by car
  • *lag at bridge
  • *wierd camera angle
  • *Hard controling car
  • *wood flying to far when u chop it by hand
  • *load map or dungeon slow
  • *spawn zombies wierd
  • *the childer on bus stupid
  • *zombies can get inside using gate
  • *NPc is kinda stupid
  • *change character when load a save file
  • *tower hit itself
  • *boss on cave appear in the stop/rest/heal/loot/camp fire place (from a comment)
  • *......not have much list of it in this version


v.1.0.7 older version

Here the list and all the answer from the developer

*nothing wrong with the car only hard controling it

Im going to make the car accelerate slower and turn less when at max speed this should help with controlling it

*NPc is kinda stupid

Yea the Artificial Intelligence really needs a revamp right now

*tower hit itself if u could make the tower smarter and not hit itself

I fixed this problem in version 1.0.7 updating should fix it

*spawn zombies wierd or its because near player spawn,

The game started as room based so many of the stuff that makes sence when its by rooms look very wierd when its one player and the camera is following smoothly. I'll see how to fix this effectively

*load map or dungeon slow(the loading screen)

I'll try and optimize the loading as much as I can

*wood flying to far when u chop it by hand,

Yea because of the physics some things go crazy from time to time

*bride is lag, (to many zombie spawning)

Theres alot of optimization still to be done especially in the bridge/city areas

*the childer on bus stupid if u can alow them to get on the car will be great

I fixed them a bit in 1.0.7 that mission should be easier to handle now. the problem is that if there is 4 players playing, 3 of them would be in the back of the truck so there is really only one space for an NPC. Its also part of the challenge to get them all back safely on foot. the car will make this mission too easy


*camera wierd when HERD come

The camera is currently moving to a top down perspective when the herd comes to help you see visiually what is going on

*zombies can get inside using gate(not cool)

This should be fixed in the latest version as well, the gates should be closing up when touched by a zombie

*change character when load a save file(not a big deal)

This shouldnt be happening the character you saved with should load with the file, Saving happens at the end of a Herd or when you enter an indoor place unless you press Enter/Start and manually save.

*corpse fly cross the map when hit by car

Yea I'm trying to fix the springy zombie problem

Note im only put the nececry thing if u want to know all visit

*In the curch sometimes it will not let me go to the next level. (from a comment)

Fixed stuff

  • *when upgradeting building sometimes its doulbe the building like gate u can have 4-6 door in one gate and make u stuck or cant open the gate
  • *tower hit itself

not sure fixed or not

*boss on cave appear in the stop/rest/heal/loot/camp fire place (from a comment)

*cardbox fly across the map when hit by car

v.1.0.8 current version

car still hard to control

can hit behind the wall

cardboard fly across the map when hit by car

wood flying to far when u chop it by hand,

zombies can get inside using gate

corpse fly cross the map when hit by car

molotov guy survivor number 5 or 6 every time he hit a car multiple times a car will disaper/fly and the trashbin or food box on a dungeon he get doubled stuff and when chop a tree wood fly everywhere!

problem with phyic like always

when u place a gate beside one another the gate will act strange like 2 gate lvl 1 beside one another will move or shaking and 2 gate lvl2 beside one another one the door that touch one another will open blablabla... each lvl of gate will act differently when a same lvl gate place beside one another try it urself

fixed stuff

tower hit itself

NPC improve (that what i feel)

(still on testing will update again as soon as possible)

the brown mushroom grow to red mushroom right? or red mushro randomly genereted

(2 edits)

sorry can i ask what is the fist version of the game? 1.0.0? well i start testing it at v1.0.3

i will make a list from v1.0.6 cause i forgot to take a note from v1.0.3 to v.1.0.5

(2 edits)

13#zombies can get inside using gate(not cool) [my PC and notebook]

This should be fixed in the latest version as well, the gates should be closing up when touched by a zombie

well they still can get in when there to much zombies pushing in gate lvl 1,2,3 dont know about higher lvl (v.1.0.7)... I test it rarely i will test it when another version out/the game update. and i will make bug/problem list show what version it is, so we can see how much the game grow [will do it in another post because this one is alredy to much]

if u allow me to do testing every now and then version by version and make a list of that

(3 edits)

Thanks for the reply

what i mean by problem 12#HERD aprocing title sometimes dove around when play on car and driving [my PC and notebook]

Is it moving around wierd?

is when u drive the title sometimes left behind cant catch up with the speed by move around is when u stay still in the car the title shown only half in the right bottom screen ithink this one is fix in current version because this prolem is a week ago befor the update and i have list it on my note.

10#the childer on bus stupid if u can alow them to get on the car will be great [my PC and notebook]

I fixed them a bit in 1.0.7 that mission should be easier to handle now. the problem is that if there is 4 players playing, 3 of them would be in the back of the truck so there is really only one space for an NPC. Its also part of the challenge to get them all back safely on foot. the car will make this mission too easy

oh so that mission is for multilayer one or more then one player well ok

14#change character when load a save file(not a big deal) [my PC and notebook]

This shouldnt be happening the character you saved with should load with the file, Saving happens at the end of a Herd or when you enter an indoor place unless you press Enter/Start and manually save.

i mean the fist guy look, he change his hair color

15#lagg becaus lack of ram and audio glich. [my notebook]

Not sure what you mean by audio glitch

well its only problem for my notebook other deviice is ok audio glitch means like broken CD u know its hard to tell in word

the stupis request

7 play as a zombies

When a player dies in multiplayer they become a zombie that can either attack their friends or the zombies

what i mean is from the start u play u can pick as a humand or zombies and try to kill all the humand in diffrent story line befor u need to save the world now u need to destroy it make everyone a zombie

16. boat?

a boat, raft, or bridge building coming soon

cool never though about bridge building

and all of this one 22 craft a bow and sword using wood

23 workbench

24 smmithing a sword or gun

Crafting might make the game a bit too difficult, I'll wait to see if more people request this

good to hear u real did make the game base on community request or feedback

if u had more question about the problem in this list feel free to ask

Thanks again


hey MUIFWEGO/the developer

u said the game will expending right because if it just like that its kinda boring its easy to get the blue thingy, if u leave it like that then its feel like "hey i got all the blue thing better go to the park" boom u beat the game now what? its kinda boring maybe u need to make the map bigger and bigger boss or some sort like that or a sandbox mode?

thanks for making the game fun keep the hard work (^-^)b

oh ok then i dont know why

no problem hope i could help more because i love this game

(1 edit)

i have bad english spelling

btw i uprade my notebook to windows 10 so its kinda forcing the laptop to run win10 dont know how because im not the one who change the window version so its alredy lag pretty bad on other normal stuff the cool thing is this game still can be open usually this laptop caant even open a normal 32bit game event a retro game minecraft card game from the windows it self cant open any game acept this one cool but lag bad still run the game and can play it tho

(4 edits)

i run the game on my notebook/laptop toshiba NB550D 1Gb of ram Dont remember all the spec or some sort but only can play it on graphic fastest, lot of audio glitch, slow loading, laggy af make it unplayeble but i can run the game lol other than that i can still play.

Sorry if my english is bad

edit: everything is running well no bug or anyrthing here the list, and the device i use

#1the chuck load is good smooth [my PC and notebook]

#2nothing wrong with the car only hard controling it [my PC and notebook]

#3NPc is kinda stupid, [my PC and notebook]

4#tower hit itself if u could make the tower smarter and not hit itself [my PC and notebook]

5#spawn zombies wierd or its because near player spawn, [my PC and notebook]

6#load map or dungeon slow(the loading screen) [my notebook]

7#upgradeting house do not slow the HERD wave dont know why, [my PC and notebook]

8#wood flying to far when u chop it by hand, [my PC and notebook]

9#bride is lag, (to many zombie spawning) [my notebook]

10#the childer on bus stupid if u can alow them to get on the car will be great [my PC and notebook]

11#camera wierd when HERD come [my PC and notebook]

12#HERD aprocing title sometimes dove around when play on car and driving [my PC and notebook]

13#zombies can get inside using gate(not cool) [my PC and notebook]

14#change character when load a save file(not a big deal) [my PC and notebook]

15#lagg becaus lack of ram and audio glich. [my notebook]

16#corpse fly cross the map when hit by car [my PC and notebook]

17#....(will keep updating if something wrong using this Toshiba NB550D and other divice/using my PC not notebook) [my PC and notebook]

Request content or some sort:

1. maake tower smater

2. slow the HERD wave or fix the upradeting house make HERD come slower

3. more NPc

4. make the car slow to fast dont make wooosh im flying(the car is to fast from the start)

5. moke control info or guide easier to understand

6. make option graphic when the game start(if it alredy there then im blind lol)

7. smarter NPc

8. more durability on spike

9. make trap more usefull

10. make triler video on youtube maybe(if it alredy there sorry idont know)

11. video for fiture content(sorry again if i dont know if it already made)

12. childer bus can get on the car

13 the guy on the car say "save the childer" can be save on other place(i dont know if ican save him/her yet)

14. pet follower maybe

15, more stuff to build

16. maybe make the map bigger(tho it will change the game because u need to replcae the city dungeon far)

17....(will keep updating if i had another request)

Stupid request or quick idea that fly by on my head;

1. make a multiplayer server

2. ucan play multiplayer use more then 1 device using local sever

3. make a nuke

4. more wepond like michine gun or rocket launcher

5. u can find a TANK!

6 u can control a zombie or zombies pet

7 play as a zombies

9. flying

10. timer bomb or mortar on city

11. move to other map

12 can go inside house

13. can have a child

14 have a family

15 robots or giant mecha

16. boat?

17 exploding zombies

18. a plane

19. earthqueck

20 hunt deer or bird

21. a equipment armor and gun

22 craft a bow and sword using wood

23 workbench

24 smmithing a sword or gun

25 can get rock to upgrade lvl 2 wall

26. nuke again

27 trampolin

28 save the president mission to add more character

29 radio

...... (no more in here better make another post for this lol)

Miss understanding stuff

when u load a save game ur resources will be added to the house not gone well maybe ur HP reseted to fist HP when u play the game.

the NPc wont die when ur tower is destroyed it u can still make another tower

if u can help me play it on my 1Gb ram laptop/notebook thanks alot. btw i play it on full screen maybe it will help abit if i play it windowed. because i cant make money yet to buy another laptop so i can play it on the go (i alredy play it on my compute/PC) thanks again waiting the reply (^-^)b

edit 4 tiimes for get to add list lol will be update once a week

bro i can play in my notebook only have 1gb of ram pick the fastest graphic