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Sime Gaming Studios

A member registered Jan 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thank you!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

It looks like there are a few fixes that might help. Try first redownloading and unzipping the project. If that doesn't work try downloading visual studio community with the C++ package, or if you already have visual studio reinstall the C++ package. Those are the fixes I saw from a quick Google search but I haven't personally seen this bug before or had it reported so I'm not sure it will work. Either way keep me updated if you don't mind I can try to help more if needed.

If you hold left SHIFT to sprint you should move a lot faster. I made the pretty big oversight of not adding that to the instructions on the game but I did put it in download instructions. Sorry you ran into that problem you definitely aren't the only one and it's definitely my fault.

Afro would've been way better for sure. Sadly I didn't make the character model so I didn't have that option lol

This is my favorite game from this jam I've played so far! The only thing I'd like to see is an easier first-song choice. I am not a frequent rhythm game player and I found even the easiest song I was struggling with, I still had fun while struggling though! This was while playing by myself however and after reading the description it seems like it might be 2 player game. If so I am sure I'd have a much easier time!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it!

I'd love to help just email me at!

We definitely could have made our power-ups  a bit more inconvenient other than just random activation. Next time I would for sure lean into the restriction even more! Thank you for the feedback!

We made all the art ourselves and I will be sure to tell the creator you liked it. We wanted to add some more power ups too, the minimum viable product and time constraints just got to us this time. Thank you so much for playing! 

Just tried to play your game and it crashed right after showing the Godot logo every time I tried to open it. I'm on a windows 11 machine I didn't see a specification on what OS it works for so maybe that's the problem.

Our first ever game jam submission is live would love it if you guys could through some ratings and feedback my way. All comments and criticism is encouraged, whatever helps our games get better!

 Thank you for the feedback considered adding an auto fire near the end and I should have gone with the gut. Something to improve for next time!

Very impressive especially for a first game! 

I love your game and the unique superpower you brought to the table. The level design is great and really makes you think. I think the difficulty is done very well it's difficult but in ways that aren't frustrating and make you wanna beat each level that much more. Great Job!!!

Just a heads up you might wanna try to do a hotfix I can't seem to get your game to play it appears I am stuck on the credits from the start. Best of luck!

Loved it super unique concept that ended up being a lot of fun. Do wanna note I found for every level I had to refresh the page in order for it to work I could not just hit next level, I also found that I could pretty easily push the enemies in a way that they got stuck on purpose and on accident. Overall however amazing game great concept and very impressive it was all put together in 72 hours!

I feel like this is the perfect game for this jam.  The concept something so unique yet fitting and obvious for the theme, the level design reminiscent of og mario in how in teaches you how to play without words but by playing the game yourself. Great aesthetic and feel to the controls I didn't find any bugs and it was genuine good fun. I could imagine myself back in school playing this on cool math games for hours on end, bravo great job!

Thank you so much for the feedback! Adding some sort of health would definitely add more depth and improve our game we are so glad you liked it!!