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A member registered Nov 30, 2023 · View creator page →

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The game website also includes subscription via BMT if you prefer.

Perhaps you just missed it, but the website does include that same text in multiple places, and most critically, there's no way to subscribe via either payment method without seeing it at least once. 

It's literally right there (among other places, also)

Thanks!  My Patreon is located here:


No, the demo is just a demo (it doesn't get updated)

That list is a good start, but it looks like some newer items are missing from that list

This is something I really want to do actually.  I got most of the technical implementation done for a cool character visualizer, but never got real art for it and it kinda stalled out progress-wise.  Still something I'd like to do in future though.

Bonerbane should shrink cock size

And more graphics for the map would be cool, it's something an artist friend of mine and I have mused about a bit

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Thanks!  You have to be a subscriber to use mods, but if you are, then go to the debug rooms and use the mod browser there



When dealing with cursed items, remember to also drop the item, not only uncurse it.

I was actually looking into getting a forum set up earlier this week to help with gameplay questions.  I have not found a forum software I love yet, though.

Chapter 6 lets you go into the desert (it's not intended to go in there before you have a mount.)

Likely no animations, sorry!  Though a (still frame) character visualizer is theoretically possible -- some technical work has been done on it, but no art yet.

Mobile support is a good idea, though I haven't been working on this game since the game jam.  If I do an update, I'll keep it in mind :)

Thank you :)

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mobile or desktop?  It only runs on desktop Firefox/Chrome

Thank you, glad you enjoyed :D

Refresh; I tried to fix that before the deadline, but couldn't figure it out in time

No, desktop only for this one, sorry

Believe I used identitycrisis for the monstergirls, and furryrock for furry [automatic/stable diffusion]

"Anything other than 1080p may or may not work. If the character visualization is clipping at the bottom right, adjust your window resolution."

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browser?  Try in firefox or chrome if you haven't already

Thanks :D

browser?  It works in firefox & chrome for me

FYI it's ~38MB just for the base code before even getting to the character images, so make sure you're leaving it sit long enough to download that much (yeah, it really needs a progress bar or something)

Now it's accidentally Infinite Jump Man 😅

Thank you :)