That might be what the documentation says, but unfortunately your PDX file won't sideload, damos games is right that it needs to be zipped up for it to sideload.
So we can't try this...looks good from the screenshot though!
When I did briefly think about it, I thought it sounded tricky to check every possible path from say, bottom left upwards, then move one along and repeat it - 1) I had no idea how to code that and 2) I thought it sounded quite intensive for the Playdate, though there's not that many squares so I guess it would be fine.
Thanks for the link, that's going to be an interesting read.
Thanks vert much for the kind words :D
I’m not sure if Minesweeper was inspired by this but there’s definite similarities
I’ll be honest, I didn’t/couldn’t work out how to program in a check to make sure that it’s always possible to get through the minefield! But in my playthroughs it’s pretty much always been possible haha
Well, you’ve beat my high score on hard of 629 so well done there!
This is really enjoyable, tried the first few puzzles and it works really well!
if you’re wanting to promote it elsewhere, I’d recommend posting about it on the Playdate Reddit sub:
The Hello Playdate podcast also mentioned it as a new indie release in their latest podcast, it’s a great podcast that champions so many Playdate releases :)
Really enjoying this, once I got a handle on it! Took me a few games to realise that I could use the crank to refill my shooting energy :D before that I was like "how I am I supposed to survive more than one level!"
I've noticed the performance degradation by the time I reached a depth of about 5 or 6, will remember to restart to fix that.
One time my ship got a huge laser boost which meant that when I was shooting enemies, they were flickering so much that they were invisible more often than they were visible. This was probably down to having so many lasers and enemies on-screen at one time, and the fact we're playing on a Playdate!
So I’ve played this again tonight and this time my lighting was better…when I played it first, the light was ok but not ideal and I think that’s what caused my problems.
Playing it under brighter light today I could see my player just fine :) I really like how careful you have to be with the controls, or else you go bouncing round the screen madly!