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A member registered Jul 24, 2018 · View creator page →

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I loved the part where you needed to switch from large to small so you could jump higher.

I loved the idea of having a weight attached to your movement and it hindering you. But there is no risk to rushing into a room with many people or cats, because the bag does not influence your inertia a lot and cats don't chase you even if seen.

(1 edit)

I liked the puzzle part of throwing a ladder, but the combat parts felt out of place. If more attention was put into the ladder throwing I think it would have been better. Maybe something like Jump King style? Where missing a ladder throw is punished?

The healing over time item is VERY powerful.

I think the initial spawn point is not correct. If I go to the left a bit, I find a room which seems to explain the main game mechanic. 

The dungeon is called "useless", because you can only use every time once. The reason why  torches don't emit light because we didin't have enough time to implement that, so we just added a vignette and it looked good enough.

Sorry about that, I never have never made an windows executable before this so there could be some problems. The most likely cause of your problem would be that the excutable is 64bit.

My friend is getting a connection timeout and we are playing by ip (hamachi), and on firewall its allowed.

So i have installed the mod and everything, I port forwarded and tried all sorts of ip. But my friend still cant connect to me. Any help?