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A member registered Aug 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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These are good suggestions. I like the sun-moon moving idea and the moonlight making night more visible. I'll have to think about the regular sleep time. So far, the game has been purposely designed so you run-out of stamina, then sleep, for 2 reasons.

1: Stamina is very low at the start, but as the game progresses the player can  use upgrades and items to stay awake longer (indefinitely, if they wanted) and it become more about planning when you want  to sleep.

2: Women appear in a staggered time setup. Every 8 hours is a different woman. So, the player can time their sleeping to meet a desired woman.

The recent versions do have 3 sleep setting styles, one of which shows the hours passing and what events happened while you slept.

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Thanks for the review. This is the free (testing-download) version of the half-finished game (ver.0.54) I am still working on the game for Patrons (ver.0.84 is the most recent) Once I get to ver.1.00 it will be finished and for sale... somewhere.

The click issue was a big problem. I'm pretty sure it's been fixed now, and clickable items are highlighted in red (at least in the Newgrounds ver.0.54)

Well, in my house ONLY my analogue clocks have the correct time! All the digital ones are flashing 12:00... Speak up sonny! Obviously I'm joking.... (my computer and cellphone have digital time) BUT I think the old-timey circular wood clock style fits the game. I will however add a mouse-over that shows the digital time for all the analogue-impaired individuals.

I will take your advice and include a proper tutorial, starting and ending stories, in-game or mouse-over tool-tips and pop-ups or hints where and what to do next.

Oh, hahaha. That was just a temporary testing cheat I added in, when coding Mary's handjob event. I guess I forgot to remove it before uploading. Oops!

Thanks again for all the bug-catching! I've tried to fix most of the bugs. The only one I can't figure out is the "grape-bush-of-death" Where is that exactly? I looked at all the game maps and can't figure out what you mean.

Wow! Thanks for all the feedback. Helpful players like you are a rare treat for debugging! I'll check all the bugs you found and see if I can improve some of the stuff that bothered you. I doubt I can fix the RPG Maker interface! but, there is an option in the Password-Board-Behind-Hovel-Near-Mother-Grave that allows you to set defaults for all sex events, which eliminates almost all clicking choices during sex. Yeah that Mayor wife was hated by all... Try typing "silly" into the password-board and take the axe to visit her for revenge...

I'm currently working on the Jessie, Cecilia, and Mary events, in my plan to release the game on Steam... someday... I've already deleted and redone the entire Jessie event. (it was originally just a "bonus" for patrons...) so I'll ensure those issues are fixed in v.1.20.

I like your reply because it is true... but in all fairness, the creators of 'flappy-bird' (or any successful game) aren't poor anymore... so technically, copyright law is protecting the rich... because they are now rich. In reality, the VAST majority of TALENTED working artists are "poor" relatively-speaking, and (from one point of view) are being "exploited" by the rich... It's just called "employment", where the poor do all the work, and the rich take all the profits and own everything the poor create. Yes, that's just how the world works... but, it still ends with: Copyright 'law' is just a tool for rich people to maintain control over their cash-cow product. (99.99% of the time)

Copyright 'law' is just a tool for rich people to maintain control over their cash-cow product. If the rich person doesn't COMPLAIN... poor people can do whatever they want. If the rich do complain, the poor lose. period. Know what the rich will tolerate, from previous examples, and don't cross the line.

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OK,  I've linked the Patreon account... BUT it seems like it only allows ONE game download? I'm trying to get a bundle working so Patrons can download ALL my games for one price...

Yep. I also included a link to FlashPlayer on my main page.

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I've looked at Steam before... but there is a lot prep work converting the file formats, and info they want like: bank info, tax forms, company info... It's a big headache for a hobbyist like me... but, I'll give it another look.

This game is so old, the code isn't even on my current computer, so updates are unlikely. There are pissing events once you fully unlock one of the gods... Titjobs were requested but I never got around to it. 

Glad to hear it worked! I've made over 10 games, but only posted my most popular ones here. Check out Patreon for my recent stuff. :)

Good luck. Hope it works!

That is odd... This is the release version that works on Newgrounds and Patreon.