Thanks for the review. This is the free (testing-download) version of the half-finished game (ver.0.54) I am still working on the game for Patrons (ver.0.84 is the most recent) Once I get to ver.1.00 it will be finished and for sale... somewhere.
The click issue was a big problem. I'm pretty sure it's been fixed now, and clickable items are highlighted in red (at least in the Newgrounds ver.0.54)
Well, in my house ONLY my analogue clocks have the correct time! All the digital ones are flashing 12:00... Speak up sonny! Obviously I'm joking.... (my computer and cellphone have digital time) BUT I think the old-timey circular wood clock style fits the game. I will however add a mouse-over that shows the digital time for all the analogue-impaired individuals.
I will take your advice and include a proper tutorial, starting and ending stories, in-game or mouse-over tool-tips and pop-ups or hints where and what to do next.