Amazing. really fun and satisfying. I love the upgrading part of the game.
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I would like to see how many goals/destinations I reached in the restart screen. I like the fact that the wagon things are using physics so they dangle behind the player. It's fun to ride in the city, I went like 😮🤩 when I saw that the swings are also using physics.
I am looking at the map half the time so i crash a lot. which is the challenge in the game.
Game also look pretty mmmhhhmm.
Very FUN Video GAme! >!. !
idk if it makes me nervous trying to find the bombs or something else.
I enjoyed the graphics and atmosphere of the game very much.
I found a bug that happens kinda often. When I find the last bomb and press on the door, it shows the position of the last bomb without the actual bomb there. and so i lose.
I think the art is good and that it complements each other. The movement is pretty slow which got me pretty bored when playing. The text that appears in the sign is also slow and unskippable. (it was a pain to wait for it to end). When I tried figuring out the statue jump I accidentally activated the camera sign a couple of times. :(. Aside from some issues, I think the game is great!
Oh cool, I'll play your games :D
Some suggestions I have are:
- The inventory system is hard to notice when I played the game. maybe make the slots stand out a little.
- When interacting with a character I didn't know I could give them stuff from the inventory. Maybe making the slots more visible during the interaction would communicate that you can interact like that better?
- No boundaries on the edges. Maybe put something there to keep the player from jumping. Or maybe have the player teleport back to the ground when they jump off.
- Maybe have some levels introduce the mechanics gradually instead of having a big screen of text.
- In the later levels, the gameplay becomes mostly giving NPCs stuff and using the hourWatch. Maybe an obstacle or parkour path would be fun.
I like the art and the smooth animations in the game. The wind sound effects are cool. There are some spots on the map where you can get stuck if the water is too close to go around the corner.(I lost a round to that. rip) You have to catch up with the platforms or die if they move away without you. As for the combat, you can just dodge the demons, not enough time for them to play the attack animation. Btw what's the green thing you pick up?
I like this game. I think the art is cute and the sound effects/music are cool. The Game mechanic fun to play around with but it really is uncomfortable to get sucked into a big chunk of enemies and not having much control when sucked in. You can't escape the enemies when you are sucked in. I rated everything 5/5. I rate the Game: LEGENDARY
This is my puzzle game, i really worked hard on it and this was my first game jam