Hey! Glad you liked it! Thanks a lot for playing. And making a vid too.
I'm in the middle of updating that gamejam to include all the animations I wanted and to iron out lots of the bugs - like being able to click at the beggining... I'll let you know when it's done.
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Hey. Wow. Crazy atmostphere. I loved finally discovering the Christmas tree - super surreal!
The lighting and the flickering is really well done. And the getting up from the floor, and it was also fun to get animations for all the different actions. And that's one heck of a ghost of Christmas past/future that comes through the door! Thanks.
Thanks! Yeah, if I'm honest I felt like I was making an educated best guess rather than being fully certain that I had it right. I think it's really tricky to get the balance between leaving things a bit open and unclear and just spoon feeding the right answer in a case like this. I think you did a good job. Maybe some grey areas could have been cleared up slightly more - (SPOILER!!! for example, one was left just having to believe the delivery girl when she said she was out, rather than being able to corroborate her testimony elsewhere)
Hey. I just finished playing. AND I solved it correctly!
I enjoyed that. I found the style really charming and funny. Lovely animations and neat camera switches. Fun music. Love the intro with the driving bit!
I liked slowly figuring out what XT was and who all the characters were, and I was also really happy that I got it right. It was a bit frustrating that I couldn't save the game, but hey! It's a jam game! Bravo.
Hey, I just played your game for a while. I enjoyed it! I found your approach to the game jam really funny - trying to do one and not doing one but actually doing one and not going to the forest. Contrary!
I didn't seem to get many points though.
I got quite into walking around in the text. I found lots of it pretty funny. There were a couple of things I couldn't figure out...
Hey, I read through your textgame just now. Thanks. It was an interesting experience.
I liked the style of the art and the writing was pretty nice. A macabre idea! It conjured lots of weird imagery in my head. It would have helped me if you'd have mentioned at the beginning that at the end I would have to decide who did it. Then I would have known I needed to pay more attention. I'm sad to say I couldn't quite figure out who did it...
You're welcome! Thanks for the fun game. Bananan! Mananan will haunt me to my dying day - down trecherous rocky hillsides!Btw - did you notice, that although we both have very different games -we actually have almost the same room layout? A tower with nasty at top and hero at bottom. I thought that was a mildly interesting thing - possible related to the power dynamics of the Dunning Kruger thingumy...?