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A member registered Nov 18, 2021

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Thank you. Consider checking the game again in a couple months. I'm planning to update it after I update my galaga clone.

(1 edit)

thanks. I ran out of time to implement the bullets homing in on the guy who shot them. The game is actually unwinnable in its current state. My bad.

Go this error when launching after download: 

This is a cool game. I like the limited ammo and replenishing it with the blue enemy bullets. I had to guess at that, which I actually like, when a mechanic is not explained and the player has to figure it out. It makes you feel so smart and clever. Anyway, good game.

I got an error trying to run the game: 

Pretty cool.

So I accidentally skipped almost every level because I was trying to us WASD to move and pressed S. Should probably make that a different key. The boss was basically impossible. The game was fun though, despite me only playing like 10% of it. Once I realized what was even going on I actually enjoyed it. Cool combat system.

Dunno. Might be a bug.

It's kind of kamikaze-ish the way the game works since I only play tested it for like a day. I might make the shields protect you from the explosions more. Thanks.

Thanks for the suggestion. That is something that would be cool to add into the game

I like the aesthetic changes to the character when it gains new powers. I enjoyed this game.

Cool game.