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A member registered Oct 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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very nice game it is very polished and plays nice.

nice survival game, the control are a little bit confusing when you start but it work out well.

the visual and sound effect are nice but i feels like it is lacking in gameplay.

good job still

the gameplay is very interesting and innovative well done.

nice graphics and gameplay , maybe more ennemie would make the game more interesting, and i had some visual glitches during animations.

the gameplay is really good, and the game is challenging , well done.

thank you for  playing, glad you liked it .

thanks for the feedback and for playing . 

playthrough of the game :

very good game the level are well made and th e gameplay is fun 

well played.

this is a very good puzzle game , the level are well designed and the gameplay is nice.

maybe lacking in the music and sfx .

good job.

(1 edit)

i tried it again and there is something that block the mouse input ,  maybe 1 in 20 input actually change the size of the character

the only way found to change size at will was to click outside the game window and the first mouse input when coming back to the game is registered.

nice game, 

control could be a little bit more leniant, especially when trying to jump from the edge of a platform.

can you reliably control the size of the character. if yes how do yu do it?

i played the whole game trying to get the character small by cliking and jumping and it seems there is some kind of input that change the size but i couldn't figure it out precisely.

good job. nice entry

it is a good concept and the short gameplay is wellmade .

no big world to play in but still the game is nice.

well done.

(1 edit)

a good concept, well executed.

i just dont find it very fun to play.

still good job;

a very solid entry , the gameplay is incredible and the number and diversity of levels make it even better

good job

incredible game, 

everything is well made and fit together well.

good job

the game is really wellmade but i think its lacking in the gameplay , 

can you kill the slimes or do they just run away?

is there an ending or do you just keep chasing slimes endlessly?

still good job for the game .

fun little game, would have propably been better if i had someone to play with.

my left hand won .

a nice little game, , the graphics, sound and ui all go very well together, but the gameplay feel a bit clunky.

for a first jam this is very good. well played.

very fun game, the animations, sprites and story work very well together.

very well executed gameplay ,  coherent art style,  and well dosed difficulty

this is a great game , good job

fun little game

i don't know if its intended

but the fact that the controller isn't made in a usual way actually give the player a few neat movement trick , you can go faster by pressing right wait a second then left than just pressing left.

and if you do it the opposite way you can slide left while facing right.

these let you play the game with both direction inputed and releasing the direction you want to go (more closely ressembling classic left right control while being faster than the normal speed(if not intended)).

still this is a neat game .

ps: why so many games end with people in soup i dont get it , is this some classic horror story i don't know ?

this one is great

a new iteration on a classic formula, its well made and the proggression comes naturally as you get power up.

main drawback would be that some beige blocks seems to have a fixed projection angle and other don't without any visual cues.

a solid game.

good job

very nice game.  it feels good to play and feels like a finished game.

i got to 231 . i dont know if there is more difficulty scaling after that but it feels the same from 21 kills to 200+. i repeated the same pattern for most of the game so maybe you could have made the ai a little bit less abusable.

still this is great and with a few changes could have been a solid time killer during the golden age of flash games .

good job

thank you for playing our game, 

half the devs skipped every tomato ddr 

tbh i think its not leniant enough on the timing.

i hope you meant yes the ending is the best part.


glad you liked it , 

thank you for playing,

if you get to here id love some feedback from you  <3


the concept is really nice , and the game is well made 

good job.

the factoryception

nice game,

its well made and the visuals are nice.

but i think in the first two level the fruit being that fast make the game frustrating to play and i ended up doing the same thing to catch every fruit.

????? level is great fun tough.

 good job.

thank you for playing , im glad you liked our game. 

incredible work!

very good entry,

the gameplay is very nice and the levels are well made.

good job.

fun game.

i lost every time to some long narrow vertical segment

 is there a trick to get past these obstacles?

great game, 

the sound effect were really incredible

good job.