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A member registered Jul 28, 2022

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A Sweetheart Deal for the Sacklers: Billionaires Get Immunity from Civil Lawsuits over Opioid Crisis

Vandana Shiva: We Must Fight Back Against the 1 Percent to Stop the Sixth Mass Extinction

I just watched this video and I was wondering how you feel about these anti-LGBTQ+ laws and if anybody here has been affected by these laws.

I looked up what an economic system is and this is what I found: "An economic system is a means by which societies or governments organize and distribute available resources, services, and goods across a geographic region or country. Economic systems regulate the factors of production, including land, capital, labor, and physical resources." You can read more here.

The deaths that resulted due to the leadership of certain communist governments in the past, such as that of Stalin and Mao, were numerous. The causes of these deaths ranged from famine, imprisonment, executions, and deaths through forced labour. The millions of lives belonging to families and loved ones were cut short due to the ideological brutality of these regimes. These were the lives of people who once had dreams and once loved. This guy says: "It's all a bunch of horse shit!" He says the numbers are all exaggerated and they're unrealistic. Because if there's anybody who knows about recording the deaths of millions of people, it's this guy.

Socialism also allows right to property. I used Google to look it up:  

"While socialism calls for collective or shared ownership of the means of production, it does not imply that there is no private ownership of personal property. Thus, corporations and factories would be shared among the members of society, but individuals and households would still own their own personal effects." Source

I don't think anybody wants to share a communal toothbrush.

Free trade allowed for the trade of slaves. Lots of them too.

Black conservatism

The goal of capitalism is to make a profit. It's also about competition since your competitors will cause you to make less profit. So if your competitors start using slave labour then you oughta use slave labour as well  if you want to stay competitive. Otherwise you will be failing at capitalism since you will make less profit. The free market allows private businesses to offer lower prices due to the slave labour without government intervention. Capitalism is a game and the goal of the game is to make a profit. The government is the referee and they won't do much intervening or regulating of the competition. With little regulation and the pressure to make a profit, what did you think would happen? Did Jeff Bezos exploit capitalism? Did he find some bug in capitalism that allowed him to speedrun to having a billion dollars? That ain't no bug. It's a feature. He did exactly what you're supposed to do as a capitalist: Make a profit. He won at capitalism. Jeff Bezos is capitalism's endgame.

Hey I'd love to learn more about communism. What are some things you like about Mao and Stalin (e.g. ideas, theories, policies)? What do you think about Pol Pot?

Would you rather be a game developer or be a male prostitute? Let's say male prostitutes make a higher salary than game developers. If it makes more money to jerk off some punks under a bridge than it does to make a computer game then why not be a male prostitute? It would be irrational not to jerk off punks under a bridge since the financial incentive would be greater. I'm not disparaging male prostitution as a profession - people have to make a buck. I just want to illustrate that there are other factors besides financial incentive which motivate us.

Whenever you criticize capitalism, that's the first thing they say: "What about communism?" "Communism is just as bad." Then they go on to list all the genocides caused by communism. They'll also include the death count in case the word "genocide" wasn't unpleasant enough. Listen, I don't live under a rock. I know what communism is and how people have given it a whirl, to mixed results. I know how well communism pairs with genocide like the steak and wine eaten so voraciously by some girthy capitalist who made his fortune exploiting his employees. The good news is there are other alternatives to capitalism besides the genocide one. 

I think socialism might be ok. I've been watching some videos about socialism by the Second Thought YouTube channel. While at first it seems like some commie propaganda, you start warming up to it when it offers reasonable solutions to all these issues caused by capitalism. Why is American healthcare so expensive yet the quality is the worst out of all other industrialized nations? Because a for-profit healthcare system places profits over people. Always has. Making healthcare to be affordable and accessible to everybody will improve the lives of the nation's people regardless of how profitable it will be for some shareholders. That's just one example of where capitalism fails and where an alternative would be more suitable. Capitalism is not human nature. When you see a person choking on some food, do you think about the cost to profit ratio for saving them or do you Heimlich them? We all know what capitalism would do.
