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[#CommunismIsEvil] - How about you work in the fields.

A topic by We'rein1984 created May 28, 2023 Views: 4,137 Replies: 114
Viewing posts 1 to 22
(1 edit) (+11)(-35)

126 million people died to communism in the Soviet Union.

148 million people died to communism in Mao's China.

2 million in Cambodia.

2 million in North Korea.

10 million from other sources.

your ideas are murderous if you know anything about basic history of communist regimes you would know they only cause death and suffering. If you want to argue that there are other systems look at history again. When attempting to dismantle a system which has only brought hard working people success (a competency hierarchy if you will). Will always create a power gap were in 2 things happen either a dictator takes hold and kills millions or you attempt to bring the Marxist dream and cause millions of deaths aswell. Your critiques of capitalism are illogical. If you want to say capitalism destroys the environment explain to me why the biggest emission source is communist China. Your other claims dont only apply to capitalism but are universal for every system. The data shows that people only start caring about the environment when they are wealthy, if your working the fields your whole life for the regime you don't care about the plastics in the ocean. Actual issues might I add which are being solved by capitilists. You can be a communist in a capitalist society but you cant be a capitalist in a communist society. How overly privilege and easy is your life to not look at the history and just blindly push the flag that has killed millions. Those aren't just numbers they are husbands, wives, daughters, and sons. I know I will be blasted because I am a voice which disagree with your beliefs. That is pathetic have a conversation and not just a virtual screaming match. I know why you do it though because this ideas are undefendable. The video game market exists because of capitalism. Do you know the life expectancy in North Korea. If you truly believe these ideas start a damn commune no one will care, but dont attempt to ruin millions of peoples lives because your uneducated. 

Sources if you cant be bothered to do some basic reading. 


    "your ideas are murderous" my guy/gal we're making funny beep boops on a screen (or any other creative format that is accepted by the jam)

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    ideas which are intended to "Fight capitalism" which I can only reasonably interpret as wanting to dismantle the only system which has allowed people to move up finically based on competency. This only leads to communism which leads to murder ie your ideas are murderous. I never make the claim in the post that the games themselves are murderous the ideas are. How can you found your basis off the hatred of people that is sad.


    "to move up finically based on competency"





    All you know is just what the government wants you know, I can't believe you don't even know that China isn't a communist country.


    China is run by the Ccp the  Chinese Communist Party...

    (1 edit) (+6)(-4)

    hahahahahaha, how funny you are, amazing.

    (+1)(-9) Didnt know being right was funny. You have no idea what you're talking about.


    calling something communist doesn't actually make it communist you know that right?

    china's government is heavily capitalist, otherwise why would all companies do their manufacturing there


    Communist countrys can partake in capitalism. Still doesn't change the fact that  china's government is communist. Maybe it says something when the communists think capitalism is still a much better system. 


    communism is an economic system, not a political one, and what about china's government is communist other than the fact that they call themselves communist?


    Yes, and North Korea is officially called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

    Do you also believe North Korea to be democratic, simply because it is called so? Please.


    China is set to overtake the US in a matter of years. Cuba has consistently had a better life expectancy and literacy rate than the US for decades.

    Cope and seethe liberal.

    (2 edits) (+1)(-13)

    For one I'm a card carrying conservative. Also those statistics came straight out of Cuban sources. Try to go to Cuba you cant because its a hell hole. Explain to me why so many cubans flee from Cuba via boat.

    I'm a card carrying conservative

    Most conservatives are liberals under the definition he's probably going by.


    “I’m a conservative not a liberal” 😂


    Your point being. You cant actually have a conversation because there is nothing to back up your ideas.


    we can have a conversation when you learn why “conservatism” is just a subset of liberalism


    bait lol?


    Surely we start a "Fuck Communism jam"


    So... you think there exists only 2 systems? That's how you see the world? 
    Don't you think there could be tons of possibility for organizing life as a group?
    Damn, it looks likes that kind of event is really needed, if some people's belief  in TINA is enough to call a game jam "murderous".


    Like I said before the ideas which the system support have caused so many deaths I never claim the games do. Also in theory there are more than just 2 systems but in reality that is never how it works. I challenge to go through any books on general history and try and find 1 example where there is another system which isnt just a variation of communism or capitalism that has lasted. You wont because those are the most stable systems however one allows someone to move up the system based on competency while the other pushes everyone to the bottom except the few elite. 


    "This jam is for you who thinks that any alternative to capitalism will automatically send our society into chaos, fire, and destruction."
    I don't think you read the description, nothing is about communism.
    "Games are also fun (or playfulness in its broadest sense) and are one of the best mechanisms to spread new ideas."

    spread NEW ideas.

    your belief in the fact that there can only be communism and capitalism is yours, but I believe most of people who joined this jam don't agree, and I know I don't.
    You say there is no example of anything that lasted, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think something can be proven as impossible just by a lack of example. 


    I do actually have examples of this idea you guys are pushing to dismantle the current system and replace it with something else whatever magical new system you've come up with. Take a look through just this wiki If you want to say dont trust wikis how about these aswell just so I can be sure. 

    What you need to show me is that Capitalism sends society into chaos and fire. From what I've seen your type are the only people burning down citys in the name of a drug addict.


    You send lots of links, I'd love to read them all but since it looks like you didn't even read what I'm saying and just continue ranting about your ideologies, I guess I shouldn't take the time.

    I could end by saying something something like " your type can't even understand basic ideas out of their comfort zone ",
    but i don't believe that and i hope we may be able to communicate. Read my comments again, nothing to do with communism.


    I did but you seemingly cannot understand that this whole thing has been done before and always end the same.  I know what you think, you think we can create another system besides capitalism and communism. Well then firstly tell me what that system is. Next realize that this same exact thing has been tried and tried and only leads to communism because when dismantling a system it universally always creates a  power vacuum in which a dictator takes place. How entitled do you have to be to think that capitalism is this big evil while your living in all its riches. You can spend time arguing with a random dude online on technology which would be unthinkable even a hundred years ago.


    "Well then firstly tell me what that system is." I joined this jam to think, explore ideas, and communicate on that subject. I personally don't know "what that system is", but i believe such a system exists.

    "Next realize that this same exact thing has been tried and tried and only leads to communism"
    I don't know if you know, but Communism is a political system, while capitalism is an economic system. Both can happen at once, and destroying capitalism doesn't mean destroying our politic system (Sure, it'll changes a lot of things). I don't have any links to send to you right now, but I may do some research if you're interested.

    "when dismantling a system it universally always creates a  power vacuum in which a dictator takes place"
    Sadly this happens often, yes. But it doesn't mean that's an universal rules.

    "How entitled do you have to be to think that capitalism is this big evil while your living in all its riches."
    uhh, Climate Change? Ecosystem destruction? I may see a world without bees because toxic pesticide are overused and big companies use their money to influence laws. In France, neonicotinoids should have been forbidden since 2018, but the big sugar producers managed to get a special derogation until 2020, then until 2023.
    Maybe you think the world should work like that, and riches company should have their word to say in the laws, i don't. A world were the riches can change the law to get richer is far from a true democracy.

    "You can spend time arguing with a random dude online on technology which would be unthinkable even a hundred years ago"

    yeah, technology, not capitalism. It seems to me you confuse lots of concepts with capitalism.
    We live in a capitalist world since a lot of time,  so much time that lots of people can't even consider/imagine the world without it.
    That's the point of this jam. Thinking, Imagining, sharing. Exploring possibilities deemed impossible by some people.


    1 If the system does not exist is it really a good idea to try to dismantle the current system.

    2,is%20nonexistent%20or%20severely%20curtailed. Its both a economic and political system most system are. Also do you really think you can remove our economic system a quiet frankly laughable dumb idea without causing the political system to fall aswell. For example what if most people don't want to idiotically destroy one of the best systems ever created. Better send them to the gulags for not agreeing with the regimes plans ay. 

    3 Give me 1 example where this has not happened. It happens atleast 95% of the time so is this really a good idea. Even if we both agree that pollution is the fault of capitalism even though it comes mostly from the Ccp a communist country. Still explain to me why this is a better alternative destroying the lives for millions over earth. Which isnt even true if you want to actually study statistics sure there is increasing carbon dioxide. But this does not correlate to a linear increase it about caps out at 3 - 4 degrees increase. Which I dont know why you are so insistent that all this is the fault of capitalism when capitalist country's produce the least and fight it the most. You wont get rid of pollution of any kind by dismantling a great system. 

    4 I dont disagree I think toxic chemicals that harm environment should be banned that has nothing to do with economic or political systems. It simply does not there is no correlation. 

    5 The rise of technology can directly be connected to capitalism because massive technological leaps for example the first commercially wide spread cpu was created because of competition between 2 companies for capital. 

    6 Atleast come up with an idea because your like everyone in this jam you think capitalism is this big evil and someone else must have a better solution when that simply is not the case. Everyone can argue for what your arguing for and seem like someone who only cares about the environment and the poor . I do too and use to think the same until realizing and learning that this is a very unoriginal thought and has been tried hundreds if not thousands of times and only causes more suffering. If you truly care about the environment how about focus on helping it instead of destroying a system which is the only way it can recover. If you destroy capitalism today the world wont be fixed you will only destroy its defenders. There's this great quote dont know who it belongs to but it goes like this "The poor do not care about the environment" when you destroy this system it will only cause hard working people to become poor no one will care about the environment. How about creating rewards for company's for helping the environment. This is actually doable  and as in game design instead of punishing the user rewarding them more for doing something right.


    I see you at least took time to read my comment this time, even if most things I said weren't understood.
    I'll go more in depth about your point 4.
    The law that forbid the use of neonicotinoid has been voted in Europe (starting in 2018 i think).
    The ONLY derogation is for the big sugar producer.
    They managed to get  until 2020 to "adapt"
    then they managed to extends this to 2023.
    The production is for export, the need for Neonicotinoids comes from the "need to make profit"

    Capitalism allow rich industry like that to influence democracy.
    You may not see the link between capitalism and environmental destruction, if that's the case I guess we just have a too different vision of the world to be able to communicate.
    It's my turn to ask you to give me an example:
    I say 95% of the time, a capitalist system is always putting profit above environmental issues. Do you have an example where it's not the case?


    Its pretty obvious the system which you associate with killing the planet is the biggest combatant against its destruction. The us for example is 5% of the the carbon emissions. While the U,S government has put collective hundreds of billions against it. Now how are the other countries doing on this. Well the Ccp has done nothing about climate change while being one of the biggest emitters of it. Also the Climate has been changing for years and there's little to no evidence that supports the claims that climate change is destroying the environment. Deforestation is totally but guess what that's not happening in the U.S its happening to extremely poor countries who are willing to sell their forests for money. Because like ive been saying the poor do not care about the environment. If you want stop this maybe start with the poor. Watch this episode of Peterson's podcast  its with Bjorn Lomborg who runs one of the biggest environmental research groups. Completely self funded and is very much on the side of the environment and their lab cant find one ounce of proof of environmental destruction. Its not on the companies to fight climate change its on the government to put in policies which do. If you truly want to fight against these issues how about you take a shot and run for congress, or anything else maybe even go outside of your comfy home and pick up trash that would be start. Also no one is denying that companies putting profit over the environment is good. I would say burn Nestle to the ground if I could. However its on you to show me that communist systems would handle climate change better than capitalist systems do. However there arent examples of this being the case, because these systems dont care about the environment. The communists and poor are some of the biggest polluters. Im not blaming the poor either because its not their fault. However the communists its very well their damn fault. 


    ah yes, communism is when dictator

    you're on a completely different page than everyone else


    Im saying that it either leads to communism or dictatorships. Did you even bother to read the post. 


    You ask us if we ever read you, but you're the one not reading anything anyone says. All you do is keep ranting about how Communism is bad. Despite lots of other subjects, you always come back to Communism. I think you are a very close-minded person. There  are subjects we could agree on (burn Nestle), but you can't talk about anything without being aggressive, and you bring EVERYTHING to communism.

    You seem unable to communicate without bringing everything to your vision of the world.
    Are you that scared of anti-capitalists militancy?
    I can understand your point of view, even if I disagree. You clearly can't and it looks like you're talking alone, saying the exact same thing over and over again.


    I think you should look at how many deaths capitalism has brought too 

    "Data show that US forces dropped more than three times as many bombs on Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia as were dropped by all sides during WWII."

    try to read this

    and I'm not even talking about colonialism or another capitalist countries

    anyway, have a good day :)

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    *local internet troll learns what material interests are*

    Deleted 1 year ago

    it's not that simple man


    What purpose do you think the government exists for? How do you think, perhaps, that relates to capitalism?

    (2 edits) (-1)

    I think you don't know that there are still countries being colonized and how long the colonies lasted

    the british empire was once known as the empire on which the sun never sets, because wherever the sun went there was a british colony 

    maybe you also don't know what happens to the people who were part of the country before becoming a colony too 

    bombs are thrown to show its power over another country, the usa knows very well what to do to show that its imperialism is the strongest Hiroshima and Nagasaki too 

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    So those links link to mostly conventions held about the atrocity's committed my communist country's which simply support the statics. They are simply sources, they arent there supporting my arguments. Because they're the most basic arguments I could possibly make. Also what does this forum not being a debate forum have to do with this. My point being is you guys are pushing ideas which have murdered  so many people. I dont know how you guys are supposedly game developers when as a game dev you make money by selling a game aka capitalism.  Its also kind of of weird that atleast 50% of the accounts I've checked out have been created in the last 2 weeks and have only done this jam.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    1 I think its pretty easy to see that communism causes death if you cant get past that basic premise I dont know why you would think trying to tear down a system is a good idea. 

    2 I wanted to hopefully have some people who are doing this because they simply are going along with the crowd realize that these ideas have caused only pain and suffering. 

    3 If you're supposedly against capitalism you can start a commune and not partake in it. The Amish do it, there are many other groups who do but you dont want to because you dont actually believe in this ideas and still want the benefits of capitalism even if you wont say it. You can participate in communism in capitalist countries but you cant force others to like you want to. 

    4 Game development would be no where near it is right now if there wasn't finical incentive.  You wouldn't be able to do game development as a hobby if your capitalist job didnt allow you the free time to do it. In a communist country you dont have that free time or technology. I've never seen a game come out of North Korea or Cuba.

    5 I created this account to write this post because people are quiet frankly unhinged. I dont want people who believe in these crazed ideals having access to my main account.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    >I've never seen a game come out of North Korea or Cuba.

    Lmao gee I wonder why. Cuba’s gdp is barely $100 billion, and the DPRK probably isn’t far off. You’ve never seen a game come out of Puerto Rico, either, have you? Say what you will about Genshin Impact, but there you have a video game made in a Communist country, and it definitely made an impact xD

    (1 edit) (-4)

    For one China owns private companys I admit they partake in capitalism with a communist strangle hold. Name 1 mid sized Chinese tech company and it is nearly always owned by the Ccp. You want to know why Cuba's gdp is so low maybe it has something to do with there economic and political systems. Also if you want to ask for any Puerto Rican games, you can join their discord and ask the developers.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    Maybe its because they're communist. 

    Im taking Marx's theory of communism. 


    Wow, this is the most intense comment section I've seen so far.

    Personally, I am here not because "I hate capitalism" but rather because I hate the direction the world is going in. Inequality, climate change, all that bad stuff.
    If I would ever make an entry for this jam, I would first do my utmost research to find out the pros and cons of capitalism and its common alternatives. 

    In that sense, I thank you 'We'rein1984' for providing an important counter-view to the topic (though the wording may have been a bit softer - calling people or their ideas murderous doesn't help convince anyone, even if true). The economic system is immensely complicated and I think we can only make changes if we do our homework on the topic. I agree capitalism is far from perfect, but at the moment, so are the alternatives. Thus, it's good you are asking people to see things from both sides and do some research.

    That said, the message this jam contains for me is finding ways to improve the world. Thus, I am curious: do you have any ideas to solve or improve the common issues that capitalism is causing, even if that does not involve a complete restructuring of the economic system?


    Thanks for being one of the more reasonable people here I find arguing rather tiring I will probably not check this account after this. But the reason I say these ideas are murderous is because I've read Solzhenitsyn and can see what the communist state has done and I dont ever want that to happen again. I believe we must look at history and realize that events are very likely to repeat if we arent very careful. Especially in todays society.   Have a good day.

    Host (1 edit) (+4)

    Don't left, please. I understand you are tired but your opinion is very useful to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. That said, please don't just focus on "communism". And think that can also be change without violent revolution. Step by step, dismantling all the negative things of capitalism until reach another "-ism". Call it "supra-capitalism" if you want. All possibilities are open.

    As Nick asked: Do you have any ideas to solve or improve the common issues that capitalism is causing, even if that does not involve a complete restructuring of the economic system?

    I'm not kidding. You seem a clever person. I'm really interested in your opinion.

    Solzhenitsyn was a two-faced bitch. Some facts he twisted, another he made up, for others he tendentiously chose all sorts of negativity that happens regardless of political system. Lying is hard, and Solzhenitsyn was bad at it too. He constantly contradicted himself. His book was printed at the request of the Party leadership, when the Party became counter-revolutionary. And then he was kicked out to the U.S., so that he could spread anti-Soviet propaganda there. If you know Russian, there are plenty of debunkings of Solzhenitsyn on YouTube. Perhaps some are in English as well.


    bro got his lung cancer cured in gulag and wrote a book about being tortured in it

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    gulag is a fucking prison. most of they all did something to get into there. fact no.1, the number of imprisoned people in gulag is the same as the contemporary number of imprisoned people in america. fact no.2, there're forced labour in american prisons of course.

    now go call america communist or having forced labour camps

    and you again are puttin words that i didnt say into my mouth. you need to revisit your high school.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    call american prisons camps before you're making stupid words out of thin air

    Deleted 1 year ago

    @Certanly not Stuff

    if the existence of prison is fine to you, then stop shitting


    If you know anything about basic history, you should've known that capitalism killed much much more than communism on the lands of native Americans, English workers, Ching dynasty and nowadays Africa. The blood caused by Communism can't match an inch of it.

    (1 edit) (+1)

    also, communist party can't "partake in capitalism". little do you know about capitalism nor communism eh? go read some actual books, stop learning history from youtube and wikipedia, posting random sources copied from these so-called "objective" websides.

    a socialist state means constant revolution, breaking down the system time after time like lenin and stalin's cccp (top-down) and mao's china (down-top). if they embrace the free market and base their administration on capital power, they either turn into a capitalist party or got cracked down and replaced by foreign power.

    in ccp's case they've turned into a capitalist party since 1978. a clear evidence is that you can see some provinces declearing their bankrupcy.


    Doesnt mean that they dont still instate communist policies which they do. Also dont go saying go reads some books to me Im well read. 


    communist policies? the line "ccp is consist of workers and peasants" has been a joke in china for decades. the party's serving the the bourgeoisie ever since mao's death. what's left that is still communist?

    if you're well read, you should know that communism describes a futuristic state where productivity and technology are highly developed, resources are extremely abundant that currency serves no purpose then becaues everything will be as much as air. it's an inference and conception of the future world. working in the fields with pol pot is nowhere near communism. you're saying that you're well read, but it's put down in black and white in both Das Kapital and the manifesto. i wonder if you're a victim of pirated books.

    if you're blaming socialism for the casualty, mao got f**king under house arrest during the great leap forward and cant do shit, and 70% of stalin's proposal are denied by the central board, including four applications for resignation. and i believe you don't know anything about it and will keep rabbling about dictatorship, because you lack the basic learning literacy of history, that you should learn it by reading contemporary material that comes from both sides, not from youtube, wikipedia, american textbook or from a post-cold-war scribbler. imagine if the axis won the ww2 and how will they describe the allied in their mass media.

    back onto the ccp part. say, which part of china's policy is communist? i dare you can't even tell one.

    (1 edit) (+1)(-1)

    You're talking about colonialism. Not capitalism. America start as colonist we took over land which we did not own. This is not good but it is not capitalism. 

    (4 edits) (+1)(-2)

    your "capitalism" is post-cold-war capitalism, where capitalists dare not to retrieve the power they gave to the union and the working class, becase during the cw, the existence of cccp forced them to share their power so that they dont look like a bunch of animals, that they'll lose the popularity and further the cold war.

    the capitalist production mode is easily conceived around renaissance, executed around the glorious revolution, the french revolution and the war of independence, and your "colonialism" IS a result of capitalism because it's crucial for capitalism to expand the "free market" to sell the goods.

    you don't see the law of causation in it? go back to an american factory before cccp's establishment and see what kind of shithole the workers' life is.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    you act as if the profit-oriented production mode and the employment system isn't established at that time. what an idiot

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    i never said that. you're not making any sense. greed also does not equal to a strong, solid system that is based on profit and employment, capitalism does.


    It's understandable to fear life as one knows it to completely change, and since the most famous enemies of capitalism were communists it makes sense to assume that "my enemy's enemy..." is in place. The reasons you hate communism aren't exclusive to communism, and everyone here, its safe to assume, hates the downsides of communism as much as the downsides of capitalism. 

    Think about criticism of capitalism the same way as someone criticising Luigis Mansion. There are bits of it that absolutely suck, and would like to change (locking a boss behind a 5 minute cutscene ffs), it doesn't mean that if they had added a 'skip cutscene' button we wouldn't all be slightly happier with Luigi's Mansion.  

    Or think of a country as a family multiplied on a huge scale. It's ok to hate the way your parents run your house, if you worked twice as hard as your sibling and got a percent of their allowance you'd be pissed off. It wouldn't mean you hate your family. Or that you wish your family were the Manson Family, it would just mean, you think aspects of it is unfair and you'd like to address it.


    I like what your saying here. However what this jam it seems is arguing for is not to just add a skip button but to dismantle the whole game because it has some bad parts to it.

    (1 edit) (+6)

    If the jam was called "People are the Fxcking Worst", it would seem clear, I assume,  that the games were going to be showing grievances with specific kinds of people, (people who take the last seat in starbucks even though they are behind me in a queue would lead to a hotline miami style game for me). Im interpreting Fxck Capitalism to mean Fxck the abusive nature of some elements of capitalism as it is today and not "I want to burn our world to the ground." 

    I don't think being angry is useful for me, and I feel like you have very real fears on this and if I may, your frustration in this thread comes from how you've interpreted the Jam. I think if we,  you and me at least, understood each other's grievances, it could actually make for a good inspiration for the games themselves.

    If it makes you feel any better, I'm not planning on interpreting it as 'dismantle the whole game'. I'm more interested in issues like, US states trying to reduce the working age to 14 to combat the fact that people are refusing to work shitty jobs for low pay, instead of increasing the amount those workers are paid. In the UK in the 80s the average household income was about 20k a year, and the average house price was about 21k, now the average household income is about 21k a year and the average house price is £285,000.  I feel like we are being shafted.

    I am of the opinion that there is probably a positive reason behind some of the most confusing and horrible behaviours, and in this case it's a case of #notAllCapitalists, by this I mean I understand why an anti-capitalism movement would be terrifying to you if it seems like a 'tear it all down' vibe, (and my skills in music etc would definitely not get me far in a bartering world). I dont want to destroy everything, I just feel that working hard should lead to more money and a better life, but often working hard equates to nothing more than surviving.

    So for me it really is about "Add a skip cutscene button".


    I would happily tend the gardens of my people, you know, if the government hadn't genocided us, stolen our land, and uprooted our food forests.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    No, capitalism is when the murderous, genocidal lunatics that took all of that land get to continue to dictate the flow of the economy and many of the laws that are written in the country because they own all the land and goods, or the money produced by those, through genocide and slavery, you disingenuous little bitch.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    No it isn't. Capitalism is an economic system, not a governmental structure.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    are you actually this dense or are you just pretending to be; either way, it’s not a good look

    I looked up what an economic system is and this is what I found: "An economic system is a means by which societies or governments organize and distribute available resources, services, and goods across a geographic region or country. Economic systems regulate the factors of production, including land, capital, labor, and physical resources." You can read more here.


    A government can act in the interest of a capitalist system, without capitalism being a governmental structure. Example: Governments can work in the interest of some guy named Jim, but that doesn't make Jim a system of government.

    I can blame the government for how it actively supports our capitalist system, without thinking that any action taken by the government is capitalism.

    I find it hard to believe that you are actually this dumb and figure you are just a malicious and or narcissistic asshole. Enjoy licking that boot.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    The whole jam is about exploring alternatives to capitalism. That S on the end makes the word plural. The word 'Communist' doesn't appear anywhere on the Jam page. You're an idiot.



    Whenever you criticize capitalism, that's the first thing they say: "What about communism?" "Communism is just as bad." Then they go on to list all the genocides caused by communism. They'll also include the death count in case the word "genocide" wasn't unpleasant enough. Listen, I don't live under a rock. I know what communism is and how people have given it a whirl, to mixed results. I know how well communism pairs with genocide like the steak and wine eaten so voraciously by some girthy capitalist who made his fortune exploiting his employees. The good news is there are other alternatives to capitalism besides the genocide one. 

    I think socialism might be ok. I've been watching some videos about socialism by the Second Thought YouTube channel. While at first it seems like some commie propaganda, you start warming up to it when it offers reasonable solutions to all these issues caused by capitalism. Why is American healthcare so expensive yet the quality is the worst out of all other industrialized nations? Because a for-profit healthcare system places profits over people. Always has. Making healthcare to be affordable and accessible to everybody will improve the lives of the nation's people regardless of how profitable it will be for some shareholders. That's just one example of where capitalism fails and where an alternative would be more suitable. Capitalism is not human nature. When you see a person choking on some food, do you think about the cost to profit ratio for saving them or do you Heimlich them? We all know what capitalism would do.


    Socialism is the process of building communism. It is a transitional phase. There is still a class struggle, but the state is already in the hands of the working class. You cannot build socialism. You can either build communism or go back to capitalism. Building socialism is like being half pregnant. Building socialism and class peace is a fairy tale for the poor.

    "I know how well communism pairs with genocide like the steak and wine..." The Communists never carried out genocides. If you mean the Red Terror, it was a backlash of White Terror under extremely difficult conditions of intervention and civil war. The number of victims of these measures is usually grossly overstated. The capitalists, on the other hand, have no conscience at all. They are willing to destroy millions of people for the sake of their power and their profit.

    If you want to delve into this subject, read the classics: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao. Trotsky is a traitor. I suggest you start with someone else. Engels, for example. He writes in an interesting, lucid, humorous way.

    All Marxists study philosophy, history, economics as a basis. By the way, this subject is much easier and interesting than it seems. Especially if one does not study alone, but in a Marxist circle.


    Hey I'd love to learn more about communism. What are some things you like about Mao and Stalin (e.g. ideas, theories, policies)? What do you think about Pol Pot?


    Stalin and Mao were communists. Their ideas were those of Marx and Lenin: dialectical materialism, working class leadership, social ownership of the means of production, planned economy, internationalism.

    Pol Pot was not a communist. He himself wrote that his ideas had nothing in common with those of Marx. Because of this, he made many political mistakes in trying to solve Cambodia's problems. But he was not the bloody dictator that propaganda tries to present him as. The United States dropped a lot of bombs on Cambodia. They destroyed an already weak economy and filled the fields with mines and chemicals. There was a severe famine in Cambodia. Plus Cambodia had great internal conflict between the rich cities and the poor countryside.

    Collapse, famine, internal conflicts, and a politician who made mistakes. Hence so many deaths. 170 thousands according to the CIA. And yet the main cause of these victims was the bombings, not Pol Pot.

    To briefly describe these people would require a large article or a lecture.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    stalin and mao are both fighting against genocide in their position if you really know what's going on. mao is the direct reason why china didnt turn into a shithole like cambodia. go read their letters and proposals and stop eating things that invested youtubers vomit out. you're literally one typical brainwashed by the mass media industry of capitalism. ffs at least search "true stalin" or "stalin: what they don't teach you in school" on youtube and read resources that come from another side, then stop being a one-sided maniac like a nazi.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    go check who actually led the great leap forward and who proposed to stop the national purge. ffs just read. or are you anti-intellectual? does it burn when books touch your hand?

    u actually succeed in driving me mad. I want some intellectual discussion on this, not some barbarian kicking down the door and rushing in to show the poop he just scooped from his brains. just block me if you hate reading materials

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    the stalin constitution literally gave the workers power of free speeches to criticize government activities and bureaucrats and even remove them from their position. anyone who dont let the people talk will immediately be purged from the party. there're tons of example cases in history that you can find. mao went even further allowing the people to overthrow local government and party section by fucking force(yeah people organized armies to fight against official troops), waging war against corruption and priviledge by mobilizing a down-top revolution. this is just what cultural revolution was all about. they executing oppositions? here's a historical fact. stalin proposed to strengthen the power of oppositions in the party, so that there'll be more chance for the party to review itself and fix mistakes. the central committe which denied 70% of stalin's proposals, denied it too with a democratic voting. they executing dissidents?what the fuck? are you living in an alternative universe? if you dont read please stop sending nonsense messages. it only shows your ignorance and stupidity.

    (1 edit) (-2)

    "And you also downplay Pol-Pots genocide, of course"

    I don't agree that Pol Pot carried out genocide. Because he didn't. When Cambodia went into famine, people from the villages started arriving in the cities. But there was no food in the cities either. Then people began to be driven back to the villages, where there was little food, but it was there. Many died on the way. Well, what else was Pol Pot supposed to do? Let people starve to death in the cities? And it was the U.S. bombing that caused the famine. Or am I wrong and will you tell us the truth? And what does this have to do with Pol Pot? Where were his policies consistent with Marxist theory?

    "And both committed genocide lol""

    Give me at least one example of a genocide committed by Stalin.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    interesting point

    who toppled the Khmer rouge?

    (2 edits) (-2)

    Here is the text from this article:

    "The Cambodian genocide was the systematic persecution and killing of Cambodian citizens by the Khmer Rouge under the leadership of Communist Party of Kampuchea general secretary Pol Pot, who radically pushed Cambodia towards an entirely self-sufficient agrarian socialist society."

    Now let's read Stalin:

    "Let us first deal with the point that in introducing socialism, the Socialist-Revolutionaries want to begin with the countryside. Is this possible? Everybody knows that the town is more developed than the countryside, that the town is the leader of the countryside, and, consequently, every activity for socialism must begin in the town. The Socialist-Revolutionaries, however, want to convert the countryside into the leader of the town and to compel the countryside to begin introducing socialism, which of course is impossible owing to the backwardness of the countryside. Hence, it is obvious that the 'socialism' of the Socialist-Revolutionaries will be stillborn socialism."

    Stalin wrote about the mistakes of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party, but it is also true of Pol Pot. Here we see that Pol Pot, with his agrarian socialism, has clearly departed from Marxism. I see no point in digging deeper into the subject now and parsing the whole wikipedia article.

    Deleted 1 year ago

    Well, yes, the fundamental question here is whether or not a politician who calls himself a communist is building communism. This is the basis of Marxism. Many people call themselves communists, but to understand who is a real communist, you have to study the theory. This is very important, because it determines what kind of policies these people will pursue. Of course, only real communists will fight fully for the interests of the workers. The rest will either start making mistakes, like the Utopian Communists, or limit themselves to half measures and preserve capitalism (Menshevism), or pursue capitalist and sometimes nationalist policies, using Marxism for populist purposes (most current legal Communist parties do this). There are also the more cunning ones. They will mimic real communists until the revolution wins, and after the victory they will engage in power struggles and the restoration of capitalism. This is the most vile kind of politician from the point of view of Marxism. This is called Trotskyism.

    While at first it seems like some commie propaganda

    That's because it is.

    Capitalism is not human nature. When you see a person choking on some food, do you think about the cost to profit ratio for saving them or do you Heimlich them?

    If I don't know that person then I have no reason to care about his life or whether he dies, other than potential financial gain.


    >I have no reason to care about his life or whether he dies, other than potential financial gain.



    the original statement was bad anyway, being based on so-called ethics. the most basic reason capitalism isnt human nature is that this system was literally grown just two centuries ago. it wasnt there in the first place, and human has no reason to stop there.


    I highly recommend you think about what you would do in a situation like that before judging others.

    (1 edit)

    The fact that it's communist propaganda doesn't mean it's false.

    "When you see a person choking on some food, do you think about the cost to profit ratio for saving them or do you heimlich them?"

    Most likely, you will show humanity and save a person choking on some food. But will you save the hungry people who come to your bakery without money?

    Why don't they have any money? Their factory was bought by a competitor and closed, for example. All the businesses in town depended on that factory. Now people can't find jobs and they don't have money to go somewhere else or start something new.

    Or another example, you built a house. There are 100 apartments in it. You sold 50 apartments, and 50 apartments are left empty. There are 1,000 families in your town who need their own place to live, but they don't have enough money. Will you donate the remaining 50 apartments to the needy in an act of humanism?

    Let me put it this way, it's not even about you, whether you're a fair person or not. The capitalist system is set up so that the hungry don't get food, even if there is food. The homeless live on the street, even if there are empty apartments. And workers can't find work even if they want to work.

    You might think that people must be saved by the state. There is some truth in that. Under capitalism, the state acts in the interest of the capitalists (national or foreign, or transnational). If the capitalists are interested in saving people, the state will save people. If not, it will leave people to their fate. Of course, the human factor may come into play here, but both in favor of the people and against them. Also, the working class can influence the state by achieving partial improvements for itself, but if it stops fighting, it loses those gains.

    The fact that it's communist propaganda doesn't mean it's false.

    Never in my post did I say it's false.

    Most likely, you will show humanity and save a person choking on some food

    No, I won't. If I don't have a financial incentive, then I won't.

    You might think that people must be saved by the state.

    No, I do not think that either.

    Most of your "arguments" are just putting words into my mouth that I did not say.


    Maybe you are just a horrible human being


    Or maybe I just see things rationally

    Would you rather be a game developer or be a male prostitute? Let's say male prostitutes make a higher salary than game developers. If it makes more money to jerk off some punks under a bridge than it does to make a computer game then why not be a male prostitute? It would be irrational not to jerk off punks under a bridge since the financial incentive would be greater. I'm not disparaging male prostitution as a profession - people have to make a buck. I just want to illustrate that there are other factors besides financial incentive which motivate us.


    "Would you rather be a game developer or be a male prostitute? "

    Depends on the kinds of clients I get


    "126 million people died to communism in the Soviet Union"? Why not 126 billions? It would look even scarier and not realistic in the same way.


    apparently stalin is a necromancer who murdered nearly 42% of the population and defeated h*tler by summoning an army of zombies and skeletons

    Deleted 1 year ago

    "Yea. I mean, maybe it did happen, but 9 million is just too big a number."

    9 million is also a made-up number. And let's count how many people would have died if the imperialist war (World War I) had continued? How many people would have died in a civil war, after the collapse of the Russian Empire? And it had already actually collapsed under the provisional government. How many people would have died of starvation if grain exports continued, and speculators continued to raise prices? How much more starvation would have continued if collective farms had not been built? How many people would have lived in poverty in the villages? How would people have lived in the cities without industrialization? How many people would have died from German imperialism in the 1940s if the revolution had not won in Russia? How many people would have died from banditry, which was a monstrous problem amid total poverty? How many people would have died from nationalism in Russia? How would the working class be living now if the proletarian revolution had not won in Russia?

    The Communists saved Russia and not only Russia. But now the Communists are not trusted. This makes the whole world more and more a shithole and mad every day. On the other hand, as the crisis grew, Marxist circles and the labor movement revived and intensified each year.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    What does this have to do with the Holocaust? Where did the 9 million come from? Did you dream them up?

    "Also claming the ideology that killed millions somehow saved people lol.

    That's the point, it didn't kill them, it saved them. I even listed what the revolution in Russia gave the people of Russia and the world. So what am I wrong? There was no famine before the revolution? There was. There were hunger riots. There were conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds. Especially in Asia and the Caucasus. The monstrous living conditions of the workers. The poverty of the countryside. The collapse of the country. Huge foreign debts. Weak industry. Illiteracy. Monstrous crime and corruption. And all these problems were consistently solved by communists. But you don't want to notice this, instead you imagined 9 million victims, and that's why we don't need to build communism. 

    And, by the way, the First World War wasn't started by communists either.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    The “Holodomor” is Holocaust denial. You are doing Holocaust denial. You are downplaying/justifying the actions of literal nazis. You have been doing Holocaust denial this entire conversation. You don’t give af about the Jewish people or any actual victims of actual genocide. You literally only care to think about or mention them as some cheap, baseless “gotcha.” Or worse, as a footnote to your fun little “trolling.” You are reducing actual human beings and cultures to a political tool at best, and disposable ammunition for your own, petty amusement at worst.

    You are the Holocaust denier here you dense little philistine. Trolling or not, what you’re doing is despicable, and in a just society you would unironically face retribution. 


    The deaths that resulted due to the leadership of certain communist governments in the past, such as that of Stalin and Mao, were numerous. The causes of these deaths ranged from famine, imprisonment, executions, and deaths through forced labour. The millions of lives belonging to families and loved ones were cut short due to the ideological brutality of these regimes. These were the lives of people who once had dreams and once loved. This guy says: "It's all a bunch of horse shit!" He says the numbers are all exaggerated and they're unrealistic. Because if there's anybody who knows about recording the deaths of millions of people, it's this guy.

    (1 edit) (-2)

    If Nazis told you Martin Luther King Jr. killed 9 billion people, you're the kind of person who would actually believe it.


    The Holodomor or famine of 1932-1933 was not genocide. It was a famine caused by severe crop failure and drought.  The main casualties during this period were from epidemics, which were exacerbated by the famine. But it was not a policy of extermination. The Soviet government fought the famine, it bought food and sent it to the affected areas. All possible forces were thrown into the fight against the epidemic, and the fight against speculators and people who stole food was intensified. These measures made it possible to stop the epidemic and save many lives. Later collectivization and agricultural development finally solved the problem of famine in the USSR. There is no reason to consider the famine of 1932-1933 a genocide.

    The Gulag was a correctional camp, not an extermination camp. Yes, the USSR had the death penalty. The death penalty is still practiced in some countries. But it was not genocide. It were executions of court-ordered punishments for crimes.

    Before the Great Leap, China was a backward agrarian country. The goal of the Great Leap was industrialization and economic upswing. Oil fields were built, terraced farming and irrigation facilities become widespread. During the Great Leap, experience and skills were gained, which came in handy in the further development of the country. Villages where poor people lived established weaving workshops and forges during the Great Leap, which have now grown into textile factories and plants. Certainly many mistakes were made. These mistakes were compounded by incompetent cadres, traitors and counter-revolutionaries, and the breakdown of friendly relations with the USSR, where counter-revolutionaries came to power. But the mistakes were corrected, the traitors were punished, and the positive results were developed and multiplied. The people who died from mistakes during the Great Leap is a great tragedy for the Chinese people and the whole world, but there is no reason to call this policy genocide either.

    Pogroms during the Cultural Revolution are a negative thing, but the Cultural Revolution played a huge positive role in identifying enemies of the working class and neutralizing them as a political force for a while. But it was not genocide either.

    So, none of your examples is an act of genocide. And it can in no way be equated with a policy of racially targeted extermination of people by the nationalists of the 3rd Reich.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    Fact No.1: The famine of the great leap forward was caused not by communists, but by Liu Shaoqqi and Deng Xiaoping, the infamous capitalists in CCP (yeah there were capitalists in that party, they were called "走资派" and existed for a very long time), who ran the country like a state-owned company. The tasks of this movement delivered to local departments are based on profits and not the quality of people's lives, which soon led to corruption, starvation, and bureaucracy. Things didn't turn out well and people's life went hell.

    Meanwhile, the communists in the party were struggling with the capitalists, they wrote many letters instructing how to improve the situation and end the famine, but all those letters were blocked and never reached the hands of the workers and farmers because the capitalists were not happy about it, until Mao Zedong wrote a letter (党内通信——致六级干部的公开信), directly bypassing the national information agency and connected the communists with local workers and farmers. The situation then had an improvement.

    Liu Shaoqi was the chairman of China at that time, not Mao.

    Fact No.2: Liu Shaoqi got overthrown by the people during the Cultural Revolution for the crimes he committed back in the great leap forward, because the people were given the power to fight against local government. There was that famous quote of Mao, "Revolution is no crime, to rebel is justified (革命无罪,造反有理)."

    The party gave the people the power to overthrow authorities, so what do you expect those authorities, who were capitalists united around Liu Shaoqi to do? You think they'll just sit there and accept their fate? Of course not, they will suppress those who dare to revolt at all costs.

    The revolutionary people were called "造反派", while the claws of the capitalists were called "保守派" (i.e. "联动" "西纠"). During the cultural revolution, there were countless violent conflicts between 造反派 and 保守派.  And 保守派 did many mass executions of 造反派 with the intention of resisting the cultural revolution from taking their crowns, because they were the majority of those in power. There is only mass execution of communists made by capitalists, not of capitalists made by communists.

    History is two-sided, subjectively-described, complex, having many turns, and with many conflicts of interest. It is pushed forward by the wills of groups of people, and can't be explained with "oh l00k a D1ct4t0r". If you don't understand this, maybe you have not reached the intellectual standard to meddle in such discussion.

    Deleted 1 year ago
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    @Certanly not Stuff

    Again using sources from wikipedia where there're just bunch of lies and anti-communist propaganda huh?

    These pages are stupid as hell. lemme give it a quick crackdown.

    "Beginning with the Red August of Beijing, massacres took place nationwide" - your so-called "evidence"

    who? what part of the people is the massacred ones? what part is the one massacring the other one? is the red guard united or separated?

    "tens of millions of people were persecuted" - your so-called "evidence"

    who persecuted these people? the revolting people or those 保守派 in power?

    Local officials were fearful of Anti-Rightist Campaigns and they competed to fulfill or over-fulfill quotas which were based on Mao's exaggerated claims - your so-called "evidence"

    this is false. the one in charge is not Mao but Liu at that time. Mao's words can hardly go out of his house (letters like 党内通信 ——建议召开县五级干部大会 were blocked, speeches addressed to the officials like 在第二次郑州会议上的讲话 were hardly accepted by any of the officials). the real cause of the actions of the local officials was Liu's leadership, this can be easily informed of from Liu's quote:

    搞大跃进就象吹气球一样,气吹足了 气球就飞起来了。把全国的老百姓都吹起来了,大跃进就更加轰轰烈烈了。国务院的工作 离不开你,我到全国各地替你去吹好了。 - Liu Shaoqi talking to Zhou Enlai, June 1958
    对,就要这样干,今年跃进,明年 再来一个大跃进,后年还要大跃进,只要不断地跃进,我们赶英国就快了 。- Liu Shaoqi's speech at Mt. Shijing, July 1958
    一万斤是不是少了点,能不能搞它个三万斤、五万斤?这样可以 更好的鼓励全国人民大跃进的积极性么。- Liu Shaoqi talking to Wang Renzhong, August 1958

    In comparison, Mao has stated the main problem not only once, calling the government officials to "tell the truth, don't blow up the trumpet"

    包产能包多少,就讲能包多少,不讲 经过努力实在做不到而又勉强讲做得到的假话。收获多少,就讲多 少,不可以讲不合实际情况的假话。对各项增产措施......每项都不可讲假话。老实人,敢讲真话的人,归根到底,于 人民事业有利,于自己也不吃亏。爱讲假话的人,一害人民,二害自 己,总是吃亏。应当说,有许多假话是上面一些人强迫出来的......使下面很难办。因此,干劲一定要有,假话一定不可讲。  - 党内通信——致六级干部的公开信

    If you write "I used wikipedia as source" in your paper, let's see how hard your professor will curse you, oh wait, maybe you never wrote one yourself, that's sad.

    if you're such a weak sheep, why not read the files CIA wrote when they were investigating in China, and see if they said there was even a famine?

    I've studied this part of history for at least 4 years, reading countless statistics, analyzing the power generation and average food amount, and analyzed the conflicts of interests hidden in the countless material that were directly written by some of those who participated in it. your struggle on this one only shows your ignorance and stupidity, and how easy it is to decieve you with one page filled with false information.

    In these pages there're zero evidence from statistics, all essays from us and hongkong university, so-callled "evidence" from site of rumor and newspaper. it doesnt sound objective and realistic to me. does it sound objective to you? what kind of moron would fall for that?

    You can literally just search some of the nouns i mentioned up there and read about what really happened. The contemporary sources are there, but of course you won't read them, because you're a lazy and gross person who just likes to eat what the mass media industry of capitalism vomits out. 

    if you're denying you should read contemporary statistics from both sides, this is the end of the discussion. Bruh literally waging war against the basic measure of history learning.


    You refer to Wikipedia and say that the Holodomor was widely accepted as a result of Stalin's policies. But it was accepted by capitalists to fool people. To scare people who don't know the truth. To move the conversation about communism from an economic and class issue to the accusation of genocide. I'd better refer to the excellent collection of documents, The Hunger in the USSR 1929-1934:

    The documents are in Russian, but you can use the translator: 

    Here we see that the dissidents disrupted the food harvest in 1932. By winter, the government deploys an active struggle against sabotage, theft, speculation, and withholding of food. When the famine begins, the Union government takes the problem under special control and begins to actively, centrally assist the affected areas. The main causes of the famine in 1932-1933 were: disruption of harvest, crop failure and bad weather. The most effective during the famine were the collective farms. Centralized distribution minimized the number of deaths from starvation.

    So Stalin's policy saved people from the famine, which was caused by those who wanted to overthrow Stalin and bring back capitalism. Therefore, you are making a vain mistake when you blame Stalin and communists for the Holodomor. Think about it. Why did Stalin need to cause a famine?

    Various criminals, not just political criminals, were imprisoned in the Gulag system. The criminals were paid a wage for their labor. When their sentence ended, they went free with money, profession, and most of them were successfully incorporated into Soviet society. And you call it genocide.

    I wrote "Certainly many mistakes were made". How did you turn that into "a few mistakes"? And, of course, only idiots would undertake industrialization. Only idiots would think to develop their country's economy. So it is.



    (3 edits) (+7)(-1)

    Hi! I don’t have much time because of capitalism, but I would like to comment on some opinions…

    “The video game market exists because of capitalism.”
    Then “the printing press exists because of feudalism”. The main motor behind progress is human curiosity and their ability to upgrade everything (imho). I agree that capitalist maelstrom encourages progress (what kind of progress is another topic) but capitalism itself didn’t send the first human to space, neither communism if you ask me. It was the work of super-clever scientists. The same for the rest of technologies mentioned.

    “you guys are supposedly game developers when as a game dev you make money by selling a game aka capitalism”
    Please do not confuse capitalism with market. Markets existed before capitalism, markets will probably exist after capitalism.

    “the only system which has allowed people to move up finically based on competency”
    Myth of meritocracy

    “What you need to show me is that Capitalism sends society into chaos and fire.”
    "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein contains a lot of examples.

    “I know what you think, you think we can create another system besides capitalism and communism. Well then firstly tell me what that system is.”
    Coexisting with capitalism, some flavours of socialism are working extremely well in Europe (of course, there is always a lot of room to improve). I think we should work towards two objectives:
    1) A radical democracy. All democracies today are far from being perfect.
    2) A 100% cooperative market economy (it seems that this is already happening, silently and slowly).
    It would be a good starting point to keep improving (without dictatorships).

    Sorry, I'm using a translator. So mistakes can happen. I hope you'll forgive me. (This is my first answer.) I can't use links, I can only express verbally. Although there are negative aspects, many of us are willing to give to help others. We're still growing, but it may not be as bad as you think.


    You hit the nail on the head. Communism kills. Socialism led us to the genocide of jews. do your research folks. even if this game jam is a joke, you are being sucked by ESG groups like BlackRock.


    Ya, BlackRock, the well-known socialist/communist hedge fund. BlackRock is totally not an example of an evil capitalistic corporation.

    Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

    Nazis persecuted communists and socialists. See:

    Also, no group like Black Rock wants to fund socialists because leftists want to take away their wealth!


    People make games because they enjoy it.  You are right, our current gaming industry of delivering broken games with overpriced DLC exists because of the capitalist market. Further, the current gaming industry is plagued with crunch, non-paid overtime, abuse, and low wages, which scares off people who actually have a passion for making games but do not want to suffer without basic needs. I think games should be made with passion and love, not primarily because you can make money of of it.  You also forget to mention the millions of people in capitalist countries that die of things like starvation despite having food to feed everyone. Also, the author behind the book you reference in your username is a socialist, and he dislikes capitalism.