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A member registered Dec 29, 2017 · View creator page →

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Really fun, I probably played this for a good 40 minutes trying out both very easy and very hard mode. Is it a correct assumption that the ship simply has less health on very hard? Because it felt like regenerating health was a lot easier compared to very easy. I also used a pretty abusive strategy: boost out of circle, gear down to shoot, gear up to dodge, repeat. I think this is a common problem with twin stick shooters where the strongest strategy is to simply kite the enemies while shooting at them. If you had enemies trying to sneak up from behind, or teleporting etc. But yeah great game, I'm looking forward to the story mode.

The strange controls you experienced were indeed not intended. I will try to look into that and maybe set up some in game options menu at some point, and make them more standard by default. The orbs is loot but the interaction range is a bit off compared to when the text "loot" is shown. Spoiler: The animations aren't mine haha. I'll make sure to acquire similar well-made animations or make new ones very thoroughly. And I'm happy you liked the generation itself! That is definitely what I have spent the most time on.

I played this maybe a month back so I'll just leave you some feedback from back then: plz have my babies

I really like this game. It has good visual, likable characters and neat gameplay as well.  Keep up the good work :)

Some feedback:

  • The numbers are a bit off but I suppose you will fix this later on.
  • Pickup up items really is a hassle. It would be nice to at least have an option to increase the radius using an upgrade or similar.
  • In the dark room you can kind of get "stuck" on the pillars because of friction when pushing against them so it's a bit harder to evade. Although it's easy to work around that.

Something I think was a bug: If you level up in the dark room, you get shot by a huge laser (visual bug only, I think).

I'm definitely looking forward to playing this again at next demo/release. Cheers.

Thanks man, I'll use this to polish controls etc for the next demo for sure.