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A jam submission

Ex-CarmineView game page

A space shooter where you adventure to the far reaches of space. Survival mode only, for now.
Submitted by Team Essell (@TeamEssell) — 1 day, 8 hours before the deadline

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This is very high quality game very good


Big improvement to the presentation since I last played but the gameplay feels like a step down, it's just way too easy and I only failed by dying on purpose after doing the same thing over and over with no apparent difficulty curve after the first few waves.

Gearing feels like less of a necessity than before, the kamikaze ships are too slow.

The gears UI indicator is a bit too subtle, I only noticed it after a few minutes playing.

Gameplay video: 


Really fun, I probably played this for a good 40 minutes trying out both very easy and very hard mode. Is it a correct assumption that the ship simply has less health on very hard? Because it felt like regenerating health was a lot easier compared to very easy. I also used a pretty abusive strategy: boost out of circle, gear down to shoot, gear up to dodge, repeat. I think this is a common problem with twin stick shooters where the strongest strategy is to simply kite the enemies while shooting at them. If you had enemies trying to sneak up from behind, or teleporting etc. But yeah great game, I'm looking forward to the story mode.


The ship's health isn't changed between difficulties. What changes is the enemy's health, rate of fire, movement speed, and damage. So a little bit of everything. I'm aware of the kiting abusing strategy, but hopefully that will be fixed when I upgrade enemy AI for levels. I'm glad you enjoyed it enough to play it for 40 minutes! Looking forward to what we can show you next demo day, for sure.


Very fun game, man.

When I realized the penalty/reward system for changing gears, everything opened up a bit and I enjoyed it a lot. 

I dislike how the enemies fade when killed, as with so many things going on, it's hard to even tell if you've fully killed something during a big fight. The sound is super loud above everything else too, which doesn't actually solve the problem, but makes it so you can't hear a single other noise, considering enemies are always dying, that noise never goes away and you can't actually hear missiles or important cues.

Those are my only complaints, everything else seems solid and improved from last demos. good luck with the rest of development!


Yeah, I have equalization issues with the sound. I will have to figure out something with it, because generally there's just to many sounds going on. I think I'll need a complete rewrite of the audio system to accompany this, but I'm aware it's an issue. I'm glad you enjoyed it though!

Very nice visuals. The tips at the beginning of each wave are definitely helpful in learning the mechanics. I wish there was a bit more of an explanation for the loadouts but I managed to grasp it after a couple rounds. Very fun game. Definitely looking forward to seeing what is next.


This game is absolute shit. In every conceivable level. Its so bad I wouldn't even wipe my ass with it.


Loved it! Feels great to play and it looks really nice visually, love the death screen. Cant wait to see it with its intended content