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A member registered Feb 14, 2022

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very laggy, hard to control with the lag

was confused as to what to do in the beginning, and the difficulty ramped up quickly.

interesting, but scrolling to change the face was not in the popup, got stuck there. otherwise, only the lack of content is the issue, good concept

couldnt find the compass

interesting puzzle game, but a bit annoyed that half the time is spent trying to find what is actually interactable. A note that red crosshair means a modifyable abject would be a lot helpful. Not a fan of platformers, so stopped at the final stretch, but interesting overall.

got through the carp part, but got stuck with the dragon. some explanation of the abilities would go a long way, had a lot of trouble figuring out what the dragon can do and not do

Feel like the delay between you can eat is a bit too high, usually games like this are about constantly eating, without a break. Other than that was good, spitting back to attack is a good concept

What am i supposed to do? There is no explanation, Basically Crypt of the necromancer but only the timing concept. Literally nothing else, also, what are the rocks supposed to do?

nice, controls were a bit twitchy/too fast in some ways but has the beginning of a great platformer

controls feel way too sluggish, even when not bound you move slower than a snail

(1 edit)

struggle does not work

What happened to the status option in the menu? ive only played day 1, but in the demos the status option has some nice artwork in the gas station and charleston mansion.