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Space Sandwich

A member registered Nov 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's a fun gameplay mechanic! Nice work.

I like this concept! I think it's cool how it loops at the end.

Nice that you were able to fit into two themes as well.

I realized a bit too late that there were a few dead zones where there's no bullets.  If I was going to keep working on this, I'd probably put a wall or a stage hazard there to fix it. Or maybe adjust where bullets spawn.

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, I haven't seen a lot of other Unreal games around and I'm not really sure why, other than I know their HTML5 support has gotten pretty rocky recently. 

I know there's a few dead zones where you can almost completely avoid getting hit by meteors, like on the ceiling. I think it could have used something to fix that if I'd had more time.

Thanks for playing!

Yeah, this game ended up being a bit harder than I intended for a few reasons, including some of the visuals. Thanks for checking it out!

I think the music changing speeds helped make sure it didn't get too monotonous because it was a short loop, so I'm glad it was well received.
I agree on the double jump. I didn't plan my assets with a double jump in mind, but then as I was playtesting, the game felt awkward without one. I think if I'd had more time I may have put in a skateboard trick or high jump in instead to get that extra bit of air.

Thanks for checking out my game and devlog!

Yeah, I was hoping the difficulty curve would work well and I think I like how it turned out. Thanks for playing!

Awesome, thanks for checking out my game!

No problem. I knew that'd be a risk developing exclusively for Windows. I may try a web build next time.

Yes, the disc is supposed to move in a slightly random direction when you throw it. That's the concept behind the character being the "worst" at disc golf, because they can't even throw a straight shot and clear a simple course. I thought about trying to make that clearer in game with some sort of dialogue or further instruction, but I ended up opting not to do so. I'll see about updating the description though, because I can see how that could be unclear.

Thanks for checking out my game!