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A member registered Dec 31, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sorry , the game barely work on a high end pc , i doubt it will ever work on mobile without optimizations

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No  you can not do it .  It has been like this since the beginning . there where some signs of them adding some more adventure or reward citizen cards in some ways , or put them in packs to buy, so far no implementation of this or any kind, was made

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your game data is  on the server, not in browser, no matter where  you log in or  what browser u use, the  progress remains .  that's has everything works

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max 10 chests slots . 1-4 you get for free ,  5-10   can be bought with increasing cost and rewards when bought.
More details in the discord wiki

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I never looked at that , ill try to see if you lose  the wining streak . As for arena 10 and up , they where impossible , now they are doable ,  you need some good cards tho and a lot of patience and understanding of the skills, 

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nope , the game works ok

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Oh, i see , so you had the bee event . the next one should be soon enough as i said i think   max is 1 week.  

But  i do not know  , maybe they finally  made some changes because a lot of ppl complain the fact that the time between events doe not allow you to gather resources to be prepared for the next . So in my opinion is is better to wait  and be prepared then having them soon and not been able to get anything coz of no currency to  complete the task.

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For new players the events have been changing on and off for some time ,  they either start after you  have made 15 wins in adventure , then it was changed 3 days after you make you account,  then it was changed back to 15  stars (wins) in adventure . Then  the next event should start  in 1 week after the last one ended , or sometimes even sooner.  For the rest who have had all of the events so far , it is usually 1 event  per month

As i see now  on a brand new account  starts  after you made 15 battles in adventure , so idk why on yours states as coming soon ...very odd ,

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Yes with  1.000 %  certainty ,been  farming map 10 for over 8 months , the deck has not changed,  same number of cards  , same cards  same lvl of cards . And the cards have not suffer any changes in stats.  However, the way the cards are played as in frequency, one over the other, might have , i just hit auto combat  always.
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For example, I've been grinding away on adventure level 10 and a few weeks ago I noticed the AI's deck changed so I had to change my deck accordingly.

I was baffled by this statement and i went to check myself , since i play for  1 year now and i know exactly what  cards the AI uses in every map, i looked also in the game code, and i can assure you with 100% certainty that nothing has changed in a very long time to the deck of cards. Nothing in the lvl of the cards or in the amount each  deck has .  It was always (almost ) :   officer, bavarian, perfumer, diamond_ring, tequila, magic_wand

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Some great points there  , some of the  usual things  long time suggested, even by me :D , not the most critical  the game needs , but anything the devs will do  towards  better game play i'm up for it

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Yes , most of the  Citizen cards can not be upgraded to full , not yet,  we will probably get  them in new adventure or  somewhere else . And no silver and gold boxes do not contain them .  They do not drop any ware other then, then, as rewards for finishing that adventure  map

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Yes ,  on your third day of playing the game the first event will start for you

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The tasks give  you  83.660.  And it's impossible to make them in one day unless you spend  a lot of $ on  refreshing for boss fights , researching combos,  opening gold chests . of and you have to have a lot of  buck and viagra on hand also .

Then you have to battle the bots , as previously stated  all rankings are  generated for you only , it just you and the  99 bots  that gain power no matter what you do. They have a set function to gain more and more power with each passing  hour /day. And no matter what you do you can not beat them unless you pay for the packs to get more points then them because the game will not offer that possibility just by playing

The events overall are  a disaster , incredibly unbalanced for both  f2p and p2p , and not  even slightly thought of , filled with  pay walls or wait walls in an thing that needs you to win daily.  Case in point the  recent failure to see that quest 8  was not even achievable  during the whole event ,  and when they think of it they make it work by increasing the req  instead of lowering it  :))).

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All events have 1 player(you) and rest bots that seem to be capped at 50k (so far) .After3 event testing  the  power of the bots increase very rapidly as days go by , first 1-2 days they kind of stay in the mid 20k-30k , after day 3 they go full 49.9k near the reset time.
There is no way to beat them after day 3 unless you buy the packs(intended mechanic) . Login in late  does not affect them , not doing anything in game does not affect them, nothing does , they seem to have a separate  growing system that i have not yet identified . So if you want to get top 3 you need to get 50k ranking points.
Events are so far apart and the only way to get some good cards and hope for some legendary , for f2p , adn even for p2p  after the golden box nerf , If they do not remove the bots the game will die soon , even so the community is small since they do not listen to make a balance game first that ppl will enjoy, then to try to earn some money.
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the first 5 k does count , but the issue  is still there , you still need to grind  or buy. on a such early quest  preventing you daily rankings , all those stops preventing daily rankings are stupid in my opinion.

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its hard  even for paying ppl , like rly hard  due to the fact that in rankings there are only BOTS , meant to give themselves  more points then you get . And if you combine that with a bad GMT, like ending the game day at 2-3 am in the night are fuked even as a  p2w player , and im talking from experience here  !

i do not think we will see one , for a long time , they have to  create the 3rd one ,  so far all the events are 1 time play only  it seems . And they are so  filled with overpowered bots ,  so no place for top3 , but those koffers are good for some blue cards

yes  the game does lagg after a while  because of the way it is been coded , full of memory leaks , but i tend to be able to do  everything i need before that happens and  it usually only requires to close the game/browser to fix it.
I recommend trying also some diff browsers to see what works for you best. might be also a connection issue of peering with their servers

ok the bug seems to have been fixed for now

Well i stand corrected , ti seems indeed there is a bug, with cards been duplicated after fusing , it happens sometimes not always.
You can best see it when starting a new account.  get 2 ballerinas  upgraded and then at fusing one is upgraded and the other does not get consumed  and remains at the lvl so strange...and exploitable

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i will try to simulate this , but i  myself merged 2 vamp cards and  all was ok . but did not tested this inside the deck.
edit : when  having only 20 deck cards and do a fusing inside the deck it will pull 1 random card from the inventory to fill the missing spot

edit 2 : made a new account to simulate what will happen if you had only 20 deck card and no cards in inventory. Result : you can NOT fuse the 2 cards in the deck , until you get 1 card more in inventory or in deck

they are not known for playing their game, bad coding skills + not playing your own game = ....

they "fix" it in the worst possible way  , by not fixing it and just  removing the  0 from 10 , instead of actually making an effort to calculate a fair drop and balanced rate .
And to support my claim they also  modified the gold box , from 10 to 5 .. why !???

I have no ideea what you have wrote there, it makes no sense at all . I think u used google translate and it messed everything you wanted to say.
1- i have tried and merged lady vamp card and it working s intended , nothing wrong
2 - wtf is  Map of cow curator ,  cow curator is an event card dropped from event chests  , what is  1 card randomly appears ..and how it is duplicated?

has not happened for me today at all, hope it doesnt start

has not happened for me today at all, hope it doesnt start

what is the q asking? , if is   : Obtain 1 COMMON character cards , be sure its a character card not item

we are growing ,and  so is the information listed  , come join

most likely , so far 4  events are listed in game  ,but idk when will they be live

Yea i think most if not all of us will stop there ,since apparently its an event card that need to be  x3  fused .  getting 8 same legendary event t cards ... that's just greed on a different lvl . Unless it will apply  to  past events also , they keep same legendary...  Anyway the event  needs to  be re balanced , mostly in the getting rank tokens  and legendary chests  to be more accessible other then paying  for them !

i have reached a lot of times the 999 mark , just had to  just dust everything. But i find the need of having preset decks more then that

yes, every game in hooligapps has big  memory leaks. There is nothing you can do but play on powerful pc with a lot of ram memory and refresh the browser very often. They just do not seem to care about this to fix it

google translate :

да, в каждой игре в hooligapps большие утечки памяти. Вы ничего не можете сделать, кроме как играть на мощном компьютере с большим объемом оперативной памяти и очень часто обновлять браузер. Они просто не заботятся об этом, чтобы исправить это

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Since there was no such thing i made one , maybe we can start building up a comunity there ,  share information   guides   solutions tips....

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This is my second, and it was different ,  so  no repeats so far

probably , who knows , but the description said  own ANY legendary . I did not get to  since there is no way to get enough  top ranking points after  2-3 days so impossible to get chests , without spending $ to basically buy you top 3 place 

only needed to buy 100 gems for the dam gold chests

FAIL ---- due to inability to get ranking points , due to bugged quest 67 , due to  balancing of event ....

It is bugged since the beginning, no fix so far , and i guess it will not be , this event at least.