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A member registered Nov 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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cool idea, well made only problem isthe webgl version on itch is lagging a lot

Such a sick game! Awesome, original idea, very fun

The game looks so good! the art is super nice and so cute i just don't know how to interact with other characters but the game seems like it could have been so fun, im really disappointed to not be able to play it :(

I actually enjoyed playing your game! Its cute and walking around the world figuring out who wanted what is a really fun thing, the maze was a little too confusing for me so im guessing that i might have missed some items there so i couldn't finish the game :(

Cool game, i liked the animations A LOT also the multiple endings are a cool thing, i think you should have made the cutscene in the beginning shorter or skippable since if someone is playing the game for the 3rd time the cutscene can be just annoying

Thanks for playing the game on stream! I watched the VOD, Its really good to see someone else play, it gives us a lot of useful information on what to improve! Thanks for the feedback!

thank you! Im happy to hear that! <3

I actually enjoyed playing your game! All the animations look nice! The art looks nice! It would be cool if the game would have some progression system even something like a counter of happy or unhappy customers, maybe also some ending would be cool just to add a feeling of a reward or something like that. Good game!

I'm really happy to hear that you liked our game!

We fixed the issue with not enough time to look at pictures in the post-jam version!

Thanks a lot for the feedback i appreciate it a lot!

The stream is still on if you have any games that you want to get good feedback on or just see someone play them, post the links to the game here


Im gonna be live streaming playing your game jam games at 5 pm GMT here! To submit your game just post a link to it in the comments of this post. There will be VOD enabled so if you can't be there when im playing your game you can always watch it in the VOD. It would be cool if you would check out our game too


Im done playing all the sumitted games. Im still streaming so if you have any games you want to be played just post them here

(2 edits)

Im right now live streaming playing your game jam games here! To submit your game just post a link to it in the comments of this post. There will be VOD enabled so if you can't be there when im playing your game you can always watch it in the VOD. It would be cool if you would check out our game too



yeah, its possible there is sometimes a glitch that makes pressing f not do anything, if after holding f you can see an effect then its working if you dont see it then it doesn't. If it works and you are not sure what to do you have to have your mouse over an object in the background and then hold f for a few seconds, that should activate the object

The stream has ended

I will be playing your game jam games at 5 pm GMT here Im not too professional, i don't stream much. To submit your game just post a comment with a link to the game. There will be VOD so if you won't be able to be on the stream now you can always watch me play your game later. Im live now playing some CS:GO and i will be playing your games in 30 minutes.

Hey, We would really appreciate if you would check out our game! Later when i have time i will rate your game too!

unfotunately no

I agree with the reviews before, i think the biggest problem that should be easy to fix is the character sticking to the walls, it makes the platforming way less fun and harder

It would be cool if you would rate our game, i will play your game now

We would really appreciate if you would check our game out!

its actually a great story, it really surprised me how much i liked it

fun game, really cool audio

Hey, we would appreaciate if you would rate our game, i will also check out your game when i will be able to

amesome game, really funny lol

Oh that sucks man, ive watched the steam VOD and it clearly doesnt work because there should be a visual effect triggering when you hold f and its not, it has to be some input problem then, its very interesting why it doesnt work because it works for most of the people i will have see why its happening. Thanks a lot for trying!

Its a cool game, i think you could improve a lot of things in it, i think a big problem with your levels was that you had to jump blindly into some place where you didn't know what to expect there to be for example you jump from a platform but you dont see whats in front or underneath you. I really like the visuals and that there were secrets to be found 

(1 edit)

woooow i can't believe you made this game in 7 days its sooo good. Its actually so impressive, the game is just amazing. I just love the game so much there is so much content its so polished im really amazed by how good it is. If you would make a post jam version of this game i would for sure try it out, even though i dont think there is much to add, the game is just perfect. Super fun, Really nice graphics

Its a really good game, really well made and very polished, sick music, really nice graphics. Really good job, especially if it was your first game jam. Im pretty impressed how much you've managed to make in only a week. The only problem that i think the game has is that its way too hard 

Intresting, pretty fun game, i think it would be good if the game would for example have some minigames while stealing stuff i think it would make the game more interesting

(1 edit)

Thanks for the really good feedback!

Its a very good idea i like it a lot, super nice visuals, good music, good game, good job dude 

Hey, we would appreciate if you would rate our game and when i have time i will check out your game

I LOVE THIS GAME. Its probably the most fun any game jam game that i've ever played, really enjoyed playing it, i think the only problems with it is that the rules were a bit unclear to me and i realized that some enemies are fake after i finished the game lol. Also i LOOOVE the message in the end of the game i will donate a bit to one of the charities you mentioned. Awesome work keep it up! 

Cool game, the visuals are really nice

Interesting game, i really like the idea of finding out who the mosters are, it would be cool if you would have added some audio, i think the background is pretty bad, sometimes you can see the void in my opinion a darker background would fit there better, im not sure though. And there are some bugs that i noticed, sometimes the characters can move even after dying and i think after you complete a level and at the same time fail the pop ups glitch. I understand that its a game made in a weekend so i think you did a good job with it. I hope im not too harsh but i just want to give you an advice since some stuff (like the background) is pretty easy and quick to fix

Amazing graphics!