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A member registered Sep 14, 2022

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i don't like the new stamina system, it takes almost the whole bar to kill one enemy and it takes way too long to regenerate. it feels like a completely pointless addition that just makes the game more annoying to play.

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So many planets have environmental debuffs and the items to counter them last such a ridiculously short time. On most planets I kinda just have to ignore the debuffs because it's not worth crafting 500 Coolants to get rid of a minor debuff. But on planets with more severe debuffs (namely the ones that eat HP), it feels so bad to deal with due to the fact that the counter items expire in hardly a minute and you need to dump a rather hefty amount of bytes / resources into getting a giant pile of them, just so you can get any exploring done.

Will you be giving news on development? Such as a possible release date, current development progress and such? And is there anywhere we can follow any possible news for the game?

Currently in version 0.400, after completing the main story part in the Fertile Forest (Dryads + Abandoned Temple), the Main Quest just disappeared for me. The Dryad tells you to go South IIRC and I got a notification for a new quest, but when I check the quest log, the Main Quest line is no longer there.

Anybody know if it's possible to continue the story from here, or is it just softlocked at this point?

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Yes. Go to the Debug Room in the Temple of Fertility, talk to the blue girl on the bottom left, buy a giant pile of Debug Teleporters from her.

Once you've completed the event in the classroom, use the teleporter under Key Items to get out.

Pretty colossal bug: After completing Fertile Overgrowth, the main story just disappears.  Not sure where to go from here. IIRC what was supposed to happen is that Damia directs you to the demonic barrier which starts Chapter 3, but this never happened, so I'm now seemingly stuck with no way to progress the story.

Not sure if there is a way to progress, but as it stands, it seems you get stuck at the end of Chapter 2 because of this bug and the only way to progress is skipping to Chapter 4 from the debug room. Hoping for a quick hotfix because this seriously sucks.

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In the Royal City, the school (One with the pregnant teacher) is broken. Once you enter, it's not possible to leave, so if you don't have a debug teleporter in hand, you get softlocked.

The weapon shop in Lakeview has a similar bug, where you get stuck at the entrance and can't go in further, though you can still leave.

I found a fix to this:

Go into the game files, under img/pictures, find Sanura's pregnancy image files. Get Sanurapreg1_stage3_3, make a copy of the file and rename the copy to match the filename the game says is missing (In this case it was Sanurapreg1_stage3_6 for me). Then click retry. Not sure if there are any further missing files, but if you encounter the error again, you can probably fix it by repeating the same thing.

It seems the pregnancy image files were cleaned up from previous releases (Some of them had duplicates), but the game still tries to refer to files that are now deleted? At least it can be fixed easily though.

Bug I found with .400: In Lakeview, the weapon shop is bugged. You can enter, but are blocked by an invisible wall and can only step backwards which exits the shop.

IMO with the removal of the body lab, the early game needs to be rebalanced. Even in the level 1-3 planets, you frequently encounter groups of 3-4 enemies which becomes rough to deal with minimal tools and no allies. You need to grind just to unlock basic pregnancy now and it's very rough when one group of enemies can halfway kill you. Also Sea Snakes specifically need to be nerfed, they are just way overtuned. They have too much HP and deal more than twice the damage of other enemies in early planets.

I also don't like the removal of the body lab in general, because it makes this already rather grindy game even MORE grindy and means you take longer before you can start unlocking the spicy content. I have to say it very much does not feel like a good decision.

I finished most of the currently available content, wanted to give some feedback on the game as pregnancy focused games are extremely rare, let alone ones that are actually promising. I like the general premise of the game, but feel it's lacking in some areas so I wanted to point these out.

1- Quality of Life

- The game doesn't even tell you what buttons to press to traverse the menu / open the pause menu, interact with things, etc. Granted the game uses the typical RPGMaker control scheme so if you played games made on the same engine, you'd know what to do. But you can't rely on people having played other games to know the input scheme of your own game. A future update should add information on what each button does to menus and the open world (i.e X: Open Menu, Z: Interact, Shift: Dash).

- There could be better hints / direction for side content. While the main story gives you enough direction to know what you're supposed to do, you can end up running around like a headless chicken for a lot of side content, especially because they aren't recorded on the quest log. Stories of side characters for example should be recorded in the quest log with hints on how to progress them.

- After Chapter 3, you should get an item or feature that lets you summon your airship on the spot. Could also use a button to immediately go to the open world map while in cities or otherwise safe areas. Not a big issue, just to make traversal a tiny bit smoother.

2- Artwork

- Overlooking the current mishmash of different artstyles as the game is very much WIP, it should ideally  settle on a single style for the future, assuming it's feasible. Having a bunch of notably different styles does look a tad jarring.

- IMO the game should focus more on giving CG artwork to the main trio or other significant characters, rather than random NPCs you see once or twice then never again. For example, game over scenes should have CG artwork associated to them, as well as bonus scenes like Leah getting stuck under the Abandoned Temple. As it stands, there is basically no special CG artwork in the game, which I consider a problem considering a big appeal of this game is the pregnancy fetish content. When I find a special scene, it feels like there is no real "payoff", which, in other games, would usually be either special CG or animation. Or if not that, at least some lewd text. This game has neither. At best, you get a modified chibi sprite for Leah, but those are hardly appealing.


- I'm unsure if the game doesn't have NSFW content because it's WIP and will be added later, or if there just won't be any, but it definitely should have NSFW content. The toggle is there, so I have to assume more will be added later, but this still can't be stated enough. Continuing off the point I made above, the game's primary appeal is the pregnancy fetish content, but it just doesn't reinforce it with either artwork CG, or text. The birth "scene" for example being the character saying "oh no here it comes", then the screen shaking twice is painfully underwhelming. Again, in a lot of lewd games, it feels like the gameplay builds to some "payoff" in the way of lewd scenes / graphics, or at least some text that describes some spicy stuff in detail. But in this game, you complete side stories or find some secret and there is just no real payoff to it.  As a result, I found that I had no real motivation left to pursue completing all the side content, simply because it feels pointless when I know there isn't gonna be anything interesting to make it worth my time.

Overall, again, I like the premise of the game, it fills a rare niche that is hard to find and I'm looking forward to future updates. Just wish it's more refined and updated in these areas. Dunno if this feedback will even be read or taken seriously, but hey, I tried.

Any plan to add hyper size for belly or is it gonna be breasts only?

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Tbh I really wish this game had at least SOME nudity, if not some actual lewd scenes.

The entire game is built around hyperpreg fetish and the premise is women getting pregnant and giving birth over and over again, so it feels really weird to not have even a bit of nudity, let alone any lewd / sex / birth scenes. Kinda feels like the game is constantly blue balling me with the idea always being there, yet nothing being actually shown.

Came for the lewds, ended up staying for the story ngl. I assume the story currently goes up to the Homecoming mission in 48.2? I'm very much looking forward to see it continue.

Two bugs I noticed with the newest release:

Unequipping cloth causes it to be destroyed entirely, rather than moved to the inventory.

After loading into a save where I removed the panties, remove cloth would no longer work and enemies couldn't get past the tease state in H-scenes.

Could you look at improving the main characters body here and there, if possible? Namely, I think the breast shape could be better (the nipples should be more to the sides), the feet shape looks rather bad and the pregnant belly looks notably blocky and jaggy.

After some experimenting, I think I understand how the weight / hunger systems work and I'd like to give some feedback on it:

It seems what's happening is that the weight gain is directly related to the hidden hunger gauge, where you gain weight if the gauge is high and lose weight if its low. So if you really stuff your face, the hunger gauge goes very high and you gain weight.

The problem I found with this system is that the hunger gauge doesn't appear to have a cap or reset after sleeping, so if you eat a lot, it goes super high and depending on how much you ate, you can go days to weeks without getting hungry and gain weight every day even if you don't eat a single piece of food.

In one of my saves, without knowing any of this, I really stuffed Ayume up for about a week. Once she got over the 55kg mark, I decided to make her thin again, except the hunger gauge must have been so high at this point that she kept gaining weight every day for about 2 weeks despite not eating anything all

So I feel this whole system can be quite confusing and unrealistic. I think what could be done to improve it is firstly making it reset after sleeping and making Ayume wake up hungry. This would fix the problem of stuffing your face one day and not getting hungry again for a whole week.

As for the weight gain, you could implement a cap on the hunger gauge and make it so all food you eat after capping the hunger out causes Ayume to gain weight at the end of the day. If you don't cap the gauge out then you lose weight. And I think it would be nice if we had a visible gauge for the hunger instead of it only showing up when she's hungry or starving.

Sorry for the ridiculously long post. I hope it was helpful.