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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Space hole :3
Honestly gameplay felt a little bland after a minute but great work nonetheless! 

It reminds me of this one flash game with a spider... Honestly amazing take on the theme. I seen a few games where size is life but this one foes it the best!

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Detroit become crispy  *chefs kiss*

WOAH! This game is  so awesome. I really liked the design and sounds. The puzzles were also really cool! Too bad I'm an idiot and couldn't figure it out heh

So very good :3 weirdly enough the first one was the hardest for me

This is a pretty funny game! :3 I liked it very much actually. Good luck with school!

First of all Louie is def the sexiest. The camera didn't follow me all the way on the tall level. I loved your take on the theme! Seriously good stuff :3

I played it and gosh its good! It's a real shame it got disqualified, I was really fun, no notes!

This is similar to what I was trying to do with my game. Were you at all inspired by Gungeon?  I have a couple issues  though, the floor 1 boss won't die, the powerups didn't really help and I ended up avoiding them more than I did collect them. Please give the enemies hp bars I felt totally useless pelting the boss with the hundredth bullet for him to keep living and spawning more skeletons. I was really determined to see floor 2 but I gave up because the game was way too tough. My main frustration was the reloading, it's all great and immersive but without health potions and aggressive enemies going Mach 10, it was hard to have fun. I probably played for 4 hours. I can say definitively, it needs a bit of work. I feel like it was way way too hard. However, it its an awesome concept and I really think that had it been a slightly more balanced for the player I would have enjoyed much more. Halfway through writing this I went back extra determined to get to floor 2 and I did, and even got to floor 3. Btw I do like the transition area I think that's a really nice touch. All in all, you've definitely got a good idea.

Oh and I should definitely mention that there's a hole in your collision layer for the player.

Neat stuff but I had no idea how to play. Switching guns was only in the last level. The flooring gave the impression the gun could move. Other than that, I liked all the different interactions!

Hey uh guys... there's no collision with the wall here... Great game!!

In all honesty, I do really love the 3 stat mechanic. But if I were to add another stat I mostly think Charisma because my understanding was that Presence worked similar to Dex, Body worked as strength and Constitution and Mind worked for Wisdom and Intelligence. I do also really like the trait d100 idea, it really helps with character choices. I'll probably end up using something similar for my characters. Though back to Charisma you could probably use a combo of Presence and Mind for Charisma. Mostly I just didn't understand progression or character customization like leveling up or classes. That and weapons felt missing. If we get average stats (assuming 30 30 40) characters will sort of feel the same. Looking over it again, I didn't realize Act was the number of actions I had. Had I been aware I probably wouldn't've kicked my own ass. Though I do worry, wouldn't the best strategy be stockpiling as many actions as possible and flail about until something happens? I would personally have Actions scale with level and replace Act on the character sheet with something like Charisma and Move Speed could just be Presence/10 rounded up. But as I said before, truly I do really like the system. The main problem I had was keeping track of everything. I would probably create a companion sheet with checkboxes or a slider to track instead. As I said though, truly lovely system the simplicity is brilliant.

Big Knight is op

Things that surprised me:

Violently shaking the eggs out of chickens
Naked closet man... possibly grandpa 
Grandma needing Chloroform  and H2O2 for the basement
Meat tasting... "unusual"
Needing gasoline for her flower garden
Naked grandpa seeing air
Grandma being worried about a "dirt pile"
The literal backrooms 
Naked Grandpa returns... with a gun!
I am not cut out to be a manure farmer
Super Saiyan Grandma

Below is a photo of pain and suffering 

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Aww, thanks so much! I'm so happy with how it turned out, honestly if it gets a bunch of traction, I'll probably make an Elmo boss <3

I liked how throwing the grenade launcher was more effective than firing it. Anyway this is by far a seriously well developed game!

wait what?!? howw? what on earth did you do?

I really wanted to give this as fair a shot as any other game. So having no friends I made my own campaign and ran through a brief combat encounter. I got my ass kicked by myself. I do like the idea of power scaling on death and the insanity was a nice touch. The Reaping Blade reminds me a lot of a book called "Scythe". Anyway, it took me awhile but all the games systems do work. Though the enemies are rather powerful, I worry that campaigns will end up becoming characters throwing themselves at monsters again and again. Side note, I imagine that someone in this world got buried and then woke up 8 hours later... only to suffocate and wake up... 8 hours later. Anyway, I don't see myself using this system any time soon mostly because its a lot of adding and subtracting stats and I'd burn through paper playing this with friends. I fear in a quest for simplicity (3 stats), the game got way harder. Oh and I really liked how Strength and Magic worked. Anyway, good stuff!

Controls were a little weird but okay to work with. Some of the assets didn't feel like they matched. But I did enjoy the overall theme and story but I wasn't quite sure why I was changing sizes. Great work!

I didn't understand the grow/shrink until the forth level. I found that pressing esc skips to the next level... so tower completed in sub 10sec. My only note is the first level might want a little delay for when the ball comes because it kept catching me  off guard

This is super awesome! I'm probably going to need glasses after staring into the sun

I liked this a bunch but the controls were weird. Some of the puzzles were not super intuitive and I couldn't get past the level with the scale. Also having to be exactly inside the teleporter made it sometimes tedious to align myself

I really wanted to play it but I couldnt find a link