Or or... we dont defend PEDOPHILES!!!!! god maybe this fandom is full of fucking pedos 🤦🤦🤦
been here since 2000s and i still fucking hate it .-.
For the love of whatever divine being you may believe in.
JasonAfex got together with one… ONE (singular) person that was 16 somewhat around 15 years ago and he married with that person for 6 years ago. He doesn’t go around looking for minors.
So maybe do not call him a Pedophile with evidence that goes against your point.
And if you hate this fandom for over 20 years, maybe rethink your live and go somewhere else, as actively seeking out something you hate means stress and thus is not healthy.
Bro, why are you dick riding jason so hard? He DOES love minors if he DIDNT he wouldnt have DATED a minor and then got MARRIED to them. But since this is some guy who made your favorite sex game awhile back doesnt mean you should defend him.
And the evidence does not go against, actually it supports me, cause he DID date a minor. And we cant be FOR SURE that he only loves kabier.
Again, I’m NOT your bro, nor anyone else’s.
Also, again he didn’t make my favorite sex game. (From my point of view, the best he made was enjoyable but only above average)
Then I never said he ONLY loves Kabier, I said that he loves Kabier. The “only” changes the meaning drastically, by making it something exclusive.
And falling in love with one person (while she was a minor but reached age of consent) does not prove a general standpoint.
+ He married her years later when she was in her mid-20s, clearly beyond the age of a minor. Absolutely something a pedophile would do.
And by your logic, I can’t hate humanity because I have friends, but surprise: There are few I detest more than myself and I hate our species. Yet I do my best to not generalize by single events, to look at the entire picture and actually argue based on what the others (including the ones we talk about) said before.
The simplified answer:
Being called a somewhat familiar term by everyone except my family and the 10 people I call friends (though 6 just because of the shared interest that brings us together on a regular basis) feels to me like someone is punching me from the inside.
The answer with context:
As I mentioned in my other comment, there are few I detest more than myself and I hate our species. Among other things, this has to do with the way I view myself, and a fake friend I didn't recognize as such until it was too late.
Yes, that's a problem, but therapy (and my actual friends from before) got me to where I am now, which was enough to end my suicidal thoughts because I am what I am (physically and mentally).
What it hasn't helped with is that anything that even remotely reminds me of fraternizing with people I don't know triggers this problem I have.
It's not something you could have known, and it's something I really don't like to talk about, but that's why I have a problem with being called "bro."