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A member registered Nov 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Oopsie ! i'm sorry that you had that kind of bug... Yeah i overscoped it and ended with two hour to patch it up and make it look "ok". Hope you had fun anyway ! thanks !

Thanks for you comment, in fact, this little timer wasn't in the game at first, but I add it after i played the game, you could just wait for a nice pack without bad apple in the bottom of the screen and then grab them all. But that's not very funny, so i add this little timer that grow a bit when you pick up a good apple, it's a way of forcing you to play instead of leaving the game idling alone to get the perfect opportunity. But yes, i admit that it's not enough well made to be visible and clear !

Thanks ! that's a very nice comment :)

Thanks for your feedback ! It's very dense and usefull !

I'm happy to hear that you had fun ! :)

Thanks ! That's a nice thing to hear :)

God dammit i forgot >.<, thanks for your feedback i've set it up now !

Hello, yes that's a reccuring feedback :/ i'll work on this quickly after the Jam to be ok with the rules !:)

Oi, thanks for testing, it's a feedback that i got a lot, when the jam is done i'll set this up !

Thanks for your feedback, i thought that many bug were washed out but i guess i should have been more carefull with them...

Love the Volume Slider details ! The game is cool, the idea of combo with bonus is really really cool,  you did a great job !

Thanks for your feedback ! It is an interesting take on the concept, it just take away some player agency :/. Thanks for your feedbacks on audio and graphics, it's my first time doing everything by myself so it counts for me ! :)

I Have seen the mechanics through the jam but this is the most polished one of them ! Congrat's !

It's a nice game, looks very polished. As someone said in the comments, gameplay is limited if you don't have any luck, maybe something like "corrupting" shop choices could have set some negative effect without touching to the player agency.

Fun game ! You should try to explain the game by another way than the text wall, but the idea is cool :) !

I'm happy to ear that you had fun, thanks :

Thanks ! Yes it's the point, even tho i'm not a good musician haha :)

(1 edit)

Nice ! Hope you had fun :D

thank for your feedback ! Hope you had fun :)

Thanks for your feedback :)

That was fun, creative and overall feel really good !

That was fun, creative and overall feel really good !

Really cool atmosphere, i'd really like a further version with solutions to clamp dice value / add a bit more of control

That's a cool puzzle game that i'd love to see polished !

Nice game, fun to play, the audio can get a bit annoying to be honest.

Very cool game that has a great execution !