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A member registered Jun 24, 2021

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It would probably work in their favor if poncle added links to various full versions like the ones on steam, switch and mobile...

There's a google play store version of this game.

Personally I don't think there's enough stuff to do yet in this version to warrant a 30 dollar price tag, but the game does run smoothly without any setup on an rtx 3060. I'd hoped there were more poses that would work in vr mode. I can't find the kobold that's supposed to be controlling the hologram in the entrance hall, and the kobold sitting outside can't be interacted with, which I think are some missed opportunities. Also, is it just me or does the no-vr version look like it has a lot more content?

I think it works normally now, but I also think I know why it didn't work the first time: to pinch I probably had to press the touchpad ridiculously hard, which is likely why I thought nothing happened. I bound touching the touchpad to pinch, and it's now much easier to do so.

Figured out why this happened: it's impossible to pinch with an index controller (at least, I haven't been able to figure out how). The pinch function also clicks the cursor in the interface. I bound pinch to analog stick - south, and that fixed the issue for me. If it would be possible to make it so pinching isn't required to interact with the dialog, that would be less anti-intuitive. I think I'll re-bind pinch to the trigger, now that I know what pinch is responsible for.

Using index controllers in the full version, I can't interact with the dialog interface that pops up. The cursor shows up, and highlights the options in yellow, but when I press any button nothing happens.

there's a steam version of this game, if your question is still relevant.

Can you release a demo so people can test if the performance is manageable? The asking price is a little steep to just try out.

(1 edit)

Despite owning hardware that matches the requirements (an RTX 3060 12g should be as fast as an RTX 2070 or an RX 5700 XT) I cannot get the demo to work at an acceptable level of quality and framerate at any resolution in VR. Either increase the recommended specs to something more realistic or double down on improving performance, because with this performance I'm not inclined to buy it when it finally comes out. Also, you state the demo is uncensored, but there's no way to remove clothing, so you can't say that's uncensored (at least in version 0.13.2d). A little misleading.  Nevermind, I got it to work (a bit) better after what I would consider too much effort (50% image scaling in nvidia control panel, 30% render scale in steamvr settings, classic reprojection... goodbye pixels) and yes the demo is technically uncensored but there's not much to see. I guess it's fine for what it is, I didn't know what I expected.

This must be a mistake, because I can clearly see all the toys being locked and unmovable. Is it a bug maybe?

afaik this game was never even part of the original bundle (and as such the price hasn't changed). As for the content of said bundle, half of the projects in it are unfinished or don't have any substantial content, so buy individual products if you see something you like, or just avoid the bundle in it's entirety.