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A member registered Oct 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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Actually its not a beta, but I am continuing to add features to it, so expect some cool new stuff coming in early 2022 🤙 

nailed the game feel. really just feels great to swing from one node to another, especially a bunch back to back (I even swung around aimlessly for fun before completing the puzzles). also the sound fx and music vibe really well with the look. 

Your feedback here and in the video is priceless, definitely going to keep lots of these things in mind for future updates. Totally hear you on the limited number of dreams. I think I was focusing too much on the mechanical variety of dreams, when perhaps even just a little bit of cosmetic change could be interesting (what comes to mind is an idea I scrapped for bees chasing the target, which although mechanically similar to the chainsaw guy could freshin things up a bit-- as well as a dozen or so others!). I think perhaps its also time I considered expanding outside of the trainstation!

Glad you enjoyed yourself, thanks for playing! 

Would love to port this to an arcade cabinet that you could play at your local laundromat. It's that kinda game. Streamer friendly. (how to play video included in game). 

DELUXE version out now with nightmares and powerups. Or play the original vanilla version from LD jam, free in browser.

Hey, was updated shortly after the page went public-- you should be able to see it now in the "theme" section!

thanks, I'm glad it has that effect on you! gonna try shipping a slightly expanded version by the time jam is over next month.


Oh shit! Hey better late than never! There is a ton of very useful information in here. I don't program in C# (I use Playmaker) but the concepts and your explanation of the process has definitely helped me understand how I might better create a logic matrix game. Also very interesting to see the things you wanted to include and initially scrapped. Seriously thanks for the heads up! Cheers! 

Hey, awesome! I've lowkey been checking in on the 7DFPS to see if I would ever make the cut, glad to see it didn't break on ya! I've been subbed to your channel since before all that and am honored to have been featured :) Thanks! Also, if you're interested to see where the game goes you can check out the devlog on my youtube @

ok awesome yea I'd rather wait too. Looking forward to checking this out 👻

hey, any idea when you might release an updated demo or even the full game? timeframe? I'm curious to play the demo but also would wait if you were planning on dropping something new soon!

Yea I remember the shooting was kinda kicking my ass! Forgot to say, really dig the premise of "being on the rails" but also being able to hop around.

Hey thanks for the kind words, seriously! You should check out the devlog! Memories of a Spy : DevLog

And Spyro! Yes! And thanks for the tip 👍

Hahaha yea I feel like my shit is hacky too. And errors or not, from my notes it looked like your clues were pretty consistent. I'm currently considering putting procgen'd logic matrix puzzles in the game I'm working on, but damn it seems like a daunting task. Did you use spreadsheets when creating this? And yea seriously if you do a devlog let me know, I'm very interested. 

hey thanks for answering that, it would have taken me a minute to realize that's how they were behaving! I think that's a really great solution to pathfinding stuff. I'm building a big game (big for me alone) that has a lot of pathfinding and I've been trying to think of creative solutions just like the one you came up with. Thanks for the inspiration 👍

hahaha shit.. I'm not surprised. I think generally there are some weird clippy things that happen when you get too close to the walls 😅 

thanks! had a lot of fun designing this one

I played your entry on stream if you wanna see the video below! SOOOOO CUUUTTEE. This game is like rolling around a hard candy in your cheek. It's just so pleasing to look at to pilot the planes. I was a little confused on how to pilot them at a point, and even mistakenly used my controller instead of keyboard, but when I was flying around and landing mail on point it was verryyy satisfying. Music and sound also super cute. If I had this game as a kid I woulda sank HOURS into it. If you get a chance check out my entry! 

I played your entry on stream if you wanna see the video below! The art is on point for everything here. And not just individual sprites but the direction of stuff like the hanging skeleton, and how it really is a clue to where the key is. I didn't get too far, but did enjoy the overall feel of this very much. The sound was a bit jarring, I found myself adjusting my volume, but I guess that's very appropriate for the fictional 1991 GB title that it is! If you get a chance check out my entry, too! 

I played this on stream if you wanna check out the video below! Of all the entries this got the biggest laugh out of me, but more interestingly, it made me feel like... proud? Proud to see something I like having a whole gallery dedicated to it, especially since the thing I chose isn't exactly a thing that would ever have a gallery dedicated to it, was just a very warm and strange feeling. Very cool idea. If you get a chance, check out my entry as well! 

I played your entry on stream if you wanna check out the video below! The design here is so solid, really love the color palette, the animations and the sounds. For being such a simple game and really nailing a feel, it kept me playing a lot longer than I think I would have had not the game looked and performed in this style. I did get turned around a few times, and think maybe there could be something in place to make directions clearer, but that coulda just been me too. Check out my entry if you get a chance! 

This is exactly the kind of thing I woulda went nuts for as a kid (and adult now to be fair), I just love that minimalist architecture in green lush environments and blue skies and blue water. I love the illustrated skybox, I've looked all over for something like that--- did you make it yourself or did you get it somewhere? I didn't go too far into this one but did appreciate how despite being such a chaotic looking design, that I was still able to safely traverse and that it felt good. Check out my entry if you get a chance! 

I played a bit of your game on stream, if you wanna see the video below. Of all the games I played this one definitely had the strongest vibes, I'm really into the sound design and the visuals, overall it just felt very cohesive. I actually enjoy spending time in airports, even the times I had to spend over 24 hours at them and sleeping on chairs and all that. I'm sure you'd scratch a lot of itches if you made a "flight delayed simulator", you're already so far along. I ran the game a couple times just to see what the different seed would make, and was not disappointed. Check out my entry if you get a chance! 

I played your entry on stream if you wanna see below! Kinda bummed I couldn't check out the raytraced version-- though I did try to see what would happen if I enabled it (spoiler it fucked my shit up). The movement was super interesting, the pitching or yawing when you turn makes it feel really good. I don't think I've ever seen that in a game? If you get a chance, check out my entry as well! 

I played some of this on stream if you wanna see! The mood / vibes of this were super interesting-- I'm a sucker for period pieces btw. Having the main characters as these guitar players is a sweet way to freshin up a shooter, and although I didn't go in depth on the weapon crafting I thought the accessibility of it seemed more up my alley than other convoluted crafting games, kudos on that. Also check out my game if you get a chance! 

I played the game on stream here if you wanna see. The feel of this makes playing very addicting, it was easy to just keep going. I think it's like the compactness of everything and how the hallways are only one block high. It's like crawling around in a box fort as a kid! if you have a moment check out my submission! 

Streamed your game here if you wanna see how well I performed :P I have recently been looking through a ton of logic matrix puzzles and so I felt pretty ready to tackle this one. I should have used a proper grid to solve the puzzle but I resorted to chicken scratch on paper... can't even read my own writing sometimes. Was super into the look the moment it loaded up, and was surprised to find that they're David O'Reilly's assets! Bonus points for that! Overall well made puzzle, and I would be very interested in seeing your process behind procedurally generating the information. Also, check out my game if you have some time! 

Made a stream in which I played your game, you can check out here! Was fun slapping masks on people and generally just figuring out the logic behind masks + zombies + vaccines. Hotdog zombie stole the show. I didn't win on my first play through but I started getting an idea of how (I think) you wanted me to play-- or how the design guided me to play. Also that thermal vision is rad! Check out my submission if you have a moment!

Thank you! And yea I definitely wanna polish it up in the future. Btw, I played your game and it makes an appearance in this video: 

Hey, thank you! And yes the restart system needs to be fixed (one of those last minute things that just totally goes to shit!) Stay tuned for a more polished version! 

I wasn't exactly sure how to get any further once I needed the sun but I do really appreciate this concept, and seeing those screenshots the rest looks promising after some fixing! Your game is featured in this video!

SUCH GOOD VIBES!! Your game is featured in this video! 

Wish I wasn't such an ass and could figure out the mouse part, also wish I didn't get motion sick so easily or that this game had a teleport option. Anyway, your game is featured in this video! 

Bold move with the comic book style here! Your game is in this video for a little bit! 

Hey really dig the visuals here! Your game is featured in this video: 

Def my favorite game from the jam so far! I played it in this video:

In which you get as many people dancing on the dance floor as you can by feeding them booze and yeyo.