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It's been another horrible week, but I did manage to get Kim finished... not sure about the ezcomposites though. Sometimes they seem to be missing and I don't know why. I'm sure Eldricus will locate my stupidity though. Here's the link. Again just Kim's office set.
And yes, dialing things to 100% usually looks weird, so I tend to avoid it most times. Maybe part of this is my philosophy towards these sorts of games. I prefer the opponents to be willing to play, but not expecting to lose, and becoming shocked when they do. So, and no shade towards Eldricus here, I'm not a fan of Candy because her profile leads to a character that is eager to strip, which isn't to my taste. So generally, after the first few items, the expressions on my opponents become more concerned. It's just my personal taste.
A few hiccups when compiling this, but here's Elena looking all stern.
Finally well enough to complete Saiki's office outfit. I have tested it and it seems to work, complete with ezcomposites too! This download file only has the new stuff in it so you'll need the original Saiki files too. Once all my office ladies are finished, I'll bundle them into the megapack. Any issues, let me know.