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A member registered May 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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En effet le monde est petit haha. J'ai suivi la formation gamecodeur pendant un moment, mon affinité avec love2d vient de là :P !

Bonne continuation à toi aussi, et reste comme tu es, t'es un vrai bonheur à lire ^^

Hey, first of all i want to thank you for your awesome comment, you spent a lot of time helping us to improve and I am really glad and proud reading your message. Thanks, I will try to bring you some answers about the gameplay.


  1. (if I don’t answer to one of your point like the first one, you will receive the answer from our lead dev soon enough ^^)
  2. Thanks, glad you liked our design, our artist made it with photoshop by patching together existing files to have a “nice looking” background. We added the text a bit late, so we had not enough time to upgrade it, thanks for the advice!
  3. The music is made with FL studio (with not so much of knowledge and skills let’s be honest haha). Our second artist made our characters except the “basic foe”. We did not have enough time to change it, that's why the basic enemies are just a recolor of this one, they were supposed to be changed. It’s from the tutorial of Love2D x) We made the dice rolling to explicitly fit the theme! We tried to not spend too much time on it.
  4. Our lead dev tried to make it as clear as possible, and this is one of his brilliant ideas. Glad you appreciated it.
  5. We tried to reduce the time of the roll to have two actions a second (approximately). We’d love to make an adaptive speed depending on how many dice are rolling at the same time, this feature was not implemented sadly.
    (do not apologize for your comment, they are awesome btw!) Having a lot of dice rolling is a part of what we wanted, but yes, always having at least one action would be better for the game feel ^^
  6. The gameplay is not symmetrical. Every spell/action has a type “move” “attack” “support”, as you can see, your “attack” dice unlock the melee attack and the spell attack. Enemies have the same type of attack. But they are different as you saw. We have a runner, fast and not really threatening, the powerful mage with a lot of hp and deadly attack, the “oneshoter”, a red guy who wants your death haha. And so on. Not showing their abilities is a choice from us, both of our artists tested it and one of them understood every mechanic by playing “a lot” and the other one tested 3 levels and was not able to figure it out. At this moment we decided to not display enemies skills.
    (spoiler: some heal have mana cost other are free :P)
  7. Hahaha glad you liked it, audacity and some scream lead to that gasp!
  8. We had to make it more obvious, the quickest method was to display it in the corner, but yeah some juicy animation to make it even more obvious was needed here.
  9. It’s the core gameplay so far, avoid the attack as much as you can (since you know when they’ll occur with a list of dice) but do not miss you opportunity to hit the biggest threat. This balance is important to win every stage.
  10. Nice idea but you give too much power to the player, it’s deadly to skip for no reason, so you’ll have to think about it twice with our system ^^
  11. cf 6. , some spells cost 0! ;) 
  12. True! They are still ennemies haha, but we will not remove the possibility to use all your mana one this boss you had so much trouble to kill! Tea-bag him by hitting is corpse !
  13. This sound occurs when you try to do something you are not allowed to, like using a spell with not enough mana or performing an action which is not on the current dice.
  14. We forgot to put it on the mouse click! :o Sorry we did not realize it!
  15. Some of them are (like the walking part) others are from the randomness of the dice haha. It can result in a deadly man to man fight or a loooong skip session, it’s all about the Rolling Dice!
  16. (player heal mana cost = 0 :P ) We definitely need to make a good “level up” animation to display it, yes! To pass the level 18 you need a loooot of luck haha, it’s not “the end”, every enemies have a “weight”, and every level pool is made of the sum of enemies weight. So level 18 pool is 20 (for example), a magician weight 10, that's why you have 2 magicians, but level 17 pool is 18 so you can only have one magician or zero! Adding more enemy type would result in a larger diversity of encounters and harder gameplay, that’s how we made it. ^^
  17. We learnt game design by playing, and watching a lot of content (youtube is our teacher), so we tried to put it in our game ^^ Glad you liked it!
  18. (tech problem :3)
  19. Our initial idea was to have a different AI type, yes. They all try to reach you and attack you, that’s it for now! But we wanted to have some of them able to block you, or take you from behind etc. Too much ambition for a game jam, we had to make compromise ^^
  20. We are all really happy and proud right now. Your analysis gave us a big smile :) Thanks a lot!
    (Tech questions are not for me!! :P )
    I’ll thank you one more time, and hope you had a good time playing our game!

Wish you the best, and sir, seriously, stay this awesome <3

Good game!

Really good concept, music and game.

Hello, thanks for your message.
We tried to do it but were not able to modify it in time.  We kept the original tower and projectile. Thanks again :)

It has to afraid you mouhahaha!
As you can see, we ran out of time, a lot of essential features are not in the game.
The main idea was: Firing random bullet, each one have a special effect on mobs (fire mobs get bigger when they are touched by fire etc). But we were not able to implement every essential ideas to have a good game ^^

Anyway, thank you for your comment mate :)

Thanks mate for you comment. We appreciate it.
As you said, it s far from our first idea, but we gave our best and we are still proud, we did something, messy and not finished, but something! :)

I am glad to read your comment.
In fact we are french and we mess by having our move hotkeys on "AZERTY" keyboards... ><'

The main feature was about the random firing. Each bullet have a special effect by touching mobs.
Here we had a sponge, if you touch him with water he will grow, with wind he (was supposed ><) to get knock back. 
We tried to implement a "oiled state", if he touch a oiled platform he turn into oiled form (we had the animation and all :( ) and become immune to water but weak against fire.

But we were  too slow to implement every ideas, next time will be better I hope ;)

Thanks for your comment. You made me smile ^^

Si le prototype plait, alors ca me motive à développer plus ce concept ^_^. 
J'avoue ne pas avoir fait assez tester le jeu, donc les couleurs qui ne ressortent pas ne me derangaient pas. Du coup je prend note ^^

Ravi que ca plaise, ce projet avait pour but d'apprendre à utiliser le ray casting.
Pour finir rien de plus simple, court à droite vers les deux carrés orange, attend que le mari passe, et fuit :P !

Really nice, you forgot the bottom bound.  And enemies a running out of the screen

Really nice game. You should speed his lazy ass up a bit ^^

Doesnt work for me.

Nice start hope you ll finish it

Nice job, it s a really good game. 

(1 edit)

Hard to understand at first sight, but it s a nice idea. 

Nice prototype. Some problem occured when you are out of the field. But it s a nice start for a good game.
You are on the theme even if it s not finished. I hope you ll continue this game ;)