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A member registered Oct 30, 2024

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I have some suggestion for the Scar.

I feel like the Scars are a bit easy to get, especially since getting any amount of damage give you Old Wound token, and 1 in 6 chance of getting a Scar is pretty high, and at which point it sometime better to Break, than taking more Old Wound token. And it also discourage people from engaging in combat, and there especially in the early game, you only have 5 to 7 hit point, making Scar kind of redundence.

Here are some of my suggestion.

1. Lessing the cost for getting Reconstructive Surgery token, 300$ is too much for a thing that you will likely get often, maybe 100$, and also ditch the lower of the token or toughness thing, and just let you buy the token to get rid of the Scar.

2. Make the Scar heal naturally, I feel like this make Malice feel more dangerous since you can't just wait it out. How about Scar heal after 1d6 Investigation?

3. Increase the threshold of damage you need to take before getting Old Wound token. I feel like veteran character with 20+ hit point shouldn't get a Old Wound token from thing that deal 2 damage to him. Maybe if the damage taken is 10% of your total health, you gain a Old Wound token.

4. Increase the amount of Old Wound token needed to get a Scar, similiar to the last idea, but decrease the chance of you getting the Scar, with  1 to 5 hitpoint being 1d6, 6 to 10 being 1d8, 11 to 15 being 1d10, 16 to 20 being 1d12, 21 to 25 being 1d14, and so on and so forth.

I feel like the Heirloom Ring is a little bit underpowered, it's a one time use that can't be brought back so I think it should either recover all Omen or gain 4 Omen (not recover). Because there is now so many other way to reover Omen.

Why is it call 7 Stranger when there're 8 classes?

A Court is a collection of supernatural being that are greater than most, but aren't truly gods. The Courtier are those supernatural being, there're 3 tier of Courtier, Low Courtier are supernatural recently invited to the Court, Courtier are supernatural who been in the Court for sometime now, and the High Courtier are those who devote themselves to one of the Lord of the Courts. Lord of the Courts are greatest of the Court, whether that be physical, mental, social, or supernatural. While a Lord of the Court can potentially destroy a Gods, they only have 10% chance of it, most Court have atleast 4 Lords, some have 5 or 6 and very few have 7 or 8 Lords. The Court are different from Conspiracy because Conspiracy are made of human or atleast mortal being, not supernatural immortal creature. And they're different from Gods in that they don't have a single powerful being.

Sure, and I prefer when I don't have to write the stuff I want myself.

Idea Number 6#

Name: Stranded on the Red.

Premise: The planet Mar, sister of earth, red and hot as the earth desert. While some people might make you belive that Mar is a barren desert without any life or oxygen. It's actually full of life, and rich culture. But beware, as the 5 Directional Kings of Moarena start to abandon their purpose, the Twin Courts of Mars fighting with eachother, and the Rival Conspiracies battle with each other for control.

Content Include

● History and geography of Moarena the name which local call what we know as Mars.

● 2 new Artificial Character Type: Brain Jar, and Necrodroid. Brain Jar are immortal being with robotic or organic bodies, who only weakness being that they can't survive outside of their jar. Necrodroid, animated skeleton and corpse, bring back to life to serve, not by magic, but science.

● 6 Martian races, both playable and npc template, and brief description on their culture and history.

● New monster, beast, and npc for Moarena.

● New "Alchemical Recipe of Imperial Madness" and tomes for the recipe.

● 1 New Class: The Alchemist, scientist who work have magical like effect, trying to use occult knowledge in a scientific way.

● The Twin Courts of Moarena: Court of Ancestor Wisdom, spirit of Moarena greatest people, immortalised by their legendary deed and stories past down from generation to generation, wanting to see the world where legend take place every days. Court of Descendent Fate, spirit from the future, mapper of star and other divination method, they seek to predict fate and destiny with scientific method, not instrict.

● The 5 Directional Kings of Moarena: The Shining Turtle of The Center, the King with the least amount of land to govern, their purpose is to inspire hope in Moarena, but the other Kings never really visit them anymore, so they start to shine a little less bright everyday. The Seeking Dragon of The East, their purpose is to seek truth within Moarena and share it with the other Kings, but they're tired of seeking, and want to settle down, leaving the world blinded by lies. The Sharp Tiger of The West, their purpose is to understand the truth that the Dragon bring, and history that the Slug recorded and spread the knowledge to the Kinnari of The North and general population, but the Tiger is tired of trying to understand all these knowledge, and decided to stop listening or spreading their knowledge, leaving the world full of ignorance. The Scholarly Slug of The South, their purpose is to recorded the civilization and important event that is happening in Moarena, and tell it the other Kings, now they're tired of recording, wishing to sleep, leaving the world without pattern to look out for. The Dutiful Kinnari of The North, their purpose is to keep the other Kings in check, and to punish those who would disturb the balance, but the Shining Turtle of The Center hope becoming dim, making the Kinnari tired of keeping the other in check, and leaving the world in disorder.

● The Rival Conspiracies: The Seeker of Divinity, those seeking a way for Moarenian to become as the Directional Kings, so they don't have to rely on them anymore. The Sharp Thinker of Smolia, inventor and alchemist, seeking a way to understand all of Moarena, so they don't have to rely on the Directional Kings.

● Lot of new investment, tools, weapons, armors, and vehicle for Moarena. And 3 new fighting style.

● Guide on how to run a game set in Moarena and general planetary romance.

Inspiration: John Carter of Mars, Almuric, Dune.

4 out of 6 idea for Cthork Borg supplment are from Pulp Media, or Media inspired by Pulp.

Age of Mythic Twilight is clearly inspired by the Hyborian Age of Robert E. Howard, mix with some Lord of the Ring, and various mythology about ancient civilization.

Wild and Wylder Thing is from Renowed Explorer and Curious Expedition, which are very Pulp inspired, the latter more weird, while the former more action packed. And also Tarzan.

Forgotten Age Beneath the Modern Land is inspired by Theosophy mainly, as it very much shape the early 20th century Pulp story, with it ancient civilization, secret masters, and the most famous Hollow Earth Theory, and other Pulp story about Hollow Earth.

Stranded on the Red is the next and final idea I have for Cthork Borg, and it's inspired by John Carter of Mar series, and will be mainly focus on the mar civilization, and also a lot of weird science stuff.

Idea Number 5#

Name: Forgotten Age Beneath The Modern Land.

Premise: While the Wheel of Ages move without ever stopping, but sometime the piece of the Ages past, still remain, fallen from the surface world, into a underground world call "Ptosis", where the magic and culture of various Ages mingle with eachother and ancient secret are waiting to be discover. 

Content Include

● The mythical underground world of Ptosis, full of forgotten and lost thing, from culture, to beast, and wonders. The many entrance leading to it, and the various supersition surrounding them. And how some part of the world above is slowly becoming part of Ptosis as the Wheel of Ages move.

● New "Ritual of Forgotten Mystery" and tomes for it. And forgotten artifact, lost to time.

● 3 New Classes. 2 Classes for human: The Ancient, a descendent of a forgotten humanoid species. The Shaman, a practitioner of ritual magic, studying it mystery, and bridge to the divine world, both befriending and binding various gods, demons, and spirits. And a class thay can be taken by both human, and animal: The Primal, those who unlock the ability to transform into 3 states, human, hybrid, and animal.

● Forgotten Beast, and Monster unique to Ptosis. And Animal Type base on the Beast of Ptosis.

● New tool, weapon, vehicle, and armors, for the land of Ptosis, with various adjustment for the many culture.

● New combat maneuver from forgotten culture, and new business to invest in.

● 3 Court of Ptosis: Court of Earthly Desire, is a Court founded by Empereor of Ptosis, who seek worldly pleasure above spiritual enlightenment, locate mainly in the City of Pleasure, wishing for a reality where anyone can fufill their earthly desire. Court of Fallen Ones, a Court made of lesser gods, indebted demons, banished faes, disgrace spirits, and feral ghost, wishing for a reality where redemption is possible to even the worst being. Court of Enlighten Lords, seeing the suffering in creation, they decided to make a city on top of the world where enlighten people can gather to stop suffering all together, deny all earthly desire for a higher spiritual enlightenment, they seek a reality where enlighten is more common.

● 2 Conspiracy for Ptosis: The Underworld Explorer Guild, are made of occultist and explorer seeking fame and knowledge from the lost culture of Ptosis, and keeping it a secret, they seek to see a world where they discover all the secret from Ptosis, advancing humanity to a New Light Age. Wyrd Council, a group of seer and shaman seeing the strain of fate in reality, seeking to control it, and bring back humanity connection to the wilderness.

● Guide on how to run game within the world of Ptosis.

Inspiration: Theosophy, Journey to the Center of the Earth, and Pellucidar.

Idea Number 4#

Name: Court and Conspiracy

Premise: No matter how hard you try, you can never solves certain problem with only you and your friend. So you get some allies, but that still isn't enough, as you are facing certain doom. Suddenly you are save by the Court and Conspiracy! Join a Conspiracy to enjoy unique benefit, or ally yourself with a Court and gain favor for your hard work. But be careful, as you continue to rely on the Court and Conspiracy, the closer they're to reaching their goal, and usher in a new Age of their vision.

Content Include

● A new Court Favor Token system, you can get these token by doing something that a Court like, but each Court Favor Token cause that Court "Clock of Age" to advance by 5 minutes. Court Favor Token can be use to cash in benefit from Courts, there is 2 type of benefit. Common benefit, are benefit that can be cash in regardless of the Court, common benefit include: Summon a courtier of the Court, summon a lord of the Court, reverse a Court Clock of Age by 3 minutes, gain a Court crest for 1 hour every Token spent, gain a lord blessing for 24 hours. While, unique benefit are only available in that Court.

● Rule for Clock of Twilight, telling how far we are from the New Twilight Age. Each Court have it own Clock of Twilight, the clock move in minutes, and every hour it hit, an event happen that change the world to fit their ideal. When the clock strike midnight, that Court usher in a New Twilight Age of their ideal.

● 10 Court for player to gain interact with for the romance, intrigue, and drama.

● Court of Sorrow, a court made of avatars and aspect of the goddess Hecate, spreading sorrow so that humanity can learn new lesson and become better for it. Court of Noble Demon, are descendent of the divinities of South Asia, whether that be Asura, Deva, or other divine being, they try to bring back the age of spirituality.

● Court of Ten Thousand Heaven, the largest of the Courts, and the most organize, lesser shen who are trying to enact the Mandate of Heavan on the world. Court of Folding Tales, made up of creature of tales, from children bed story, to chronicle of romance and loss, they seek to play out these tale, and replace chaotic reality with the repeating pattern of fate of fiction.

● Court of Avalon, made up of those who take on the mantle of Knight of the Round Table, and wanting bring back the mythic past. Court of Death Sage, spirit of the dead, touch by shard of divinity, now trying to found the greatest city for both the living and the dead.

● Court of Deathless Sand, ancient mummies, seeking to awaken the life force of the universe, by balancing Maat of every creature on earth. Court of Unearth Spirit, recently awoken spirit, seeking revenge against those who disrespect the land, and bring balance to the natural world once more.

● Court of Bloody Earth, demonic entities trying to keep away entropy by sacrifice various being, like themselves, animals, human, and monsters, wanting to see a world where pain is enough to keep entropy away. Court of Eternal Sun, group of underground demon seeking redemption of themselves and the world by purifiying everything with sunlight.

● Rule for Conspiracy Track, a track to keep tab on how many Core Mission that Conspiracy have complete. Conspiracy Track have 10 Milestone, representing the Conspiracy gaining more power and control of creation, and their ideal New Light Age coming closer. Each Milestone can be reach by completing Core Mission, the first Milestone can be reach by completing 1 Core Mission, while the sixth Milestone need 11 in total, and the last need to complete all 20 Core Mission. Each Milestone unlock new benefit to those in the Conspiracy, as well as new item and allies in the Conspiracy shop. Conspiracy Track progress even with no investigators, after each investigation if no Core Mission was completed, choose 2 Conspiracy, and roll on their Core Mission table, then the Conspiracy must roll a d20, and beat a DR 11 roll, if succeed, the mission will be consider completed, and the tracker move, each Milestone reach add +1 to the DR.

● Conspiracy can give mission to investigators. There is 2 type of mission, Core Mission, and general mission. Core Mission are mission that when completed advance the Conspiracy Track, and give unique benefit to the person who complete it. General mission are mission that don't advance the Conspiracy Track, but give reward to those who complete it, reward such as a free stuff from the Conspiracy shop, money, important information to interest you have, or personal request within reason. General mission are also more simple and vague than the more complicated and define Core Mission, with it clear goal and consequences. Each Conspiracy have their own d20 table of Core Mission, while general mission have a d100 table that can be use for any Conspiracy.

● Investigator can join the Conspiracy and gain unique benefit, such as the benefit from reaching Milestone, the Conspiracy shop, and one unique Conspiracy benefit. But the investigators can also climb the Conspiracy rank, rank range from 0 to 5, with 0 being the newly recruited, while 5 have access to some of the Conspiracy inner circle. Each rank have their own benefit, and to climb you must complete Core Mission equal to the rank number, complete general mission equal to the rank number ×2, give 5,000$ per rank number (or 100,000$ if using modern day), or give information and finding that the Conspiracy have interest in.

● 10 Conspiracy for investigators to join and be intangle with.

● Gentle Mind Movement, is a Conspiracy that belive in radical pacifism and veganism, beliving that this lifestyle could lead to them becoming etheral being of light. Moonlit Guardian Program, beliving that family is the most important institution in the world, this Conspiracy try to make great dynasties that would rule the world.

● The Harmonic Party, a political group interested in bringing people together, and keeping the supernatural out, using the resonance of their soul. Scholar of Psychomantic Lore, academic interest in the study of how the mind can influence reality, gathering psychic talent to rewrite reality on a massive scale.

● Ultima Carnicula, a group of transhumanist, who belive the next step of humanity lie within the biology, not machine, trying to make humanity into the ultimate life form. Nova Alliance, in seeing the star above, they decide to develop technology and occult technique to survive space, and conquer the galaxy.

● Dreamer of Thule, those who dream of ancient land of Thule, seeking to find that land in real life, fufilling their dream vision. Golden Blood Club, those who belive in strength, and that the strong should rule over the weak, they belive by becoming part of the ultimate legend, they could rule the world eternal.

● Temple of Qiang Xi, monk who belive in hierachy, those who are the most courageous are in the top, while the coward are down below, they want to clean the world of coward and replace the old system with their hierachy. Namless of Anarch, those who belive in anarchy, spreading chaos to land where oppressive order rule, they want to bring justice to the world by tearing down every form of rulership.

Inspiration: Various mythologies, various conspiracy theories, pulp magazine.

Idea Number 3#

Name: Wild and Wylder Thing

● Table for local folklore, wild animal, material from gathering, material from scavenging, and type of settlement found.

● Rule for expedition, and survival in the wild. And 2 investment related to it.

● New "Spell of Arcadian Horror" and tomes to go along with it.

● Rule for crafting tool, weapon, and armor in the wild. And new tools, and vehicles fit for wild expedition.

● 8 New artifact, 4 for human, and 4 for animal. And 6 new animal type both playable and as beast.

● 2 New classes for human: The Changeling are those who were raise as human, but their true nature lie within the Court and it intrigue. The Wild Child are those who were raise in the wilderness, forming deep bond with the animal, and the land. 1 New class for animal: The Beast are animal who legend about them, make them become something more than natural.

● 5 Court for player to ally with or oppose: Court of Changing Season given birth by the Wyld, these courtier encourage certain emotion depend on the season, but alway wanting to see a world where fate absolute but is ever changing. Court of Heavenly Beast are the manifestation of various virtue, represented by certain animal, such as wisdom for owl, cunning for fox, and courage for lion, wanting to see a world where virtue guide the human soul. Court of Devil Will are the manifestation of humanity vice, represented by demon and devil of various mythology, wanting to see a world where humanity accept vice as part of themselves. Court of Forever After are a group of ghost who manage to become more than psychic remnant, guiding other soul into their chthonic cities, wanting to see a world where the dead are respected as much as the living. Court of Ephemeral Shadow are a group of ancient spirit who often ride human and animal to become part flesh and spirit, wanting to see a world where everything is part spirit.

● 5 Conspiracy for the player to join or destroy: The Society of the Great Hunt, is a group hunter who hunt monster as sport, they belive that they can guide humanity to a New Light Age, by becoming the greatest hunter in all of creation. The Atlantis Initiative, is a group of architect and historian, dedicated to rebuilding and rediscovering atlantis, beliving that the civilization hold the secret to a New Light Age. Adam Children, is a religious group who belive that humanity is above God, they belive that they can guide humanity into a New Light Age by spreading belief in putting humanity first before the divine. Centeōtl Foundation is a organization that is developing various GMO, they belive that by creating the ultimate GMO, they can cure world hunger, and create a New Light Age. Lilith Research Center, is a group who belive that humanity should have total control of the natural world, for that is the key for a New Light Age.

● Guide on how to run expedition type game, and advice on how to run wilderness and folkloric horror.

● New allies to help you survive both in the wild and the wyld.

Inspiration: Curious Expedition, Renowed Explorer, Folklore around the world.

Idea number 2#

Name: Age of Dying Light.

Premise: Welcome to the Age of Dying Light, or what you might call the modern age, where the supernatural struggle to hide themselves in an age where the light intrude every corner of the globe, and human science advance at rapid pace, and humanity prosper in their tall cities. But this light is dying, as cult blend in with the mass by exploting their belief, monster that survive hide in plain sight, and humanity is slowly destroying itself and everything around it. This is the last Age of Light, savor it while it still around, you never know when the light will finally go out.

Content Include

● New character type: The Artificial, which have 4 subtype. Cyborg who were once human, now mostly machine, but still hold to the little humanity inside them. Android who are humanoid robot created for assisting humanity, but could never truly feel human. Program who real self is within the server room, but can assume form of simple robotic, living thousands of lives. And Hologram who exist only within the AR and VR space, but can affect heart and mind of people to do their bidding. As well as guide on how to run an Artificial game, how Artificial and other character type meet.

● New sci-fi artifact for Age of Dying Light, and artificial only artifact. And new Combat Maneuvers to manipulate the technology.

● Tools, weapons, armors, and vehicles for the Age of Dying Light, and allies fit for the modern age. Currency update, as well as new investment for the modern age.

● 2 New classes: The Corporate those who dedicate their life to a company, trading their life for stability. And The Virtual those who online persona matter more than their own life, and have fan all over the world.

● A new god recently created by humanity: The Collective Imago the living personafication of the internet, it only wish is to assimilate all life form into it will.

● A Conspiracy for the player to join or fight against: Utopia: Neo Project a group manipulating scientist and politician to create a new Light Age where humanity become as gods in the Virtual World.

● Guide on how the supernatural operate within the Age of Dying Light, and how to run a game in Age of Dying Light. And general advice for Urban Horror game.

Inspiration: Delta Green, The Laundry, and Black Mirror.

I have 6 idea for Cthork Borg supplment, I want know of these 6, which one would you actually consider writing in the future so I won't be stepping on your toes when I write them.

Idea number #1

Name: Age of Mythic Twilight.

Premise: Before the known history, there was an age of mankind full of magic and wonder, but also horror and mystery. It's the Age of Mythic Twilight, where civilization prosper by the help of both science and magic, where the people perform various ritual to put the gods in balance, and where the wilderness hide treasure and monstrosity. But this age is coming to an end, as mankind continue to prosper, nature start to fight back, climate changing as the world grow hotter, but that isn't all, as the various nation start war to claim control over the world, famine, plague, and rumor of rebellion fill the street, and the shadow of ancient gods threated to influence the Wheel of Ages, and destroy the balance of creation.

Content Include

● 2 Alternative to spell: Ritual, and Alchemy. With "Alchemical Recipe of Sumptuousness Madness" and "Ritual of Ancient Mysteries" witht the accompanying tomes.

● Guide on the Age of Mythic Twilight, it history, the important location, their culture, and the people there. The unique wonders of the age, and the mystery surrounding them.

● 3 New classes, The Brutal who use to survive in tough condition and tougher enemies, the agent of destruction and courage. The Poet who tell tale of all thing from the real to the imaginary and beyond, the agent of change and legend. The Royal  who is in line for the throne, but still so far from power they deserve, the agent of order and justice. And list of class best suited for Age of Mythic Twilight.

● New tools, armors, weapons, and vehicle fitting for the Age of Mythic Twilight. As well as new beasts and animals type for the animal invesitgators.

● New mythic artifact both for human and animal. Rule on how the investigators can create their own aritfacts, ritual, spell, and alchemical recipe.

● 3 Ancient divinites, forgotten even by other Gods. The Princess of Frozen Flame, who embody the concept of change and justice. The Chief of the High Mountain, who embody the concept of destruction and legend. The Jade Dragon and The Golden Quail, who respectively embody order and courage.

● Rule for legacy play. How to create legacies for your character and close allies. How action taken in Age of Mythic Twilight could affect the various Ages after it. And the Wheel of Age which detail the 4 Light Age, 4 Dark Age, and 6 Twilight Age. What each Age entail, how it begin and how it end.

● Advice and tip on how to run a game set within the horror fantasy world of Age of Mythic Twilight.

Inspiration: Conan the Barbarian, Lord of the Ring, and various mythology about ancient civilization.

This story have a very clever twist, unlike most scenario of Lovecraft game where you investigate a seaside town.

Seven Stranger 3 could introduce more tarot inspired class like it did in Seven Stranger 1, here are some of my idea.

●The Star: Those who sparkle hope onto the world, idealist who touch the heart and soul of everyone who seen or heard of them, but all the fame might start to corrupt the star, and the attention aren't always benigh.

● Reason for the class: It continue the tarot theme from Seven Stranger 1. It introduce drama and horror from all the fame and attention the class bring. The character type is common in psychological horror/thriller.

● The Moon: Those who seek comfort within the darkness, seeing it as a place of safetly, to hide away from all the regret and mistake they make, but within the darkness are horror they know all too well.

● Reason for the class: It continue the tarot theme from Seven Stranger 1. It introduce drama and horror from place of comfort and haunting of the past. The character type is common in gothic horror/thriller.

● The Sun: Those who shrine against the darkness of the world, doing anything to make the world a better place, but with every light there is a shadow, as doubt creeping in the Sun head on how much they could really change. 

● Reason for the class: It continue the tarot theme from Seven Stranger 1. It introduce drama and horror from self doubt even from the most pure soul. A character type found rarely in horror, but would make the game mood more hopeful than most.

● The World: Those who travel the world in search of enlightment, constantly changing, and renewed themselves, but at the end of every journey is death, and then rebirth.

● Reason for the class: It continue the tarot theme from Seven Stranger 1. It introduce unique perspective of a worldly traveller into the game that is different from the Drifter. The character type is common in religion with reincarnation.

Will you ever make Seven Stranger 3? I think there're several class missing from the game. Such missing class inculde.

● The Psychic: Those gifted with the power to incredible power coming from the psyche, using it to influence both the physical and the spiritual.

● Reason for the class:  It's a common archetype in pulp fiction, and in supernatural media that is still human. The art shown on page 69, a person is using psychokinesis on multiple knives. The Academic enigma number 1, detailing a psychic who can actually talk with spirit.

● The Thaumaturgist: Those who studied occult and esoteric texts, learning a few trick on how to manipulate the natural force of the universe.

● Reason for the class: It's a common character type you see in call of cthulhu and other more classical work of horror. It's a more benigh dabbler of supernatural than those of the Accursed or the Complicit. More way for player to have supernatural power that aren't spell. It's a playable Fascinated Occultist.

● The Explorer: Those seeking renowned, glory and fortune, by seeking out mythical beasts, rumor treasures, and lost cities, in the most dangerous and exotic of environment.

● Reason for the class: The Explorer is a classic pulp archetype that haven't been fully explore in Cthork Borg. Add more interaction to artifacts and expedition investigation. Add interesting plot hook to get the investigators out of the city and into the wilderness.

● The Martial Artist: Those who train their body, mind, and soul to withstand incredible amount of suffering, using ancient technique to take down modern enemies.

● Reason for the class: The Martial Aritst focus on traditional weaponry in way no other class have. They add more interaction to combat system and maneuver. Add bonus to using non-firearm such as bow, staff, and unarmed.