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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hi -- we do our best here to keep the BRJ community healthy. I totally get where you're coming from. I'd be pretty peeved, too, if someone insulted my engine of choice!

But in the future, we ask that you please do your best to keep conversations productive by avoiding insults, as this can lead to normalizing bullying within the community.

No max on teams. Thank you for asking
I'll update the rules to better reflect this

You can mix genres and mechcanics

Solid amount of depth for a jam, love the vibes and the sinking realization that my plans have all been ruined.

(1 edit)

Breaking these rules won't disqualify you from the jam, but they will keep you from being eligible for prizes. Ineligible games that make it into the Top 20 will be treated as though they don't exist -- so, for example, if the game in 3rd place in the community vote is ineligible, then the game in 21st place in the community vote becomes eligible.

1. The theme is mandatory and will be a factor in voting.

2. You cannot work on your game before the jam starts.

3. You are free to submit your games to other jams.

4. All games must have at least one boss, but 3 or more are recommended.

5. The majority of the code must be made during the jam. Art, shaders, music, and sound assets made before the jam can be used as long as you have the rights. Game engines are allowed.

6. Teams are allowed and encouraged! No max size.

7. Games with mature themes are allowed, but games with explicitly sexual content are not.

8. A Windows or web build is required to be eligible for the main prizes. Sponsor Awards may require a web build and/or use of sponsor API.

9. We won't be very lenient on late submissions, as the jam lasts a month. We highly recommend submitting early so that you don't accidentally miss the deadline. You'll still be able to update your game up until the deadline of the game jam, even if you submit early.

10. Anything you make during BRJ is your property. We claim no rights or ownership of your game. 

11. Any game submitted to BRJ may appear in material/media covering the event without your express permission.

12. You must own the IP of your game. No fan games.

13. Genre mashing is allowed! If the game is still mainly a boss rush, feel free to introduce roguelike/RPG/etc elements!

14. To be eligible for the cash prizes, you must have Paypal, Venmo, or some other way for us to get our money to you, such as a bank account. You must also supply a Discord account or email so we can contact you.

15. Games made or heavily contributed to by judges are not eligible for the prizes. Games made by judges will be treated as if they do not exist - for example, if there is one judge game in the Top 20, then non-judge games that placed 1 to 21 will all be eligible rather than 1 to 20, to not take any opportunities away from non-judge participants.

16. Individuals can only join one team, thus only 1 submission per team.

17. Hosts and Moderators reserve the right to disqualify any malicious actors from the jam using discretion and common sense to apply rulings on a case-by-case basis.

Hey there, we're going to unlist this this post.

We want to encourage you to join, but the world we exist in means you shouldn't share your age like this.

Can I wear vans now? Please?

It often depends if you have easy to pick up controls, tutorials aren't always long either.
Sometimes all that is needed is an area to experiment, but it really depends on what kind of experience is best for the player.

Makes me think of this

You gotta start directing movies man
You ever seen Rubber? I'd watch that but with this tractor

Top-tier amount of environment, really packed and colorful

Honestly, I can feel the weather in this,
the plastic chairs invoking childhood memories

yup yup

quit submitting, it's completely unrelated to the jam

(1 edit)

We just announced the jam, so you're one of the first person to post!

If you'd like to talk to more people or find friends to jam with,
Check out our discord ---

The details on this are really crisp, good textures and sizes on everything



Looking at this model closer, there's a lot of really good things going on here.

The limbs well made and things aren't clipping through, congrats on that alone!

And the smoke trail is just *chef kiss*

same energy


The art on this is insane!

A great title to make in 4 days, heavy on its own style.
I'm willing to bet no one is worthy, but that's why art is about having middle fingers flying proudly.

I don't think I could add to what has already been said, but I'm glad to get a play before the jam ends!
Again, great game!


It's just wild that this is four days of work.

Unassumingly good!

It takes a mechanic and .... rolls with it.

Lots of love clearly poured into this, and a surprising amount of content for 4 days.

I'll go ahead and be the guy with a code drop:

Glad to hear! We'll make things more clear after the jam is done, come back again to see a full game!

Thank you!

We lowkey hate tutorials, so we wanted to give the player the chance to learn without handing it to them.

It sounds like it worked but we'll probably add a tutorial after the jam!

Sounds like you got some of the perfect moments we hoped for!

Lemmy needs a buddy. 100%.

The sizing is getting a lot of love behind the curtain and we'll do something post jam, it an easy mechanic to bug out but we'll try to squish any bugs! 👉👈🥺

Lemmy walking around aimlessly leaves you with that feeling sometimes, the poor guy just doesn't have too much going on in his head.

But we're glad you stuck around through the shenanigans! And thank you for the feedback!

Vitor heard you!

He attached the resize to jump today

These QoL are gonna make the game great.

Great feedback all around, thank you for your time and for playing!


Thank you so much for the thoughtful feedback and for playing!

I think you nailed everything that we've been looking to improve, we'll def be referring to this post-jam.

Good call on grabbing what you have to!

Here's a CC0 resource you can use for pixel art


A curiously calm title.

What a pretty backyard!

Surprising detail put into the environment, the beetle can feel a bit stiff like driving a car though.
I lost my sticks, rip ant buddies.


Cohesive art and concept as a whole, the platforming was a bit tough for me, I had to cheese a few parts by using corners to sling the player upwards. 

Good work.

Solid concept!
The art overall works together, so good work on aesthetic! 

You mentioned you would like constructive feedback, I'll do my best.
As I see you have a lot of feedback already, I would like to give the feedback that you have different resolution art together.

So your character is high res (looks good!), but then you have a lot of elements/objects that are pixel art (also good). That causes a mismatch visually (bad together).

I'd recommend to stick to one end, so just pixel art or just high res to keep art cohesive.

For your first game/jam, this is great!
You made a unique idea into life and I hope you will always be proud of this milestone, keep it up!

Love a good kaiju fight!

Lots of intense juice, I think it added to the feeling.
Iwould have loved some additional enemies though, I ended getting a hang of it early on and started admiring the city scape instead. 

Overall good work!

Fun title! (I made rank #5 but for how long!?)

Juice is great, style is iconic to your other work.
Lots of things technically that make this an impressive game in 4 days, great work!
Just now noticing I can turn my ship, I didn't really need to, but I could probably focus my shots better if I did.
Is it supposed to end at a certain level?