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A member registered Dec 13, 2019

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FWIW I saw this issue in Vivaldi but not Edge or Firefox.  So if you can't reproduce try a different browser.

Also the fishing poles say "Real" instead of "Reel", though I wasn't sure if that was a pun.

After feeding Polly, when she goes to walk away she can get stuck on a party member and softlock the game.

The enchant potions interface currently requires a lot of clicks, it seems like you could add a button to add the runes and mixture required for any potions you've made before, and also allow moving the runes from one circle to another without having to remove it and drag it back over.

First person could be good too, just to cover the bases.

If possible it would be nice to have an option for the narrator to refer to the main character in the third person, i.e. "the woman explores her surroundings" instead of "you explore your surroundings."

I liked the demo.  There are still a couple of minor bugs with the second game.  When you fail a root quicktime, the characters can still move while the animation plays, which doesn't seem intended.  If you fail a root and then run into the town while the portraits are still on screen, they aren't removed from the screen until the fight.  Also the last input for the quicktime event moves your character, which is annoying when the input makes you move backwards.

I'm also hoping you have a second option for seeing the bigger enemy portraits besides having to lose or wait for them to get it passively.  I don't know where you plan for the story to go but maybe we can eventually gift them height in exchange for their help.

You could open up your save file in a JSON editor and find the slave, and try to set all their lactation/stress-related variables back to 0.

Since you mentioned you're doing a combat overhaul, a nice QoL feature would be if we could set a "standard inventory" the game would try to fill at the start of each day.  So, something like automatically put 2 ropes, 5 bandages and 3 supplies in our inventory and put everything else in the mansion at the start of the day.

(1 edit)

Came here to report the same issue.  While we're at it, there should probably be a point where slaves stop producing milk if they aren't pregnant or being milked regularly.  I have one slave that had a baby once, and now is constantly producing milk (luckily without this bug, so an enchanted sundress is enough to keep her at low stress, but still).  It's also just a lot of busywork to have to milk them through sex or rotating them through the farm, adding an option to allow them to milk themselves (which wastes it but keeps them lactating) would be nice.