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A member registered Nov 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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No problem! I also just clicked on your profile and realised that you were a contributer from You're out! I knew I recognised you from somewhere. I created Frantic Factory, which came 4th, losing to your game. I'm not sure if you remember me from there.

I didn't realise you could select other tanks. I would probably recommend consulting an artist regarding the art (you don't have to hire one, just join a discord server and ask for some help).

As for the sfx, chatgpt gave this code for godot: 

var audio_player = = preload("res://your_sound.ogg")
audio_player.bus = "Master"  # Set the correct audio bus if needed
audio_player.connect("finished", audio_player.queue_free)  # Auto cleanup

This should  play the audio and not have it cut off (and remove the node upon completion). You could just create a function for this within the audio manager that takes the bus and audio location as parameters. 

I really enjoyed this. The polish is pretty good (still room for improvement but its better than anything i could do). I like how there is a glow that kinda shines past walls.

I liked how the AI didnt just constantly run towards you, but was a bit conservative and hid behind walls.

I think that the actual art (for the tanks and for walls) could be improved. I am not sure how, to be honest, but in some way they just look a bit plain compared to all of the colours flashing around, and the gray from the tank cannon looks very out of place.

Bugs that I found:

  • The shooting SFX cuts of when I stop holding down LMB (try using something similar to the PlayOneShot in unity. I would imagine that Godot has something similar. (This bit is not a bug, but I don't really like the shooting SFX, it sounds a lot like pewpewpewpew, and doesn't really fit the game. Also, regardless of whatever SFX you choose to use, try adding some pitch variation.)
  • I can click on buttons when hovering over their underglow.

Overall this was really fun to play. I could see this being turned into a cool, super satisfying roguelike (or some other type of game with progression and upgrades and whatnot, I just really like roguelikes). 

This is so cool! 
I made the tax negative and ended up with a pink cubey thing in place of my graph and supposedly 10000 citizens worth $1 while getting paid $1000000 per month to exist. 
It was really fascinating to see what happened as i changed things around.

Amazing job!


This does not apply with the changed date, but previously it said 1/11/25 - 1/12/25. I live in australia, and our date system, as well as many other countries, is 'DD/MM/YY'. You could understand my confusion that you would announce any small event 11 months in advance. I figured it had to be starting in january, but i was still confused as i was unsure if you wanted to give people time to make lots of high quality maps, and to build more hype so more people would play. In the future, I (as well as many others), would appreciate it if you could either say dates with the month (11 Jan 2025) or include the system you are using by saying that it was MM/DD/YY.

Sorry about this rant, but I just wanted to let you know.
Thanks for reading! I hope you consider this in the future.

I enjoyed this, although I was a bit confused as to why i got caught when I did. I also ran into a few bugs. The visuals were good though. Great job!

The animations, sound effects and art were amazing quality. Great job!

The first thing I noticed when I ran the game was that the chords of the music were playing in my left ear, while the melody played in my right ear (I highly recommend you fix this). I was unable to get past the first set of asteroids too. The controls felt nice and it was satisfying to explode the asteroids. It would be interesting to see how this could be improved upon with more developement.

The art in this game is phenomenal. Unfortunately, I was unable to figure out what I was able to do. I managed to get on a few roofs, but couldn't make it into the chimney or get a present to go in (if that is what the aim is).

After looking through the description I did notice that you used a paid asset, which is technically against the rules, so please keep that in mind in the future.

Very soothing music, and I love the concept! I wish there were some sound effects though. I also noticed that it is a bit buggy when transitioning from land to water. Perhaps the player should have to be standing in water for half a second before it transitions to a boat, which is still realistic as the water would be shallow around land. Great game! I really enjoyed this one.

Great concept and pretty difficult. I did find the controls to be a bit sluggish and unresponsive. I think a way to improve this would be allowing movement in mid air, and having more damping on the velocity, as it feels very slidy at the moment. Amazing job overall, especially the art and animations! I really enjoyed this.

Nice idea. I was a bit confused about what to do, so a better tutorial would be nice, as well as some animations, music and sfx. 

(1 edit)

This is an amazing game, although I did find aiming a bit difficult (skill issue perhaps). I think it would help a lot if I could hold down lmb to build up more power. The game is really well polished, and the rope physics are amazing. Definitely one of the best games i have played in the jam!

Thanks for the feedback! I definitely plan on improving the spawning system so it won't interrupt conveyor belts and shouldn't point into other spawns or walls etc. I just didn't have the time to do this during the jam.

Nice game, but I would appreciate a bit more differentiation from Mini Motorways.

Thanks for trying out my game! I did initially plan to make placement easier (click and drag) but after 3 - 4 hours sunk into it before the game loop was even finished, I decided that I would come back if I got the chance since it was taking too long (I'm glad i did that, as I may not have finished the game otherwise). I plan to add this as one of the first new features post game jam.

Thanks for trying out my game!

(1 edit)

Amazing game, especially for such a short timeframe. I found myself hooked for over an hour and still only made it to level 12. The polish, sound effects, graphics and controls were all amazing, as well as the concept. The game also fits the theme really well. The only thing that I noticed that could be improved was the pixel scaling. Currently on some levels there are lots of different pixel sizes, which is definitely something to avoid in pixel art games. Overall, my favourite game so far, great job!


I enjoyed it, but eventually loading took ages and it seemed as though the more upgrades i bought the longer it took.


I do plan to continue development afterwards. Thanks for playing and im glad you enjoyed!


I'm glad you enjoyed it. I do plan on continuing development after the jam to add more levels, conveyors, exporters, manufacturers and other stuff, as well as optimisations (it's very unoptimized rn)

Thanks for trying my game! I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

Thanks for trying out my game, and I appreciate the feedback. I will update it after the voting finishes.

Really good for such a short time frame! I did manage to softlock myself by accidentally walking left of the side of the map immediately after i died as i was still holding down the button. perhaps add a barrier at the edge and a respawn countdown.  Other than that, it is challenging and fun, even though it is a little basic. Perhaps with the remaining time, you could look into some creating basic animations or particle effects, which would both make the game look and feel far better.

that's what i want too. i still come back and play this version occasionally cause its fun.

stop copying scratch games

you just copied scratch ore tycoon and converted it to exe, html etc. using turbowarp.

sounds cool! looking forward to release

same thing is happening to m

I love this game, way more complex than hardware tycoon already. Keep at it and maybe a steam release?

thats interesting, thanks for replying. Maybe ill try to make a with web tech, although i dont know much about svetle and setting up all the buttons and stuff would probably be frustrating with just code

Yea i was wondering if it was a web project because all of the buttons and stuff looked like it that's why i asked. Im interested in making a game like this, how long is the code for the pure logic side of things?

the game was fun to start with but eventually it gets too easy and my games are selling hundreds of billions. You can set prices ridiculously high and it makes tons of money. I am capped at my team size also. Im also interested which engine is this made with?