I really enjoyed this. The polish is pretty good (still room for improvement but its better than anything i could do). I like how there is a glow that kinda shines past walls.
I liked how the AI didnt just constantly run towards you, but was a bit conservative and hid behind walls.
I think that the actual art (for the tanks and for walls) could be improved. I am not sure how, to be honest, but in some way they just look a bit plain compared to all of the colours flashing around, and the gray from the tank cannon looks very out of place.
Bugs that I found:
- The shooting SFX cuts of when I stop holding down LMB (try using something similar to the PlayOneShot in unity. I would imagine that Godot has something similar. (This bit is not a bug, but I don't really like the shooting SFX, it sounds a lot like pewpewpewpew, and doesn't really fit the game. Also, regardless of whatever SFX you choose to use, try adding some pitch variation.)
- I can click on buttons when hovering over their underglow.
Overall this was really fun to play. I could see this being turned into a cool, super satisfying roguelike (or some other type of game with progression and upgrades and whatnot, I just really like roguelikes).