Yes something definately funky is happening with poison for some reason.
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Yeah! I'd love to update it more. If people make enough of a fuss to me that they want to see more I'll do it! As it stands lots of people have played it and think its job well done!
No qualms to updating it sometime though, I gave plenty of thread to extend it and the systems were made with extensions in mind.
The stats for the cards and times you've favoured have not grand-fathered in as those variables didn't exsist. But currently getting those trophies doesnt unlock anything special.
The sidequests should grant their respective trophies on a refight. And that allows you to get the queen wedges.
The secret boss for all nodes may well have to be something you have to redo on a re-run unfortunately.
Its perhaps best to start over, as some people are reporting issues with using old saves. While I did try to grandfather in as much as possible. I need to look into re-fights with Elspeth again to make it all possible as I think that's the only sidequest boss that you can't refight and therefore locks the queen scenes. There's a few other things I need to look into also. Will maybe have an update to some extra things next week. But if you want to do stuff now, yeah new save file is the best thing.
Thanks for the wonderful comment, really encouraging. And yes, it was always a challenge to balance enemies to be tough and strong but also make every enemy somewhat easy because I realized that the main mechanic of the wheel of the game would be fighting against you everytime you roll onto something you didn't expect or didn't want.
Thanks so much for the lovely comment! Please spread the game around to everyone you think might be interested in playing it! And yes! Everyone that was a patreon or just reacted to the discord messege in my server got in the credits. It's so hard to get any sort of attention or recognition on the internet these days, so just simply being interested in my project goes such a long way, so thank you ObesusFoxxo :)
Thanks so much for the cool ideas Roboticendermanx! I did toy around with the concept of larger HP pools. There was originally a collectable icon, like the wedges you find in game right now but for expanding your max health pool. But I didn't want those pickups to feel needed or like the players needed to get to them to win at the game. So they were left out