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A member registered Apr 26, 2024 · View creator page →

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Yes something definately funky is happening with poison for some reason.

honestly not sure how this can happen. The only thing I can think of is that rouletta JUMPS out of the portal when she gets to a new land. 

Did you come in from the portal here? Or out of a building?

When in game could you press F2 and tell me your FPS? If its not at 60 and running faster at 120 you'll run into issues. Also, are you using windows? Or linux?

Thank you so much Antlermanor :)

Yeah! I'd love to update it more. If people make enough of a fuss to me that they want to see more I'll do it! As it stands lots of people have played it and think its job well done! 

No qualms to updating it sometime though, I gave plenty of thread to extend it and the systems were made with extensions in mind.

Oh also debuff wedges.

It's beatable and has been beaten by other people. I think people like to use high shield style wedges to beat it.

I'll add it once they all release around 31st October !

Is your computer good or bad? In either case make sure you've locked the game to 60FPS with your graphics card

Thanks for the confirmation Kpdiddy

Beating all level nodes unlocks the secret boss, I believe this requires a game replay however. I couldn't find a way to grandfather this in.

The stats for the cards and times you've favoured have not grand-fathered in as those variables didn't exsist. But currently getting those trophies doesnt unlock anything special.

The sidequests should grant their respective trophies on a refight. And that allows you to get the queen wedges.

The secret boss for all nodes may well have to be something you have to redo on a re-run unfortunately.

Its perhaps best to start over, as some people are reporting issues with using old saves. While I did try to grandfather in as much as possible. I need to look into re-fights with Elspeth again to make it all possible as I think that's the only sidequest boss that you can't refight and therefore locks the queen scenes. There's a few other things I need to look into also. Will maybe have an update to some extra things next week. But if you want to do stuff now, yeah new save file is the best thing.

Thats okay! thanks for being interested!

I had to update the game as there was a major bug that made all vore scenes link to the new vore scene. Link should be up now.

Its not up yet

Thanks for the wonderful comment, really encouraging. And yes, it was always a challenge to balance enemies to be tough and strong but also make every enemy somewhat easy because I realized that the main mechanic of the wheel of the game would be fighting against you everytime you roll onto something you didn't expect or didn't want.

Thanks for the reports! And thanks for the lovely  comment! 

The silver sword enemies drop code pieces, after beating 3 of them you should have a completed code paper that'll show up to help you do the puzzle! I hope this helps pie 34 :)

RPG Maker MV! I'm willing to teach anyone willing to listen to use it and the plugins I use to make it 3D and such!

Thanks so much for the lovely comment! Please spread the game around to everyone you think might be interested in playing it! And yes! Everyone that was a patreon or just reacted to the discord messege in my server got in the credits. It's so hard to get any sort of attention or recognition on the internet these days, so just simply being interested in my project goes such a long way, so thank you ObesusFoxxo :)

Thanks for the report, if you could tell me a few more specifics that'd be nice! Do you mean the purple dragon or Badrem? What happens when it softlocks? A crash, do you get an error messege?

Thanks so much for playing and the encouraging comment Ghostie :)

Thanks so much for the cool ideas Roboticendermanx! I did toy around with the concept of larger HP pools. There was originally a collectable icon, like the wedges you find in game right now but for expanding your max health pool. But I didn't want those pickups to feel needed or like the players needed to get to them to win at the game. So they were left out

Aww I'm sorry Furtis!

Thank you!

I thought about this, how customized would you want this system to be though? Would you want the changes on overworld only? Otherwise it'd mean making an extra version of every battle sprite rouletta has! That's over 100 pictures to redraw XD

Me and my friend can't work out how it would of wiped all 18 of your save files. We were theorizing last night how it could have happened. A lot of strange things would have had to have happened all at once

Christ! It deleted all 18? Did you unzip the game first? Im not sure how that could happen!

This is aware, I did try to fix this bug but people are still having issues. In the next patch I might just have to go ahead and delete the fade out and in transition.

Yeah! I have a discord server you can find through the socials link in the game :)

Hmm. It would be a lot of extra art for such a thing. There's about 42 different scenes in game which means a shrinking belly scene for all of them! I'll keep it pegged as something people want though :)

Aww thank you so much RagsTheRat! I did try and keep it mostly light on story and philosophy but with some depth there! I'm so glad you took the time to play it, I really treasure everyone that spends the time to play my stuff! Spent ages trying to make the battle system feel good!

This is known, theres a variable that doesn't get reset for some reason and will be in the next patch

No current end-game stuff in the game. There was a wedge planned to eat the enemy but if I added it into the game I wanted it to be polished anad have multiple graphics

Thanks !

The game is roughly 10-14 hours long with side content. I'm not sure how much that's a fair assumption.

Thanks for the report, not sure why that was happening

Glad it fixed itself! Someone else reported this but I've been struggling to replicate it

Noted thanks!