I’ve added some under the “Review copies” heading. All I ask is that you talk about your opinion of the game somewhere online once you’ve had a chance to read it over and give it a try.
Symbolic City
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Exactly. Though… that, too, is optional, really. Like, maybe you’d rather end a particular traveler’s story in a way that you find narratively satisfying, but that would preclude achieving sainthood. I like that tension between playing to win and playing to satisfy.
Anyway, I can’t let a known mistake just sit there overnight, so I’ve gone ahead and fixed the leftover “Legacy.” Redownload if you want the corrected doc. Thanks again for the note!
Ah, yeah. “Legacy” was old terminology. I’ll get that changed when I have a free moment tomorrow. Thanks for catching it.
Shuffling the Testament isn’t strictly necessary. There’s a memory game element to Day 6, and shuffling can make it a little trickier by disrupting the sequence, but it’s not required.
This may be more than you were asking for, but I’ve uploaded a reformatted, print-at-home version. Please check out this devlog entry before doing anything rash, though.