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Mikel Salazar

A member registered May 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks. I spent way too much time trying to recreate the DualShock 4 procedurally (you can see defects of the different operations).  One of my initial ideas was to have multiple puzzles on screen associated to different controllers, so that you had think when to "spend" each button. Like a collectible card game but with a limited set of buttons/actions.

The idea is very interesting, but having to use the number keys to cast spells had me looking away from the screen. Using another control scheme (and explaining it to the user) can greatly improve the gameplay.

(1 edit)

The idea is interesting but I do not think it fits really well with the theme.  After playing for a few in-game days, I realized that the "Abstract art" option is too efficient not to use it. Also, I had to quit the game with Alt-F4 because I was unable to load a game menu.

Yeah... sorry if the result is a bit underwhelming. I focused too much on making the tech (procedural geometry, single HTML file delivery, etc) and the gameplay is too basic  :-/

The original idea was to have a puzzle minigame on the in-game screen that the player had to complete in a limited time (or the controller would explode). Since buttons/inputs are a limited resource in this context, the player would have had to think what buttons he/she has still available in each turn and then rotate the controller around to execute the plan, under pressure.

This is my first time participating in this event and while I could not finish what I wanted to achieve, I hope you like my take on the "Out of Control" theme.